Порядок заказа виниловых грампластинок с Discogs в 2024 году через надежного посредника
Свою историю покупки виниловых пластинок я расскажу ниже в этой теме, в комментариях вы увидите какие пластики привозили людям и почитаете их отзывы, а сейчас рекомендую посредника Максима, с которым уже имел дело он до сих пор привозит мне пластинки. В комментария выкладываю фото своих пластинок привезенных мне из ВеликобританииЕдинственное изменение, которое решить не получается, это время доставки. Так как для доставки из ЕС нужно использовать страну посредник, это сказывается на времени доставки заказов.
Время доставки остаётся 2-3 месяца.
Всё просто:
Выбираете себе пластинку на Дискогсе, пересылаете ССЫЛКУ этой пластинки С ДИСКОГСА посреднику Максиму, далее оплачиваете ему сумму и ждете винил у себя на почте
Приветствую всех меломанов, меня зовут Максим
С сегодняшнего дня я буду помогать вам с покупками за рубежом в Европе и Англии.
Основные платформы для покупок с которыми я работаю, это Ebay и Discogs. По запросу могу узнать и про другие.
Все заказы собираются в Англии
Как происходит доставка:
1. Я оплачиваю вашу покупку.
2. Продавец отправляет посылку моему человеку в Англии.
3. Посылка собирается из разных заказов. В среднем на сбор посылке уходит 2-4 недели. (Есть вариант доставки без объединения. Обсуждается индивидуально)
4. После сбора посылка отправляется в Москву. В среднем посылка идет 2-4 недели.
5. Я получаю посылку и дальше либо передаю вам лично, либо отправляю через почту России.
Дальше пойдет вопрос, который наверняка волнует вас больше всего. Это стоимость.
1. Цена самой пластинки + доставка до моего посредника. Это можно посмотреть самому, достаточно указать на дискогсе, что вы покупаете в Англию пластинку. На ебее можно указать Лондон с любым реальным индексом. Так же надо учесть, что посылки из европы в Англию могут облагаться налогом (до 20% от стоимости товара)
2. Оплата труда моего посредника в Англии и отправка в Россию. Цена зависит от количества пластинок и как вы их покупали (от одного продавца или разных)
3. Мой процент за работу. Я беру за свои услуги от 2% и до 10% от стоимости заказа. Зависит от суммы заказа
4. Почта по России кому нужна. Рассчитать можно спокойно в приложении почты России.
Теперь приведу пример рассчета на 1 пластинку.
1. Если вы выбрали себе 1 пластинку за 30 фунтов, то заплатите 5 фунтов за доставку по Англии.
2. Сортировка, упаковка и сбор заказа с дальнейшей отправкой обойдется вам в 10 фунтов.
3. Я возьму 3 фунта за оплату товара, координацию процесса и прием заказа в Москве с дальнейшей передачей вам.
4. Вам необходимо отправить пластинку в Челябинск. Для 1 пластинки доставка обойдется в 475 руб.
Итого за доставку одной пластинки вы заплатите 18 фунтов и 475 рублей.
Нужно учитывать, что курс фунта ЦБ от реального может отличаться больше чем на 10% в связи с логистическими трудностяии перевода средств.
Порядок заказа виниловых грампластинок с Discogs в 2024 году через посредника
Оптовая покупка виниловых пластинок в 2023 году по договорённости с посредником Максимом
Ваши обязательства:
- Полная предоплата с вашей стороны (не переживайте, вас не кинут)
- Возврата винила на "родину" уже точно не будет, поэтому выбирайте 100%-го продавца на Дискогс
- Все ваши риски, это недобросовестный продавец на Discogs. Посредник ответственности не несет.
Есть Email и WhatsApp
Моя история покупки на Discogs в 2023 году
Сейчас обо всём расскажу подробно, имейте терпение - читайте!
Купить виниловые пластинки на известнейшем сайте Discogs возможно даже сейчас, во время санкций и изолирования России от внешних ресурсов, таких как PayPal и банковские карты с Российской "пропиской".
Большинство "забугорных" продавцов работали с Пайпал и лишь немногие заморачивались с банковскими картами. А наши продавцы, кои закупались оптом, в том числе и на Дискогсе, теперь уже не смогут ввозить в Россию оптовые партии из Европы, США и КАНАДЫ. Цена за доставку стала неподъемной и все пути доставки перекрыты нашими "партнёрами-буржуями"
Грампластинки на "Мешке" стали превращаться в золотые слитки с тех пор, как у покупателей из России отняли возможность делать покупки винила за рубежом. Российские продавцы понимают, что нашим покупать пластинки больше негде, окромя РФ, да и самим пополнять склады винила неоткуда.
А цены начали расти во всем мире с увеличением моды на аналоговый звук и ростом продаж виниловых вертушек. Увеличились кратно продажи нового винила, винила старого и "первопрессного". Возраст, знаете ли, увеличивает стоимость не только раритетных автомобилей, но и обычных "залежалых" виниловых дисков.
Помимо Дискогса, ещё были: ebay и японские площадки продажи винила. Российские банковские карты теперь там не в почёте!
Кстати, российские продавцы винила и на Дискогсе продавали дорого, я это для себя ещё тогда отметил, но и рейтинги 100% были почти у всех русских продавцов. За державу не обидно!
Теперь эти ребята-продавцы сидят на Мешке и держат марку. Я с кем-то переписываюсь сейчас и покупал до недавнего времени, пока......(барабанная дробь!!!!)
Пока не нашел хорошего человека, увлеченного винилом и имеющего доступ к Дискогсу! Как я его нашёл, дело десятое. Хорошенько клюнула меня нехватка винила в мягкое место.
Ужель, подумал я, не куплю себе ту пластинку, которую мне хочется, за отсутствием её в России?
Если пробовать заказывать у наших "мешковцев", то они половину стоимости точно приклеят. Оставалось найти человека, готового купить для меня винил на Дискогс в нашем бурном 2023 году. Естественно не "за бесплатно", но за умеренный бонус.
И я такого человека нашел! Мы поговорили и я рассказал ему о том, что этой виниловой пластинки не то что в России не осталось, но даже на Дискогсе всего 2 штуки! И очень далеко от РФ! Виниловая пластинка (название не говорю), которую я хотел приобрести находилась в Канаде и прочитав условия продавца по доставке пластинок в другие страны, я понял, что доставка оттуда о-о-о-очень дорогая!
А обычные продавцы из Европы отправляют виниловые пластинки по прежним ценам. От 6 евро и выше. Я просмотрел, средняя цена отправки 15-25 евро.
Я всё это взвесил у себя в голове и заказал. О чем и не жалею. Далее, заказал ещё новый винильчик в подарок для дочери.
И опять для себя парочку пластинок подыскал (сейчас их Александр уже покупает, на момент написания этой статьи). И копаюсь в пластмассе на Дискогсе со спокойной душой, ведь есть теперь человек, который поможет доставить мне винил из Европы, из США и Канады, да и из других стран. По каждой стране, надо будет узнавать отдельно
В 2024 году Александр, к сожалению, не сможет доставлять пластинки.
Вместо него очень ответственный посредник МАКСИМ
Заказ винила в 2024 году
Я теперь заказываю через Максима. Винил из Британии не проблема!
По цене примерно все так же. Все узнавайте у Максима.
Представьтесь и напишите откуда бы вы хотели заказать пластинку, какую пластинку и куда надо доставить.
Это сэкономит время на лишние расспросы.
На ваши вопросы здесь на форуме будет отвечать Максим
Worker List LP’s from UK item
Armada Orchestra Philly Armada 1976 Contempo CLP 536 ex+
Badfinger Magic Christian Music 1970 Apple Sapcor 12 vg+
Budgie Power Supply 1980 Active LP1 vg w/o insert 1
Budgie Deliver Us From Evil 1982 RCA LP 6054 vg+ problem place
Budgie Bandolier 1975 MCA MCF 2723 black rainbow
Budgie In For The Kill 1974 MCA MCF 2723 black rainbow
Budgie If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules 1976 A & M AMLH 68377
Blodwyn Pig Ahead Rings Out 1969 Island ILPS 9101 pink “i” vg+
Bloomfield,Kooper,StillsSuper Session 1968 CBS 63396 vg+
Boys Of The Lough Piper Broken Finger 1976 Transatlantic TRA 333 vg+/ex (celtic) -----
Blue MinkA Time Of Change 1972 Regal Zonophone SRZA 8507 g.c. -----------
Belle Epoque Miss Broadway 1977 Harvest SHSP 4074
Corner Amen Farewell To The Real Magnificient Seven 1969 Immediate pink IMSP 028 g.c. vg+
Clover Same 1969 Liberty LBS 83340 ex
Clover Unavailable 1977 Vertigo blue spaceship 6360 145 ex-------
CCR Willy And The Poor Boy 1969 Liberty 3 color LBS 83338 1
CCR Cosmo’s Factory 1970Liberty 3 color LBS 83388
CCRBayou Country 1969 Liberty blue LBS 83261
Caravan For Girls Who Grow Plump In The Night 1973 Deram SDL-R 12 g.c.
Cream Wheels Of Fire 1968 Polydor 582033 mono (single only studio album) very rare!!!!
Dead Kennedys Plastic Surgery Disasters 1982 Static STAT LP11
Deep Purple Fireball 1971 Harvest SHVL 793 1 press
Deep PurpleStormbringer 1974 Purple TPSA 3508
Deep Purple Who Do We Think We Are 1973 Purple TPSA 7508. g.c.
DoorsL.A.Woman 1971 Elektra K 42090 round cover w/o window^ !!!
ELP Same 1970 Island pink rim ILPS 9132
ELP Pictures At The Exhibition 1972 Island Help 1 g.c. !!!
ELPTarcus1970 Island pink rim ILPS 9155 g.c. outside
England AmazingBlondel 1972 Island pink rim ILPS 9205 g.c. !!!
Edgar Broughton Band Bandages 1976 Nems NEL 6006 inner
ELO On The Third Day 1973 WB Burbank K 56021 original cover
Fairport Convention Nine 1973 Island pink rim ILPS 9246 g.c.vg+ 2
Fairport Convention The Bonny Bunch Of Roses 1977 Vertigo blue spaceship 9102 015 g.c. ex
Fairport Convention History Of F.C. 1972 Island pink rim ISD2-4 2 LP g.c.book ex
Fairport Convention Tipplers Tales 1978 Vertigo green-blue UFO 9102 022 insert vg
Faces Long Player 1971 WB WS 3011 orig.cov. ex
Free Live! 1971 Island ILPS 9160 pink rim orig.cov. vg
Free Heartbreaker 1972 Island ILPS 9217 pink rim
Fleetwood Mac The Pious Bird Of Good Omen 1969 Blue Horizon
Family Entertainment 1969 Reprise 3 color RSLP 6340
Geordie Don’t Be Fooled By The Name 1974 EMI EMA 764 g.c. 1
Geordie Hope You Like It 1973 EMI EMC 3001 vg+/vg 2
Glitter Band Listen To The Band 1975 Bell 259 insert vg+/ex --------
Gentle Giant Giant Steps…The First Five Years 1975Vertigo blue-green UFO 6641334 2 LP g.c.^
Gentle Giant The Power And The Glory 1974 WWA 010 insert^
Gentle Giant Pretentious 1977 Vertigo blue-green UFO 6641629 2 LP g.c.
Guess Who Power In The Music1975 RCA orange RS 1017
GreensladeBedside Manners Are Extra 1973. WB Burbank K 46259 g.c.
Harrison GeorgeWonderwall Music 1968 Apple Sapcor 1 matrix (STAP 1A-1 cross out) SAPCOR 1A -1 (STAP 13-2 cross out) SAPCOR 1B -2 UK ex -----------
George HarrisonAll Things Must Pass 1970 Apple STCH 639 3 LP box 3 inners w/o posteroutside
Hawkwind Road Hawks 1976 UA K29910 g.c. w/o poster &stiker vg+ 1
HawkwindSame 1970 Liberty LBS 83348 black g.c. 2 press
Hendrix Jimi Cry Of Love 1971 Track 2408 101 g.c.1
Hendrix Jimi Axis: Bold As Love 1967 Track 2407011 green cover Backtrack II
Hendrix Jimi Axis: Bold As Love 1967 Track 613003 g.c.
Hendrix Jimi Band OfGypsys (1970) 2008 Track Puppet cover
Hendrix Jimi Band Of Gypsys 1970 Track 2406002 g.c.
Hollies Sing Hollies 1970 Parlophone black-yellow PCS 7092 g.c.vg+ 1
Hollies Same (export compilation) 1967 Regal SREG 2024 vg+
Hopkins Mary Ocean Song 1971 Apple Sapcor21 g.c. ex/vg+ !!!
Heads Hands &Feet Tracks 1972 Island ILPS 9185 g.c. ex-
Here & Now Give & Take 1978 Charly Now 1 inner
It’s A Beautiful DaySame 1969 CBS 63722 g.c. ex-
If 2 1971 Island ILPS 9137 pink rim ex-
Iron ButterflyIn –A-Gadda-Da-Vida 1968 Atlantic red-plum 588116
John Elton Empty Sky 1969 DJM DJLPS 403 red vinyl g.c.
John Elton Don’t Shoot Me…1972 DJM DJLPH 427 g.c. book red vinyl 1
Jefferson AirplaneEarly Flight 1974 Grunt APL 1-0437 g.c. nm-
JethroTull Living In The Past 1972 Chrysalis CJT 1 1 press g.c. book !!!
JethroTullAqualang 1971 Chrysalis ILPS 9145 insert g.c. 1
JethroTull A Passion Play 1973 Chrysalis CHR 1040 1 press g.c. book 2
JethroTull Benefit 1970 Chrysalis ILPS 9123 1 press
Jones PaulCrucifix In A Norseshoe 1971 Vertigo 6360059 spiral g.c. ex !!!
King Crimson USA1975Island pink rim ILPS 9316
King Crimson In The Wake Of Poseidon 1970 Island ILPS 9127 pink “ I “g.c vg/vg
Korner Alexis & Peter Thorup&Snape Accidentally Born In New Orlean 1973 Transatlantic TRA 269 g.c.
LoveReel To Reel 1974 RSO 2394145 ex/vg+
Lieutenant Pigeon Mouldy Old Music 1973 Decca SKL5154 ex
Lindisfarne Nicely Out Of Tune 1970 Charisma CAS 1025 scroll
LindisfarneFog On The Tyne 1971Charisma pink scroll CAS 1050 g.c.
Laine Denny Holly Days 1977 EMI MPL EMA 781 inner
Lennon John Imagine 1971 Apple PAS 10004 poster,postcard
LynyrdSkynyrdOne More From The Road 1976 MCA blue 2 LP g.c. -----
Moody Blues On The Threshold Of A Dream 1969 Deram SML 1035 g.c. booklet vg+ 3
Moody BlueIn Search Of The Lost Chord 1968 Deram SML 711 g.c
Magna Carta Songs From Wasties Orchard 1971 Vertigo spiral 6360040 orig.spiral inner orig.cover ex- !!!
Magna CartaIn Concert 1972Vertigo spiral 6360068 g,c. 1 !!!
Mott The Hoople Mott 1973 CBS 69038 origin cover1 !!!
Man Slow Motion 1974 UA UAG 29675
Man Back Into The Future1973 UA UAD 60053 2 LP g.c.^
Man Rhinos,Vinos + Lunatics 1974 UA UAG 29631 g.c.1
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Nightingales& Bombers 1975 Bronze ILPS 9337^ 1
Manfred Mann Earth Band Roaring Silence 1978 Bronze
ILPS 9357
MccartneyPaul Ram 1971 Apple PAS 10003 g.c.1
McCartney PaulBand On The Run 1973 Apple PAS 10007 inner poster
Metallica And Justice For All 1988 Vertigo VERH 61 2 LP two inners
Marley Bob Live 1975 Island ILPS 9376 poster
Nazareth Loud’n’Proud 1974 Mooncrest CREST 4 g.c.1
Nice AmoeniRedivivi 1976 Immediate IML1003 g.c. ex
Nice Elegy 1971 Charisma pink scroll CAS 1030 g.c.
Nice Autumn 67 – Spring 68 1972 Charisma scroll CS1
Nitty Gritty Dirt BandSymphonion Dream 1975 UA G 29850 origin cover inner ex
Nektar Down To Earth 1974 UA G 29680 g.c. nm/vg+
Parker Graham & The RumourParkerilla (live) 1978 Vertigo UFO blue –green 9199 573 g.c. 2 LP nm
Pacific Gas &Electric Are You Ready 1970 CBS 64026 nm/ex
Paice, Ashton, Lord Malice In Wonderland 1977 Polydor 2391269 inner nm
Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here 1975 PF Harvest SHVL 814 inner 1
Pink Floyd Meddle 1971 Harvest SHVL 795 g.c.
Pink Floyd Nice Pair 1974 Harvest SHDW 403 Phang Version 2 LP inners g.c. !!!
Pretty Things Savage Eye 1975 Swan Song SSK 59401g.c. inner ex/vg
Pentangle Basket Of Light 1969 Transatlantic TRA 205g.c.ex- 1
Pentangle History Book 1971 Transatlantic TRA SAM 23 ex- 1
Pentangle Cruel Sister 1970 Transatlantic TRA 228 g.c. ex-
UK S-T Q-S item
Queen A Day At The Races 1976 EMI EMTC 104 g.c. inner 1
Queen Jazz 1978 EMI EMA 788 g.c. inner poster 1 outside
Queen Sheer heart Attack 1974EMI EMC 3061 inner
QuatroSuziYour Mamma Won't LikeMe1974 RAK SRAK 509
Cliff Richard Same 1965 Columbia SX 1709 mono ex
Renaissance Novella 1977 WB Burbank K 56422 g.c. 1
Ramones End Of The Century 1980 Sire SRK 6077 inner
Rolling Stones Aftermath 1966Decca blue unboxed SKL 4786
Rolling Stones Black And Blue 1976 RS rec.COC59106 g.c. inner
Rolling Stones Milestones 1971 Decca SKL 5098
Roxy Music Same 1972 Island pink rim ILPS 92000 g.c.
Rainbow Down To Earth 1979 Polydor POLD 5023 inner after W-UK
Sweet Funny How Sweet Co-Co Can Be 1971 RCA SF 8238 ex/vg+
Sweet Fanny Adams 1974 RCA LPL1 5038 ex 1
Steppenwolf At Your Birthday Party 1969 Dunhill Stateside SSL 5011 vg+
Soft Machine Triple Echo 1977 Harvest SHTW 800 box 3 LP book vg/ex outside
Spooky Tooth Spooky Two 1969 Island ILPS 9098 pink eye first press g.c. vg
Stranglers Black &White 1978 UA K30222+ white single
( w/o sleeve) inner nm/ex/nm
StackridgeSame 1971 MCA MDKS 8002 orange-crimson g.c. 1 press
Shadows Out Of The Shadows 1962 Columbia SCX 3449 ex/vg+
Sagram Pop Explosion Sitar Style 1972 Wind Mill WMD 118 ex
Slade Slayed? 1972 Polydor 2383-163 1
Slade Nobody’s Fools 1976 Polydor Super 2383 377inner
Slade Old New Borrowed And Blue 1974 Polydor2383261 g.c. 1
Status Quo Dog Two Head 1971 Pye blue NSPL 18371 g.c.
Spirit Feedback 1972 Epic yellow EPC 64507 g.c.
Sandy Coast Stone Wall 1973 Polydor 2310277 1 press
Seeger Pete Folk Song ByP.Seeger 1964 Capitol W 2172 mono 1 press ----------
Sparks Propaganda 1974 IslandILPS 9312pink rim inner 1
Steve MillerBand Sailor 1968 EMI - Capitol lime ST 2984 ex+
Traffic Last Exit 1969 Island ILPS 9097 pink eyeg.c. vg+
Traffic John Barleycorn Must Die 1970 Island ILPS 9116 pink” i ”g.c. ex
Traffic When The Eagle Flies 1974 Island inner^
Ten Years After Watt 1970 Deram SML 1078 g.c. 1 press
Ten Years After Watt 1970 Deram SML 1078 g.c. 2 press
Ten Years AfterCricklewood Green 1970 Deram SML 1065 g.c .1
Ten Years After Undead 1968 Deram SML 1023 ^
T.Rex Tanks 1973 EMI BLN 520 inner ex !!!
Uriah Heep Magicians Birthday 1972 Bronze ILPS 9213 g.c.
Uriah Heep Raging Silence 1989 Legacy LLP 120
Uriah HeepVery’EavyVery’Umble 1970 Bronze ILPS 9142 g.c.
Vinegar JoeRock’n Roll Gypsies 1972 Island ILPS 9214 pink rim g.c. vg+
Vinegar Joe Six Star General 1973 Island ILPS 9262 pink rim g.c. nm/ex
Velvet Underground Loaded 1971 Atlantic red-plum 2400111 vg+ !!!
Velvet Underground White Light/White Heat 1967 MGM 2353024 reissue 1980 different cover
Velvet Underground Andy Warhol’s &Nico (compilation) 1971 MGM 2354010 (2683006) 2 LP g.c. Lip’s cover
Van Der GraafGenerationGodbluff 1975 Charisma CAS 1109 inner vg-/vg
Wizzard Introducing Eddy And The Falcons 1974 WB K 56029 g.c. poster vg+/nm
WizzardWizzardBrew 1973 Harvest SHSP 4025 nm-
Wishbone Ash Same 1970 MCA MKPS 2014 g.c. vg/vg-
1 press
Wishbone Ash Four 1973 MCA black MDKS 8011 g.c. poster MAPS 6673
Who Who’s Next 1971 Track 2408102 vg/nm !!!
Yes Fragile 1971 Atlantic red-plum 2401019 book g.c. 4
YesYesAlbum 1971 Atlantic red-plum 2400101 g.c.
Zappa Frank Lumpy Gravy (1968) 1972 Verve 2317046 g.c.
Alan Price O, Lucky Man !( soundtrack) 1973 WB Burbank K 46227
MadeinUKmiddle top
Anderson Jon Animation 1982 Polydor inner
Alan Parsons Project I Robot 1977 Arista .g.c.
Budgie In For The Kill 1974 MCA MCF 2723 black rainbow
Buchanan Roy A Street Called Straight 1976Polydor 1
Byron David Take No Prisoners 1975 Bronze ILPS 9342 inner
Bad Company Burning Sky 1976 Island g.c inner
Budgie Deliver Us From Evil 1982 RCA LP 6054
Budgie Power Supply 1980 Active LP1
Bread The Sound Of Bread 1977 Elektra
Babe Ruth Same 1975 Harvest SHSP 4038
Chric De Burg Best Moves 1979 A & M inner
Colosseum Valentine Suite 1969 Bronze g.c.
CCR Bayou Country 1969 Liberty blue
Deep Purple Concerto For Group And Orchestra 1970 Harvest ( EMI logo ) g.c.
ELP Brain Salad Surgery 1973 Manticore K 53501 origin cover, POSTER !!!
ELO Same 1971 Harvest g.c.
ELOThe Light Shines On 1977 Harvest 1
Family A Song For Me (1970) 1988 See For Miles rec. SEE 240
GenesisIn The Beginning 1969 Decca SKL 4990
Gloria Gaynor The Power Of…1986 StylusSMR 618 (includes 12” Gr.HitsMedley )LP+Maxi Single g.c.
Harrison George Extra Texture 1975 Apple inner
Idle Cure Tough Love 1989 Frontline RO 9026
Justin Hayward & John Lodge Blue Jays 1975 Threshold g.c.
J.Geils Band Monkey Island 1977 Atlantic g.c. inner
Marley Bob Soul Captives 1983 Breakaway rec.
Moody Blues Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1971 Threshold g.c.
Moody Blues Days Of Future Passed 1967 DeramDSS SML 707
Mott The Hoople Mott 1973 CBS 69038 origin cover +inner, sticker ( w/o plastic window )
MudMud Rock vol.II 1975 Rak
Phillips Anthony The Geese & The Ghose 1977 Hit & Run inner
ProcolHarum Exotic Birds And Fruit 1974 Chrysalis
ProcolHarum Grand Hotel 1973 Chrysalis green g.c. book
ProcolHarum Broken Barricades 1971 Chrysalis green origin g.c.
Pink Floyd Animals 1977 Harvest SHVL 815 inner 1 press
Progress Busy Making Progress 1978 Sudarshan Disc
Queen A Day At The Races 1976 EMI EMTC 104 g.c.
Queen The Works 1984 EMI inner
Sparks Introducing…1977 CBS inner
Summer Donna Once Upon A Time 1977 Casablanca 2 LP 2 inserts g.c.
Schulze Klaus Mirage 1977 Island g.c.
Sutherland Brothers And Quiver Dream Kid1973 Island ILPS 9259 inner --------
Soft Machine Third 1970 CBS 66246 2 LP g.c.
Tangerine DreamRubycon 1975 Virgin g.c.
Toad The Wet Sprocket Bread And Circus 1989 CBS 4658501inner
Uriah Heep Live 1973 Bronze 2 LP g.c.2 inners
Uriah Heep Look At Yourself 1971 Bronze ILPS 9169
UK Night After Night 1979 Polydor
Wishbone Ash Front Page News 1977 MCA MCG 3524 g.c.
Wishbone Ash New England 1976 MCA
Wakeman RickThe Gospel 1987 Stylus g.c. 2 LP
Various Artists Nice Enouch To Eat 1969 Island pink “I”
( Mott The Hoople,SpookyTooth,JethroTull,Heavy Jelly,
Blodwin Pig, Trafic, King Crimson ets.). see link –
http://www.discogs.com/Various-Nice-Eno ... ase/448049
Various – New Jack Swing Mastercuts Volume 4
https://www.discogs.com/release/531480- ... s-Volume-4
UK LP’sbottom right
AC/DCLet There Be Rock 1977 Atlantic
Bee Gees Rare Precious &Beaitiful vol.2 1966 Polydor1
Bee Gees Rare Precious &Beaitiful 1966Polydor
Bee Gees The Bee Gees Bonanza - The Early Days 1980 Pickwick 2 LP g.c.
Budgie If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules 1976 A&M
AMLH 68377
Byron David Take No Prisoners 1975 Bronze ILPS 9342 inner
Barclay James HarvestOctoberon 1976 Polydor inner
Bread Manna 1971 Electra
CCR Same 1968 Liberty 3 color LBS 83259
CCR Pendulum 1970 Liberty 3 color LBG 83400
Camel I Can See Your House From Here 1979 Decca inner
Camel Rain Dances 1977 Decca inner
Chapman Michael Savage Amusement 1976 Decca insert
ELO Time 1981 Jet inner
ELOThe Light Shines On 1977 Harvest
ELPTarcus 1971 Island ILPS 9155 g.c
Eric Burdon And War The Black-Man’s Burdon 1970 Liberty 3 color LDS 84003/4
Fairport ConventionGottleO’Geer 1976 Island
Graeme Edge Band + Adrian GurvitzParadise Ballroom 1977 Decca TXS 121g.c.
Gryphon Same 1973 Transatlantic TRA 262 g.c.
Genesis Selling England By The Pound 1973Charisma insert
Gentle Giant The Power And The Glory 1974 WWA 010 insert^
Gentle Giant Three Friends 1972 Vertigo blue-green UFO 6360070 g.c.
Hayes Isaak Don’t Let Go 1979 Polydor
Iron ButterflyIn–A-Gadda-Da-Vida 1968 Atlantic K40022
JethroTull This Was 1968 Island ILPS 9085 Pink “I” g.c. 1
Justin Hayward & John Lodge Blue Jays 1975 Threshold THS 12 g.c.
Jarre Jean MichaelThe Essential 1983 Polydor promostamp
John Elton Empty Sky 1969 DJM DJLPS 403 red vinyl g.c.
MahavishnuOrchestra Apocalypse 1974 CBS S 69076
MahavishnuOrchestra The Inner Mounting Flame 1972 CBS S 64717
Mahavishnu Orchestra Between Nothingness & Eternity1973 CBS S 69046
McLaughlin John Extrapolation (1969) 1970 Polydor2343 012
Mayall John Bottom Line 1979 DJM
Manfred Mann Earth Band Solar Fire 1973 Bronze ILPS 9265 g.c. inner
Moody Blues Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1971 Threshold g.c.
Moody Blues On The Threshold Of A Dream 1969 Deram SML 1035 g.c.
Mud It’s Better Than Working! 1976 Private Stock PVLP 1011 insert
Mungo Jerry Electronically Tested 1971 Dawn blue DNLS 3020 g.c.
Nice AmoeniRedivivi 1976 Immediate IML1003 g.c. ex
Pop Iggy & James Williamson Kill City 1978 Radar rec.
Palmer RobertSneaken Sally Through The Alley 1974 Island
QuatroSuziAggrophobia 1976 RAK SRAK 525
Ratchell II 1973 MCA MUPS 474 vg/ex-
Street Walkers Vicious But Fair 1977 Vertigo blue-green UFO 9102013 inner cover die-cut
Street Walkers Downtown Flyer 1975 Vertigo blue-green UFO De Lux 6360123 g.c.
Sparks A Woofer In Tweeter’s Clothing 1972 Bearsville
Sparks Introducing 1977 CBS inner
Sweet Fanny Adams 1974 RCA LPL1 5038 ex
Sweet Off The Record 1977 RCA Ig.c. inner
Savoy Brown Looking In 1970 Decca SKL 5066
Spooky Tooth It's All About 1969 Island ILPS 9080 pink eye first press g.c. g
Spooky Tooth The Last Puff 1970 Island pink rim
Slade Slayed? 1972 Polydor
Stewart Rod Unplugged& Seated 1993 WB
10CC Bloody Tourists 1978 Mercury g.c. inner 1
Ten Years After A Space In Time 1971 Chrysalis green CHR1001 1 press
Ten Years After Watt 1970 Deram SML 1078 g.c. 2 press
Traffic Last Exit 1969 Island ILPS 9097 pink rim g.c.
Tempest Same 1973 Bronze ILPS 9220 origin cover inner !!!
Uriah Heep Return To Fantasy 1975 Bronze ILPS inner g.c
Whitesnake Trouble 1978 EMI – Sunburst INS 3022 inner
WakemanRick No Earthly Connection 1976 A&M inner folga
Van Der Graaf The Quiet Zone 1977 Charisma CAS 1131 insert
YesYesAlbum 1971 Atlantic red-plum 2400101 g.c.
Yes Fragile 1971 Atlantic red-plum 2401019 book g.c 2
Various: EvitaSelections From The Opera Based On The Life Story Of Eva Peron 1919-1952 1977 Polydor
Various:Unknown Artist – England's Top Twelve 70/5 1970 Avenue
https://www.discogs.com/release/1785534 ... Twelve-705
LP made in UK
Ambrosia Life Beyond L.A. 1978 WB -----------
Alan Parsons Project Pyramid 1978 Arista g.c.^
Animals House Of The Rising Sun (compilation) 1971 MFP
Argent Rod Moving Home 1978 MCA black rainbow
Al Di Meola Elegant Gypsy 1977 CBS
Al Di Meola Casino 1978 CBS
Bee Gees Rare Precious &Beaitiful 1966 Polydor
Bowie David Peter And Wolf 1978 RCA insert
Bowie DavidImages 1966-67 1973 Deram 2 LP g.c.
Bowie DavidWorld Of D.Bowie(1967-70) 1970 Decca box
Bowie David Aladdin Sane 1973RCA inner g.c.
Bowie David Station To Station 1976 RCA orange insert^ 2
Bowie David Space Oddity 1969 RCA orange
Bay City Rollers Once Upon A Star 1975 Bell 5 inserts 1
Bad Company Burning Sky 1976 Island g.c inner
BTO Not Fragile 1974 Mercury g.c. 1
Boney M Love For Sale 1977 Atlantic
Boney M Oceans Of Fantasy 1979 Atlantic cover-poster Inner
Blue Mink Our World 1971 Philips
Bread Same 1969 Elektra butterfly issue 1971
Bread Manna 1971 Elektra butterfly
Baez JoanNoel 1972 Vanguard ------
Baez Joan Country Music Album 1979 Vanguard 2 LP g.c. -------
Baez Joan On Vanguard 1969 Vanguard
Baez Joan In Concert part 2 1963 Vanguard
Bolan Marc Beginning Of Doves (1974) 1991 Receiver rec.
Be Bop DeluxeAxe Victim 1974 Harvest g.c.
Be Bop Deluxe Futurama1975 Harvest inner
Be Bop Deluxe Modern Music 1976 Harvest inner 1
Be Bop DeluxeSunburst Finish 1976 Harvest inner 2
Be Bop Deluxe Drastic Plastic 1978 Harvest inner 1
Be Bop Deluxe The Best Of And The Rest Of Be Bop Deluxe1979 Harvest 2 LP g.c. inners
Budgie Best Of …1975 MCA
Bonzo Dog Band The Peel Sessions 1987 Strange Fruit 12", 45 RPM
Chris De Burgh Far Beyond These Castle Walls (1974) 1984 Hallmark different cover
Carmen Eric Same 1975 Arista inner
Camel Moonmadness 1976 Decca g.c.
CamelRain Dances 1977 Decca inner
Cocker Joe Luxury You Can Afford 1978 Asylum inner
Climax Blues Band Live 1974 Polydor (rare edition)
ClashGive’em Enough Rope 1978 CBS
Crazy Pink Revolvers First Down 1987 Chainsaw rec.
Sex 13 inner
CCR Cosmo’s Factory 1970 Fantasy brown
Cliff JimmySrruggling Man 1973 Island pink rim origin
CapaldiJim Whale Meat Again 1973 Island pink rim origin
Cash Jonny Collection vol.3 1959 Pickwick later reissue 2LP g.c.
Chicago VII 1974 CBS2 LP g.c. 2 inners
Caravan Blind Dog AtSt.Dunstans 1976 BTM
Collins Judy Recollections 1969 Elektra red big E EKS 74055
Collins PhilHello, I Must Be Going! 1982 Virgin g.c.
Cooper Alice Lace And Whiskey 1977 WB K 56365 cover USA BSK 3027 Inner
Derek & The DominosLayla And Othe.. Love Songs 1970 RSO 2 LP g.c
DrupiVadoVia 1971 A&M
Durbin Deanna Sweetheart Of Song 1974 MCA mono
Dread Zeppelin Un-Led-Ed 1990 IRS --------
Dire Straits Love Over Gold 1982 Vertigo inner
ELO Face The Music 1975 Jet inner
Eagles One Of These Nights 1975 Asylum inner
ELP Same 1970 Island pink rim
ELP Pictures At The Exhibition 1972 Manticoreg.c.
EverlyBrothers Same 1972 RCA Camden
Eurythmics Revenge 1986 RCA inner
Essex David Out On The Street 1976 CBS g.c.
ELOThe Light Shines On Vol.2 1979 Harvest Heritage
Ferry Bryan These Foolish Things 1973 Island
Ferry Bryan Another Time,Another Place 1974 EG g.c.
Ferry BryanIn Your Mind 1977 Polydor inner
Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits 1968-71 1971 CBS re.g.c.1
Fleetwood MacRumours 1977 WB Burbank inner* 1
Fairport ConventionGottleO’Geer 1976 Island
Genesis Duke 1980 Charisma g.c.
Genesis A Trick Of The Tail1976 Charisma g.c.( cover Holland, vinyl UK ) inner
Genesis Wind &Wuthering 1976 Charisma inner
Genesis Rock Roots 1976 Decca (first album 1969 + tracks never before available on studio albums)
Groundhogs Split 1971 UA later issue
Gilmor David About Face 1984 Harvest inner
Gilmour David Same 1978 Harvest g.c
Golden Earring Contraband 1976 Polydor insert
Gillan – Glory Road 1980 Virgin insert
Harrison George Thirty Three & 1/3 1976 Dark Horse g.c inner
Horslips Aliens 1977 DJM inner
Hendrix Jimmy In The Beginnings 1973 Ember g.c. 1
Icehouse Great Southern Land 1989 Chrysalis UK inner
Jefferson Starship Spitfire 1976 Grunt inner
Jefferson Starship/Kantner/Slick Dragon Fly 1974 Grunt Inner
Jefferson Airplane The Worst Of…1970 RCA orange
John Elton Captain Fantastic… 1975 DJM books g.c. vg+
John Elton Rock Of The Westies 1975 DJM insert
John Elton Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 1973 DJM 2 LP 3 fold cover
John Elton Victim Of Love 1979 Rocket rec. inner
John EltonHonky Chateau 1972 DJM g.c.
John Elton Same1970 DJM black g.c.
John Elton Empty Sky 1969 DJM g.c.
Jet Same 1975 CBS insert
JethroTull War Child 1974 Chrysalis green inner 1
Judas Priest Unleashed In The East (live in Japan) 1979 CBS 1
Jon And VangelisShort Stories 1979 Polydor inner
Klaatu Same 1976 Capitol inner
Kinks Percy ( soundtrack) 1971 Pye
KinksLola 1971 Hallmark
Kinks Everybody’s In Show Biz - Everybody’s A Star 1972 RCA orange 2 LP g.c.insert
Lipstique At The Discotheque 1978 Ensign
LZ IV 1971 Atlantic K50008 w logo g.c. 1
Led Zeppelin Coda 1982 Atlantic UK vinyl Germ.g.c. inner
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same 1976 Swan Song 2 LP 2 inners g.c.book
Lennon John Mind Games 1973 Apple inner
LindisfarneHappy Base 1974 WB Burbank insert
Melanie Stoneground Words 1972 Neighborhood rec. inner g.c.
Mayall John USA Union 1970 Polydor Super g.c.
Motor Head No Remorse 1984 Castle 2 LP 1
Move Fire Brigade (1967-70) 1971 MFP
Matthews Ian Discreet Repeat 1980 Rockburgh rec. 2 LP g.c.
Madness Absolutely 1980 Stiff rec. inner
MungoJerry File (compilation) 1977 Pye 2 LP 2 inners 1
Minogue KylieKylie 1988 PWL rec.inneroutside
Manfred Mann The Greatest M.M. 1964-66 1971 MFP 2
MarillionScript For A Jester’s Tear 1983 EMI g.c.
Man Golden Hour of Man 1973 Golden Hour ( 60 min. playing time!!!!!!!!!)
ManzaneraPhil Diamond Head 1975 Island inner
ManzaneraPhil Listen Now 1977 Polydor inner
ManzaneraPhil K-Scope 1978 EG inner
Mendes Sergio & Brasil’66 Introducing…1969 A&M 1
Magna Carta Lord Of The Ages 1973 Vertigo insert 2
Magna CartaSeasons 1970 Vertigo green-blue UFO g.c. 2
Magna Carta Putting It Back Together 1976 GTO
Magna Carta Songs From Wasties Orchard 1971 Vertigo blue-green UFO orig.cov.
Moody Blues Our ChildrensChildren 1969Threshholdg.c.
Moody Blues Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1971 Threshold g.c.
Marley Bob Kaya 1977 Island
Marley Bob Live 1975 Island
Marley Bob Soul Captives 1983 Breakaway
McCartney Same 1970 Apple g.c. 1
McCartney The Speed Of Sound 1976 MPL inner 1
McCartney Paul London Town 1978 MPL .inner poster
McСartneyPaul Wings Greatest 1978 MPL inner poster
McCartney PaulBand On The Run 1973 Apple inner
MccartneyPaul Venus And Mars 1975 Capitol g.c. inner
2 posters & 2 stickers
Mud It’s Better Than Working 1976 Private Stock insert
McLaughlin John Electric Guitarist 1978 CBS g.c.
McLaughlin JohnWith ShaktiNatural Elements 1977 CBS 1
Middle Of The Road ChirpyChirpy Cheep Cheep 1971 Rca orange
Nazareth Razamanaz (1973) 1989 Castle M
O’Sullivan Gilbert Back To Front 1972 MAM insert poster
O’Sullivan Gilbert A Stranger In My Own Back Yard 1974 MAM 4 fold cover
O’Sullivan Gilbert I’m A Writer, Not A Fighter 1973 MAM
Outlaws Lady In Waiting 1976 Arista g.c
Osmonds Love Me For A Reason 1974 MGM 1
“O” Band Knife 1977 UA inner 1
ProcolHarum Exotic Birds And Fruit 1974 Chrysalis
ProcolHarum LIVE With Orchestra 1972 Chrysalis green 1
ProcolHarum Something Magic 1977 Chrysalis g.c. inner
Pop Iggy Brick By Brick 1990 Virgin inner
Price AlanMetropoliten Man 1975 Polydorg.c.
Platters Best of…vol.2 (1959-64) 197? Philips
Queen Game 1980 EMI inner
Roussos Demis Happy To Be 1976 Philips g.c. 2
Roussos Demis Souvenirs 1975 Philips
Ringo StarrRingo 1973 Apple book
Ringo StarrBlast From Your Past 1973 Apple
Renaissance A Song For All Seasons 1978 WB inner
Renaissance Scheherazade 1975 BTM
Rubbets Same 1975 State
Reed LouRock’n’Roll Animal 1974 RCA orange
Rainbow Rising 1976 Polydorg.c. outside evgen
Ritchie Blacmore’sRainbow Same 1975 Polydorg.c.
Rolling Stones Still Life 1982 Promotone inner g.c.
Rolling Stones EmotionalResque 1980 Promotone
Rolling Stones Made In The Shade 1975 Promotone inner
Ritchie Family Arabian Nights 1976 Polydor
Under UK item
Slade Alive! 1972 Polydor2383101g.c. 2
Stranglers No More Heroes 1977 UA inner* 1
Stranglers Black & White 1978 UA inner
Stranglers LIVE (X Cert) 1979 UA inner
Stranglers Raven 1979 UA inner
SupertrampSame1970A& M
Status QuoOn The Level 1975 Vertigo green-blue UFO inner g.c.
Status Quo Quo 1974Vertigo green-blue UFO insert 1
Status Quo Piled River 1972 Vertigo green-blue UFO g.c.
Status Quo Dog Of Two Head (1971) 1987 PRT g.c.
Sex Pistols Some Product Carry On 1979 Virgin
Sex Pistols Rock ‘N’ Roll Swindle 1979 Virgin 2 LP g.c. insert
Steward RodSmiler 1974 Mercury g.c.inner
Steward Rod The Best Of…(1969-74) 1977 Mercury 2 LP
SteeleyeSpan Below The Salt 1972 Chrysalis g.c. 1
SteeleyeSpan Parcel Of Rogues 1973 Chrysalis g.c. insert 1
Strawbs Deadlines 1978 Arista g.c.
Simple Minds Empires And Dance 1982 Virgin
Seatrain Same 1971 Capital UK g.c.
Samanta Sang + Bee Gees Emotion 1978 Private Stock
Street Walker Red Card 1976 Vertigo green-blue UFO inner1
Street Walkers LIVE 1977 Vertigo blue-green UFO 2 LP g.c.
Sayer Leo Jast A Boy 1974 Chrysalis
Steely Dan Pretzel Logic 1974 ABC g.c. 1
Steely Dan Gaucho 1980 MCA inner
Steely Dan Aja 1977 ABC g.c.
SmithsStrangeways,Here We Come 1987 Rough Trade inner
Spirit Family That Plays Together (1968) 1986 Edselg.c.
Spooky ToothThe Mirror 1979 Charly
Sweet Same 1971-72 RCA Camden CDS 1168 ( 9 track’s
from first album 1971 + 3 single’s)
Townshend Pete Who Came First 1972 Track g.c.
The G. Band (ex-Glitter Band) Paris Math 1976 CBS g.c
Tangerine DreamZeit 1972 Virgin 2 LP g.c.
Tangerine DreamStratosfear 1976 Virgin g.c.
Ten Years After Positive Vibration 1974 Chrysalis green
Twiggy Same 1976 Mercury g.c.
Todd Rundgren Todd Rundgren’s Utopia 1974 Bearsville
Uriah Heep Head First 1983 Bronze
Uriah Heep The Best Of… 1975 Bronze inner
Uriah Heep Equator 1985 Portrait insert 1
Uriah Heep Live 1973 Bronze 2 LP g.c.2 inners book
Uriah Heep Return To Fantasy 1975 Bronze ILPS inner g.c
Ultravox Ha!-Ha!-Ha! 1977 Island blue inner reissue
UK Night After Night 1979 Polydor
UK Danger Money 1979 Polydor inner 1
U2 October 1981 Island
Vega Suzanne Same 1985 A&M inner
Voyage Same 1978 CTO
Vangelis Beaubourg 1981 RCA 1
Van Morrison Saint Dominic’s Preview 1972 WB white
Vandyke Brown covered SladeCoz I Luv You ( And Many Other…) 1974 Boulevard
UK box F-L
Wishbone Ash Classic Ash 1977 MCA black rainbow inner
Wishbone Ash New England 1976 MCA black rainbow g.c.
Winwood Steve Chronicles 1983 Island inner
Walsh Joe You Can’t Argue With A Sick Mind (Live) 1976 ABC inner
Weather Report Traveller 1974 CBS Mysterious
Whitesnake Ready An’ Willing 1980 UA inner !!
WhitesnakeSame 1987 EMI inner
WhitesnakeSlide It In 1984 Liberty inner
WhitesnakeComeAn’Get It 1981 Liberty inner !!
WhitesnakeSaintsAn'Sinners 1982 Liberty inner !!
WakemanRick No Earthly Connection 1976 A&M inner
WakemanRick No Earthly Connection 1976 A&M inner folga
WakemanRick Journey To The Center…1974 A & M g.c.book
WakemanRick Silent Nights 1985 TBG President
YamashtaStomu Go Live From Paris 1976 Island 2 LP (plastic stiker) g.c.
Yardbirds Remember…(compilation 1964-66) 1971 Starline
XTC EnglishSettliment 1982 Virgin 2 LP two inners
Can-Can (soundtrack) with F.Sinatra 1960 Capitol
Cats (original Broadway cast) 1983 Geffen 88615 2 LP 2 inserts g.c.
Various Artists Nice Enouch To Eat 1969 Island pink “I”
( Mott The Hoople,SpookyTooth,JethroTull,Heavy Jelly,
Blodwin Pig, Trafic, King Crimson ets.). 1
Various Artists The Story Of The British Independent Music ( indie scene 1978) 1991 Connoisseur collection 2 LP g.c. (Joy Division,Big In Japan,Damned,Selecter and
Various Artists The Story Of The British Independent Music ( indie scene 1979) 1991 Connoisseur collection 2 LP g.c. ( Buzzcocks, Doll, Mekons, Nips, Fall and more…).
Jesus Christ Superstar Original London Cast 1972 MCA MCF 2503
Jesus Christ Superstar Excerpts From The Opera 1971 Hallmark SHM 731
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Performs The Best Known Works Of Rick Wakeman1978 A & M
UK add right top with USA add
B,S& T Child Is Father To The Man 1968 CBS
Dire Straits Communique 1979 Vertigoinner
Dream Command Fire On The Moon 1990 Island
PocoA Good Feelin To Know 1972 Epic yellow g.c. book
PocoSeven 1974 Epicyellow
PocoCrazy Eyes 1973 Epicyellow
Phillips Anthony The Geese & The Ghose 1977 Hit & Run inner
PoliceZenyattaMondatta 1980 A&M inner
QuatroSuziQuatro 1974 RAK
SmokieMontreux Album 1978 Rakg.c.
Stray Houdini 1975 Pye
Trower Robin For Earth Below 1975 Chrysalis
Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards 1972 Bronze 2 press .g.c.
Uriah Heep Live 1973 Bronze 2 LP g.c.2 inners book
Uriah Heep Firefly 1977 Bronze .g.c. inner
Yes Fragile 1971 Atlantic red-plum 2401019 book g.c.
YesYesAlbum 1971 Atlantic g.c.
WakemanRick Journey To The Center…1974 A & M g.c.book
Wishbone Ash Wishbone Four 1973 MCA black g.c.
Worker List LP’s made in EEC OUTSIDE
10000 Maniacs Blind Man’s Zoo 1989 Elektra Germ. inner insert
10000 ManiacsThe Wishing Chair 1985 Elektra Germ. inner
Anderson Jon Song Of Seven 1980 Atlantic Spain insert
Aphrodite’s Child Gr.Hits 1968-72 Mercury Holl.
http://www.discogs.com/Aphrodites-Child ... ase/928134
Al Di Meola Electric Rendezvous 1982 CBS Holl.
Abba Visitors 1981 Polydor Hol. Inner 1
Abba Visitors 1981 Epic Hol. Inner
Alarm Declaration 1984 I.R.S. Hol. Inner *
Animals House Of The Rising Sun (compilation) 1970 Emidisk Hol.
America Homecoming 1972 WB green Germ.. 3 fold
Blood,Sweet& Tears Gr.Hits 1972 CBS Hol.
Bad Company Desolation Angels 1979 Swan Song Germ.inner g.c.
Bread Lost Without You Love 1977 Elektra Hol. g.c.
Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet 1986 Mercury Hol. inner
Baez Joan In Concert 1962 Amadeo Hol.
Baez Joan A Package Of Joan Baez 1978 Bear Family rec. Germ.
Baez Joan Same 1970 Discofon Hol.
Baez Joan 5 1964 Amadeo Hol.
Baez Joan Farewall, Angelina 1965 Amadeo Austria
Burdon Eric & Animals Gr.Hits 1982 Hep rec. Hol.
Boney M Magic Of Boney M 1980 Hansa Germ. Inner 1
Boney M Oceans Of Fantasy 1979 Hansa Germ.cover-poster inner
Boney M Love For Sale 1977 Hansa black Germ.
Boney M Love For Sale 1977 Carrere France
Boney M Lo Mejor De Boney M ( 4 songs from 1 album & 4 songs from 2 album) 1977 Ariola Spain
Boney M Take The Heart Off Me 1976 Hansa blue Germ. 1
Boney M Night Flight To Venus 1978 Atlahtic New Zeland g.c. 5:50
Boney M Night Flight To Venus 1978 Hansa Germ. g.c. 6:03 cards
Brand X Do They Hurt? 1980 Charisma Hol. 1
Brand X Do They Hurt? 1980 Charisma Germ.
Brand X Product 1979 Charisma Hol.
Brand X Product 1979 Charisma Spain
Brand X Moroccan Roll 1977 Charisma Hol. 2
Brand X Livestock 1977 Charisma Germ.
Bay City Rollers It’s A Game 1977 Arista Hol. g.c.
Bay City Rollers Saturday Night 1975 Bell Hol.
Bay City Rollers Strangers In The Wind 1978 Arista Hol.
Bay City Rolling Once Upon A Star 1975 Bell Hol. 5 inserts
Benatar Pat Wide Awake In Dream…1988 Chrysalis Sweden inner *
Benatar Pat Seven The Hard Way 1975 Chrysalis Canada still sealed
Baccara Light My Fire 1977 RCA Yougoslavia
Bananarama True Confession (Venus) 1986 Holl. Inner
Bananarama Same 1984 London Hol.
Boston Don’t Look Back 1978 Epic Hol.g.c. inner
Cooper Alice …Show 1977 WB Germ.inner
Cooper Alice Zipper Catches Skin 1982 WB Germ.
Cooper Alice Lace And Whiskey 1977 WB Hol. Insert
Crawford Randy Windsong 1982 WB Germ.
Carnes Kim Light house 1986 EMI EEC inner
Camel Nude 1981Decca Hol.g.c.
Camel Breathless 1978 Decca Spain
Camel A Live Record 1975 Decca Hol. g.c. 2 LP
Corner Amen Best Of …1979 Charly-Bellaphon Germ. 2 LP g.c.
Cheap Trick Heaven Tonight 1978 Epic Hol. Inner
Cher Same 1987 Geffen Germ.inner
CCR Mardi Gras 1972 Fontana brown Holl.
Clapton Eric 461 Ocean Boulevard 1974 RSO Holl.
Cocker Joe I Can’t Stand A Little Rain 1974 Cube France
Chick Corea Friend 1978 Polydor France
Chicago II1970 CBS Hol.2 LP g.c.
Chicago VII 1974 CBS Holl.2 LP g.c.two inners
Chicago XI 1977 CBS Hol. g.c. inner
Chicago 13 1979 CBS Hol. Inner
Chicago Transit Authority 1969 CBS Holl.re. 2 LP g.c.
Chicago XIV1980CBS Holl. Inner
Chicago Take Me Back To Chicago 1985 CBS Hol
Def Leppard On The Through The Night 1980 Vertigo Hol.
Depeche Mode Constraction Time Again 1983 Mute Spain ex/nm
Dire Straits Love Over Gold 1982 Vertigo Hol. inner*
Dire Straits Communique 1979 VertigoHol.inner
Doobie Brothers On Step Closer 1980 WB Germ. inner
Deodato Prelude 1972 Record Bazaar Italy
Deodato 2001 / Also Sprach Zarathustra1973 Star Line Spain 2 LP g.c.
Dietrich Marlen Mythos Marlen Dietrich1970 EMI Germ.2 LP g.c.
Double Blue 1985 Polydor Germ. Inner
Deep Purple 24 Carat 1975 Purple Hol.
ELO Eldorado 1974 UA Hol. insert
ELO Discovery 1979 Jet Holl.g.c. inner
ELO Face The Music 1975 UA Hol. g.c. inner
ELO Face The Music 1975 Polydor Hol. g.c.
ELP Love Beach 1978 Atlantic France
ELPowell Same 1986 Polydor Canada insert
Eloy Ocean 1977 Harvest ( fame) Germ. g.c.
Essex David Rock On 1973 CBS Hol.
Essex David All The Fun Of The Fair 1975 CBS Hol.g.c.
Earth,Wind& Fire Electric Universe1983 CBS Hol. g.c. inner
Estefan Gloria1989 CBS Hol.inner
Fleetwood Mac Tango In The Night 1987 WB Spain inner
Fleetwood Mac Tango In The Night 1987 WB Germ.inner
Fleetwood Mac Mirage 1982 WB Germ.inner
Fleetwood Mac The Best Of…(1969) 1976 CBS Hol. g.c
Foreigner Double Vision 1978 Atlantic Can.
Foreigner Inside Information 1987Atlantic Germ. inner g.c.
Foreigner Same 1977Atlantic Hol.
Foreigner Agent Provocateur 1984 Atlantic Germ. inner
Foreigner 4 1981 Atlantic Korea
Frida ( ex-Abba ) Something Going On 1982 Polydor Hol. Inner
Frida ( ex-Abba ) Shine 1984 Polydor Spain
Fogerty John Eye Of The Zombie 1986 WB Spain Inner
Fogerty John Centerfield 1985 WB Germ. inner
Frampton Peter I’m In You 1977 A & M Hol. inner
Ferry Bryan In Your Mind 1977 Island Holl. inner
Ferry Bryan Let’s Stick Together 1976 Island Holl.
Ferry Bryan Boys And Girls 1985 EG France inner
Ferry Bryan Boys And Girls 1985 EG Germ. inner
Ferry BrianThe Bride Stripped Bare 1978 Polydor Hol.g.c. inner
Ferry Brian Bete Noire 1987 Virgin Germ. inner
Gallagher Rory Fotofinish 1978 Chrysalis Hol. Inner
Genesis Abacab 1981 Polydor Hol. inner
Genesis Wind & Wuthering 1976 Charisma Germ.inner
Genesis Seconds Out 1977 Charisma Hol. 2 LP 2 inners g.c.
Genesis Trespass 1970Charisma Germ.g.c.
Genesis A Trick Of The Tail1976 Charisma Holl.g.c. inner
Gillan Future Shock 1981 Virgin Canada
GipsyKing Mosaique 1989 Dureco Hol.
Gipsy King Luna De Fuego (1983) 1991 CBS/Sony Spain
Gipsy King Allegria (1989) 1991 CBS/Sony Spain
GipsyKing Same 1989 Dureco Hol.
GipsykingsLos Reyes Allegria 1982 Philips France inner
Gabriel Peter Same 1980 Charisma Canada inner
Gabriel Peter Same 1978 Charisma Hol.insert
Gloria Gaynor Never Can Say Goodbye 1975 MGM Italy
Gloria Gaynor I Have A Right1979 Polydor Holl.
Gloria Gaynor Love Tracks1978 Polydor Holl.
Gomes Leroy( Santa Esmeralda) Gypsy Woman 1978 Bellaphon Germ.
Go West Dancing On The Couch 1987 Chrysalis Canada inner M
Gasolin Live Sadan 1976 CBS Holl.2 LP g.c.
Hofmann Peter Rock Classics 1982 CBS Hol.
Hollies A Crazy Steal 1978 Polydor Hol.
Hollies LIVE 1976 Polydor Hol.g.c.
Hollies What Goes Around 1983 WEA Germ.
Harry Deborah Kookoo 1981 Chrysalis Can. Inner M
HoneymoonSuite Racing After Midnight 1988 WEA Germ.inn
Japan Oil On Canvas 1983 Virgin Germ. 2 LP g.c.1
Joplin Janis Pearl 1971 CBS Hol.
Joplin Janis Kozmic Blues 1969 CBS Hol.
John Elton Don’t Shoot Me…1972 DJM Hol. g.c. book
John Elton The Fox 1981 Rocket rec. Germ.
Jones Steve ( ex - Sex Pistols) Mercy 1987 MCA Canada
J.J.Cale Naturally 1972 Shelter Holl.
J.J.Cale Really 1975 Shelter Holl.
J.J.Cale Really 1975 Shelter France
Jon And Vangelis Private Collection 1983 Mercury France inner
Jon And Vangelis Short Stories 1979 Polydor Hol. Inner 1
Jon And Vangelis Friends Of Mr.Cairo 1981 Polydor Hol. inner
Janet Jackson Control 1986 A & M Germ. inner
J.Geils Band Freeze – Frame 1981 EMI EEC inner
Jefferson Starship Earth 1976 Grunt Hol.
Jack Bruce And Friend I’ve Always Wanted To Do This 1980 Epic Holl.inner
Jethro Tull Broadsword And The Beast 1982 Chrysalis Germ. Inner
Jethro Tull Broadsword And The Beast 1982 Chrysalis Spain Inner
Jethro Tull Passion Play 1973 Chrysalis green Danmark g.c 1
Kitaro Asia 1984 Polydor Hol.inner
Kershaw Nik HumanRacing 1984 MCA Germ.inner
Klaatu Hope 1977 Capitol Germ..inner
Klaatu Sir Army Suit 1978 Capitol Hol.
Lazlo Viktor She 1985 Vogue Belgium 1
Laslo Victor Canoe Rose 1985 Polydor France mini – LP 6 tracks
Laslo Victor Hot & Soul 1989Polydor Germ. inner 2 M
Laslo Victor Same 1987Polydor Germ. Inner M
Lazlo Viktor Club Desert 1989 Polydor France inner M
Lloyd Cole And Commotions 1984-89 Polydor Germ. inner
Limahl Don’t Suppose 1984 EMI EEC inner
Lewis Jerry Lee Same 1979 Elektra Germ.
Lennon John Shaved Fish 1975 Apple Hol. Inner 1
Lennon John Milk And Honey 1983 Polydor Hol.g.c inner.
Lake Greg Same 1981 Chrysalis inner
Les Humphries Singers We’ll Fly You To The Promised Land 1971 Decca Hol
Les Humphries Singers Old Man Moses 1972 Decca Germ.
Les Humphries Singers Old Man Moses 1972 Decca Holl. poster 1(wo poster)
Les Humphries Singers I Believe 1971 Decca Germ.
Les Humphries Singers Mexico 1972 Decca Germ.
Mahavishnu Orchestra Vision Of The Emerald Beyond 1975 CBS Italy M
Mahavishnu Orchestra The best of…1980 CBS Holl
Marillion Real To Reel 1984 EMI EEC inner
Marillion Clutching At Straws 1987 Capitol Hol. inner
Marillion Misplaced Childhood 1985 EMI Spain g.c.
Marillion Seasons End 1989EMI EEC g.c.
Marillion Seasons End 1989EMI Spain g.c.
Marillion Script For A Jester’s Tear 1983 EMI EEC g.c.
Marillion Script For A Jester’s Tear 1983 EMIFrance g.c.
Marley Bob Uprising 1980 Island Hol.
Meat Loaf Bat Out Of Hell 1977 Epic Hol. inner
Melanie Not Just Another Pretty Face 1978 RCA Germ
Melanie Born To Be 1969 Buddah France g.c.
Moore Gary Hot & Heavy Metal ? Green Line Italy 3LP
Moyet Alison (Yazoo)Alf 1984Sony/CBS Hong Kong insert nm
MSG Same 1980 Chrysalis Germ. Inner
MSG Same 1980 Chrysalis Canada Inner
MSG Bull To Destroy 1983 Chrysalis Germ.vg/vg 1 M+
MSG Same 1981Chrysalis Germ. inner
MSG Rock Will Never Die (live) 1984 Chrysalis Germ.
Matthews Ian Siamese Friends 1979 Mushroom Canada inner
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Somewhere In Afrika 1983 Bronze Germ.inner
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Somewhere In Afrika 1983 Bronze Germ.i
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Watch 1978 Bronze France inner
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Watch 1978 Bronze Germ. inner
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Angel Station 1979 Bronze Germ.insert
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Angel Station 1979 Bronze France inner
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Criminal Tango 1986 Virgin France
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band 1971-1973 1977 Fontana Germ.
Mccartney Paul London Town 1978 MPL Holl. inner poster1
Mccartney Paul London Town 1978 MPL Holl.inner
Mccartney Paul At The Speed At Sound 1976 MPL Hol. Inner
Mccartney Paul At The Speed At Sound 1976 MPL Hol.
Mccartney Paul At The Speed At Sound 1976 MPL France inner
Mccartney Paul At The Speed At Sound 1976 MPL Germ. Inner
Mccartney Paul Venus And Mars 1975 Capitol Hol.g.c.
Mccartney Paul Back To The Egg 1979 MPL Hol.inner
Mccartney Paul All The Best 1987 MPL Spain 2 LP g.c. two inners
Mccartney Paul Wings Greatest 1978 MPL Hol. inner poster
McCartney PaulWings Over America 1976 MPL Holl. all inserts 3 fold cover
Mccartney Paul Flowers In The Dirt 1989 MPL EEC
Inner insert
Magna Carta Lord Of The Ages 1973 Vertigo Holl.M
Magna Carta Midnight Blue 1982 Polydor Hol.inner M
Magna Carta Live 1978 Mercury Holl.
Madonna Like A Virgin 1984 Sire Germ. inner
Madonna True Blue 1986 Sire Canada poster
Madonna Same 1983 Sire Germ.inner
Midge Ure ( ex-Thin Lizzy, Ultravox )The Gift 1985 Chrysalis Canada inner
Matchbox Flying Colours 1981 Magnet Spain
Matchbox Crossed Line 1982Magnet promo Spain
Middle Of The Road Drive On1973 RCAGerm.
Middle Of The Road Acceleration 1971 RCA orange Germ.g.c.
Milli VanilliAll Or Nothing 1988 Hansa Germ.inner poster M
Nazareth Gr.Hits 1975Vertigo Hol. insert defect cover
Ono YokoIt’s Alright 1982 Polydor Germ. Inner
Osmonds Love Me For A Reason 1974 MGM Holl. 2
O’Connor Sinead Lion & Cobra 1987 Chrysalis Germ.inner
O’Connor Sinead I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got 1989 Ensign rec.Germ. inner
Pop Iggy Instinct1988 A& M Germ.inner
PopIggy Soldier 1980 Arista Germ.
Pop Iggy New Values 1979 Arista Holl. Inner
Pink Floyd Ummagumma 1969 Harvest Canada 2 LP g.c.
Palmer Robert Riptide 1985 Island UK (biem/ncb) inner
Palmer Robert Secrets 1979 Island Germ. Inner poster
Palmer Robert Pride 1983 Island Germ.
Palmer Robert Some People Can Do What They Like 1976
Island Germ.
Palmer Robert Some People Can Do What They Like 1976
Island Spain
Pretenders II 1981 Real rec. Portugal inner
Pretenders Learning To Crawl 1983 WEA Germ.inner *
Poco Pickin’ Up The Pieces 1973 Epic Hol.g.c.*
Poco Crazy Eyes `1973 Epic Hol.*
Promises Same 1978 EMI Germ. Inner
Ponty Jean-Luc Mystical Adventures 1982 Atlantic Germ.
Ponty Jean-Luc A Taste For Passion 1979 Atlantic Germ.
Ponty Jean-Luc Enigmatic Ocean 1977 Atlantic Germ.
Ponty Jean-Luc Upon The Wings Of Music 1975 Atlantic Germ.
Ponty Jean-Luc Imaginary Voyage 1976 Atlantic Hol
Ponty Jean-Luc Cosmic Messenger 1978 Atlantic Germ.inner
Patti Smith Group Radio Ethiopia 1976 Arista Germ.insert
Presley Elvis Elvis Gospel 1980 K-Tel Holl.
Prince Lovesexy 1988 WB Canada inner
Prince Around the World in a Day WB Cerm. g.c.
Prince Batman (soundtrack) 1989 WB Cerm.inner
Pilot Second Flight 1975 EMI Hol.
Paco De Lucia Sextet 1984 Philips Hol. inner
Paco De Lucia, Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin Passion
Grace & Fire 1983 Philips Hol. Inner
Quatro Suzi Suzi…And Other Four Letter Words 1979 RAK UK + Hol.
Rainbow On Stage 1977 Polydor Germ. 2 LP g.c. inners 1
Rivers Johnny Live At The Whiskey A Go Go 1976 Sunset Hol.
Rivers Johnny Live At The Whiskey A Go Go 1976 Sunset Germ.different cover
Rolling Stones Black & Blue 1976 Promotone Hol. inner
insert g.c.
Rolling Stones Still Life 1982 Promotone Hol. Inner g.c.
Rolling Stones Tattoo You 1991 Promotone Germ. inner
Rolling Stones Tattoo You 1991 EMI Philippines D
Rolling Stones Undercover 1983Promotone EEC inner
Insert 1
Rolling Stones Rolled Gold 1975 DeccaGerm. 2 LP g.c.
Rolling Stones Rolled Gold 1975 NovaGerm. 2 LP g.c.
Rolling Stones Somegirls 1978 Promotone Hol. inner insert
Rolling Stones Dirty Work 1986 Promotone Holl.
Rolling Stones Love You Live 1977 Promotone Holl.2 LP g.c. 2 inners
Rolling Stones Emotional Rescue1980 Promotone Germ.
Ritchie Family African Queens 1977 Derby Italy
Ritchie Family Life Is Music 1977 Philips Hol. g.c. 1
Ritchie Family American Generation 1978 CBS France
Ritchie Family Arabian Nights 1976 Philips Holl.
Ritchie Family I’ll Do My Best 1982 Dureco Benelux Hol.
Rea Chris Wired To The Moon 1984 Magnet Germ. inner
Rubettes Sign Of The Times 1976 State Hol. g.c.
Rubettes We Can Do It 1975 State Hol. g.c.
Return To Foreve Romantic Warrior 1976 CBS Hol. inner
Richard Cliff Small Corners 1977 EMI Hol. inner
Richard Cliff Rock & Roll Juvenile 1979 EMI Hol. inner
Richard Cliff Green Light 1978 EMI Hol. inner
Ramazzotti Eros In Ogni Senso 1990 DDD Germ.inner
Ramazzotti Eros Musica E 1988 DDD Germ.inner
Rogers Kenny Singles Album 1977 UA Sw.
Raindogs Lost Souls 1989 Atco Germ.inner
Rein Paul Communicate 1986 Alpha Sw. g.c M
Roussos Demis Universum 1979 Philips Germ.
Roussos Demis Forever And Ever 1974 Philips black
Roussos Demis Forever And Ever 1974 Philips blue Holl.
Roussos Demis Happy To Be 1976 Philips Spain g.c.
Roussos Demis Same 1978 Philips France g.c.
Roussos Demis Same 1978 Philips Hol. g.c.
Roussos Demis My Reason (compilation) 1971-74 1974
Philips France
Roxy Music Avalon 1982 EG Hol inner
Roxy Music For You Pleasure 1973 Island pink rim Holl. g.c.
Roxy Music For You Pleasure 1973 Island Holl. g.c.
later reissue
Roxy Music Sirena 1975 Island Holl.
Roxy Music Viva! Roxy Music1976 Polydor Holl.g.c.
Roxy Music Standed 1973 Island Holl.g.c.
Roxy Music Manifesto 1979 Polydor Holl.inner
Roxy Music Same 1972 Island Hol.g.c.
Saga Worlds Apart 1981 Polydor Germ. Inner
Saga Same 1978 Polydor Germ.inner
Seeger Pete Gr.Hits 1978 CBS Embassy Holl.
Seeger PeteWe Shall OvercomeLive In Carnegie Hall
1963 CBS Holl.
Shakin Stevens This Ole House 1980 Epic Holl.
Starr Ringo Rotogravure 1976 Polydor Germ.g.c.
Starr Ringo Rotogravure 1976 Polydor Germ.g.c. inner
Starr Ringo The 4th 1977 Polydor France inner
Summer Donna Once Upon A Time 1977 Ariola Spain 2 LP g.c.
Summer Donna Live And More 1978 Casablanca Germ. 2 LP 3 fold cover, inners
Summer Donna All Sistems Go 1987 WB Germ. inner
Steely Dan Royal Scam 1977 ABC Portugal inner
Santana Lotus (live) 1975 CBS Holl. 3 LP SET 3 fold cover + 2 posters,inners
Santana Barboletta 1974 CBS Spain inner
Santana Carlos Devadip Swing Of Delight 1980 CBS Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Santana Abraxas 1970 CBS Holl. g.c.
Santana Festival 1976 CBS Holl. inner.
Stranglers Raven 1979 UA Hol. Inner M
Styx Cornerstone1979 A& M Hol. Inner g.c. 1
Styx Kilroy Was Here 1983 A& M Holl.g.c.inner 1
Styx Grand Illusion 1977 A & M Holl.inner poster 1
Styx Grand Illusion 1977 A& M Holl.inner
Sisters Of Mercy Floodland 1987 Jugoton Yugoslavia inner
Santa Esmeralda Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood 1977 Philips France
Santa Esmeralda II House Of The Rising Sun 1977 Philips France
Supertramp Famous Last Words 1982A& M Hol.
Supertramp Same 1970A& M Hol. 1
Supertramp Breakfast In America 1979 A&M Hol. Inner
Supertramp Even In The Quietest Moments 1977 A& M Hol. Inner
Supertramp Live 88 1988 A& M Germ. inner
Supertramp Free As A Bird1988 A&M Spain inner
Supertramp Paus 1980 A& M Spain 2 LP g.c. two inners
Supertramp Indelibly Stamped 1971 A&M Greece g.c.
Supertramp Brother Where You Bound1985 A&M France inner
Steeleye Spain All Around My Hat 1975 Chrysalis Sw. insert
Sting Bring On The Night 1986 A & M Germ. 2 LP two inners
Steve Miller Band Book Of Dreams 1977 Mercury Hol
Steve Miller Band Abracadabra 1982 Mercury Spain inner
Steve Miller Band Abracadabra 1982 Mercury Hol.inner
Slade Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome Mercury Holl. inner
Slade Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome 1983 RCA black Germ.inner
Sparks Whomp That Sucker 1981 Underdog France inner
Sparks Introducing 197& CBS Holl.inner
Stewart Al Time Passages 1978 RCA Victor Germ.g.c.
Stewart AlYear Of The Cat 1976 RCA Germ.???
Stewart Rod A Night On The Town 1976 WB Burbank Holl.inner
Stewart Rod A Night On The Town 1976 WB Burbank
Stewart Rod Fooliish Behaviour 1980 WB Holl. inner
Stewart Rod AShot Of Rhythm And Blues 1976 EMI France g.c.
Stewart Rod Blondes Have More Fun 1978 WB France g.c.
Shakti With John McLaughlin Same 1976 CBS Holl.M
Shadows Golden Greats 1969 EMI-Columbia black Holl.
Sweet Golden Greats 1977 RCA Hol.
Stivell Alan Journee A La Maison 1978 Philips Hol.
10 CC Bloodu Tourist 1978 Mercury Hol g.c. insert
10 CC Original Soundtrack 1975 Mercury Hol. g.c.
10 CC Ten Out Of 10 1981 Mercury France inner
10 CC Look Hear 1980 Mercury Holl.insert
10 CC Look Hear 1980 Mercury Holl.insert
Tremelos Even The Bad Times Are Good 1982 K-Tel Hol.M
Third World The Story’s Been Told 1979Island Germ. Inner
Tears For Fears The Hurting 1983 Mercury Hol. Inner
Three Degrees Same 1973 Philadelphia International rec. Hol. g.c.
Three Degrees 3D 1979 Ariola Germ.
Tangerine Dream Ricochet 1975 Virgin Germ.
Tangerine Dream Stratosfear 1976 Virgin France g.c.
Tangerine Dream Cyclone 1978 Virgin France g.c.
T’pau Bridge Of Spies 1987 Virgin Germ. inner
Triumph The Sport Of Kings 1986 MCA Canada inner insert
Trio Same 1981 Mercury Germ. inner
Thara Humara Introspection 1991 Digimusic& Records Spain
Taylor Andy (ex-Duran Duran) &Steve Jones (ex-Sex Pistols) Thunder 1987 MCA Canada inner
Traffic Best Of… (1969) 1984 Island Germ.
Twisted Sister Love Is For Suckers 1987 Atlantic Germ.
Twisted Sister Under The Blade 1982 Secret Hol.inner
Uriah Heep Wonderworld 1974 Bronze Hol. Inner
Uriah Heep Wonderworld 1974 Bronze Hol.
Uriah Heep Live 1973 Bronze Holl. 2 LP g.c.2 inners book
Ultravox Rage In Eden 1981 Chrysalis Germ.inner
Ultravox Same 1977Island Hol. g.c.
Ultravox Systems Of Romance 1978Island Italy inner
Ufo No Place To Run 1980 Chrysalis Hol.
Ufo No Place To Run 1980 Chrysalis France
Ufo Misdemeanor 1985 Chrysalis Germ.
Ufo Making Kontact 1983 Chrysalis France
U2 Unforgettable Fire1984Island Germ. still sealed
U2 October 1981 Island Portugal inner
UK Night After Night 1979 Polydor Holl.
UK Same 1978 Polydor Holl. Inner 1
UK Same 1978 Polydor France insert
Vaughan Stevie Ray And Double Trouble Texas Flood 1983 Epic Hol.
Van Halen Fair Warning 1981 WB Portugal inner
Village People Go West 1979 Philips Holl.
Vangelis China 1979 Polydor Germ.
Vangelis To The Unknown Man ( comp.) 1981 RCA France g.c.
Vangelis Albedo 1978 RCA France g.c.
Vangelis Mask 1985 Polydor Spain
Van Morrison T.B.Sheets 1973 Bellaphon Germ.
Van Morrison Into The Music 1979 Mercury Hol.
Why Blood Get Ready 1980 Big Mouth Germ.
Winter Edgar Group Shock Treatment 1974 Epic yellow Holl.inner
Winter Johnny The Progressive Blues Experiment (1972) 1986 Liberty Germ.
Winter Edgar GroupWith Rick Derringer Same 1975 Blue SkyHol. Inner
Wakeman Rick Journey To The Center…1974 A & M Hol. g.c.book
Wakeman Rick Criminal Record 1977 A & M Hol.inner 1
Wakeman Rick 1984 1981 Charisma Hol. Inner
Wood Ron Gimme Some Neck 1979 CBS Hol. Inner
Wishbone Ash No Smoke Without Fire 1978 MCA
Wishbone Ash Classic Ash 1977 MCA France g.c.
Wishbone Ash Jast Testing 1979 MCA Germ. inner
Wishbone Ash Front Page News 1977 MCA France g.c.
Wishbone Ash Front Page News 1977 MCA Hol.g.c.
Wyman Bill Monkey Grip 1974 Promoton France insert
Wyman Bill Same 1981 A & M Hol.
Weather Report I Sing The Body Electric 1972 CBS Holl.
Weather Report Mr.Gone 1978 CBS Holl.
Wonder Stevie Hotter Than July 1980 Tamla Canada g.c.inner
Wonder Stevie Original Musiquarium I (compilat.)1982 Motown France 2 LP g.c.
Whittaker Roger Gr.Hits (Mamy Blue) 1972 Philips Holl. M+
Yes Drama 1980 Atlantic Spain g.c. inner
Yes Yes Album 1971 Atlantic Hol. g.c.
Yes Yes Album 1971 Atlantic Germ. g.c.
Yes Fragile 1973 Atlantic Germ. g.c.
Yes Big Generator 1987 Atco Germ. inner
Yes Close To The Edge 1972 Atlantic Hol.g.c.inner
Yes Yesshows 1980 Atlantic Spain 2 LP g.c.
Yes Tormato 1978 Atlantic Germ. inner
Zucchero Fornaciari 1987 Polydor Germ.inner
ZZTop Afterburner 1985 WB Germ. insert
Various Artists WoodstockOne 1970 Cotillion 3 LP 3 fold cover
Jesus Christ Superstar (film) 1970 MCA black Holl..2 LP g.c. book
Jesus Christ Superstar (film) 1970 MCA blue Germ. 2 LP g.c. book
Various Artists RAK Rocks 1973 RAK Holl. ( Suzi Quatro, Mud, Jeff Back, Cozy Powell …)
Various Artists All This And World War II (soundtrack) 1976 WB Burbank Germ.2 LP 2 inners
Various Artists Wars Of The World Jefrf Wayne’s Musical Version 1978 CBS Holl. 2 LP g.c. book
Various Artists Saturday Night Fever (soundtrack) 1977 RSO Holl.2 LP g.c.( Bee Gees, Kool The Gang, Trammps…).
Various Artists Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (soundtrack) 1978 RSO Holl. 2 LP g.c. poster,insert
( Bee Gees,Aerosmith, Alice Cooper,Peter Frampton ets…)
New Arrival
Made in EEC
Abba Visitors 1981 Vogue France Inner
Abba The Singles (First Ten Years) 1982 Polydor Hol. 2 LP g.c.Inners
Abba Super Trouper 1980 Polydor Hol. inner
Abba Super Trouper 1980 Polydor France. inner
Abba The Album 1977 Melba France. Inner 1
Abba Voulez – Vous 1979 Polydor Hol. inner
Anderson JonIn City Of Angels 1988 Atlantic Hol. Inner
Anderson Jon Song Of Seuer 1980 Atlantic Germ. Insert
Anderson Jon Animation 1982 Polydor Hol. inner
Barclay James Harvest Turn Of The Tide 1981 Polydor Hol.inner
Barclay James Harvest Victims Of Circumstance 1984 Polydor Germ.inner
Bad Company Straight Shooter 1974 Island Hol.inner
Bad Company Holy Water 1990 Atco Germ.
Bad Company Same 1974 Island France g.c.
Baccara Same 1977 RCA France
Bee Gees Living Eyes 1981 RSO France. g.c. inner
Bee Gees Main Course 1975 RSO France
Bee Gees Living Eyes 1981 RSO France. g.c. inner
Bee Gees Children Of The World 1976 RSO France.insert
Bee GeesBest Of.. 1974 Polydor France. g.c. 2LP
Bread On The Waters 1970 Elektra Germ.
Beck, Bogert, & Appice Same 1973 CBS-Embassy Hol
Black Sabbath Gr.Hits 1981 Ariston Italy
Cars Candy-O 1979 Elektra Germ. Inner
Costello Elvis & Attractions IbMePdErRoLoAmL 1982 Fbeat Germ.inner
Cooper Alice Flush The Fashion 1980 WB Hol. Inner
Cocker Joe Jamaica Say You Will 1975 Cube Hol. g.c.
Chicago II1970 CBS Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Cara Irene What A Feelin’1983 Epic Hol.inner
Depeche Mode Speak & Spell 1981 Mute France
Dire Straits Communique 1979 VertigoHol.inner
Deodato Prelude 1974 CTI Hol. g.c.
Daryl Hall & John Oates Ooh Yeah! 1988 Arista Germ.inner
ELO Discovery 1979 Jet Holl. g.c. inner
ELO & Olivia Newton-John Xanadu 1980 Jet Israel g.c.
Earth,Wind& Fire I Am1979 CBS Israel g.c.
Foregner Double Vision 1978 Atlantic Hol.
Foreigner Agent Provocateur 1984 Atlantic Germ. inner
Fleetwood Mac The Best Of…(1969) 1976 CBS Hol.
Fogerty John Centerfield 1985 WB Germ. inner
Genesis Same 1983 Vertigo inner Germ.
Genesis Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 1974 Charisma Hol.2 LP inners g.c.
Gloria Gaynor Never Can Say Goodbye 1975 MGM Germ.
Hollies Pop Chronik 3 (compil.) 1974 Hansa 87178 Germ.2 LP g.c. insert
Harrison George Gone Troppo 1982 Dark Horse Germ. inner
Henrik Håkansson – The Skylark / From Nowhere And Somewhere ( soundtrack ) 2002 Sweden limited edition
Irrwisch Living In A Fool’s Paradise1982 EMI EEC
John Elton Sleeping With The Past 1989 Rocket rec.Hol.inner
Jackson Michael Triller 1982 Epic Hol. inner g.c.
Jackson Michael Bad 1987 Epic Hol. inner g.c
Jethro Tull Heavy Horses 1978 Chrysalis Holl. inner
Jethro Tull Crest Of A Knave 1987 Chrysalis Germ. inner
Jethro Tull Passion Play 1973 Chrysalis green France g.c. book
Jethro Tull Passion Play 1973 Chrysalis green Hol. g.c. book
Jethro Tull Passion Play 1973 Chrysalis green Hol. g.c
J.J.Cale 5 1979 Shelter Germ.
J.J.Cale Okie 1980 Shelter Italy
Jon And Vangelis Short Stories 1979 Polydor Hol. inner 1
Japan Assembage 1981 Hansa
Japan Oil On Canvas 1983 Virgin Germ. 2 LP g.c. 1
J.Geils Band Bloodshot 1973 Atlantic Germ.
J.Geils Band Nightmares 1974 Atlantic Germ. inner
Joel Billy 52nd Street 1978 CBS Israel g.c.
Jones Tom 24 Great Standards 1976 Decca France g.c.2 LP
Laslo Victor Canoe Rose 1985 Miracle Belgium mini – LP 6 tracks
Lucifer’s Friend Sneak Me In 1980 Elektra Germ.
Les Humphries Singers 20 Great Hits 1977 Arcade Germ.
ManfredMann’s Earth Band The Roaring Silence 1977 Bronza Germ.
ManfredMann’s Earth Band Criminal Tango 1986 Virgin Germ. inner
Marley Bob Catch A Fire 1976 Island Hol.
Marley Bob Survival 1979 Island Germ.inner
Marley Bob Confrontation 1983 Island Germ. g.c.
Mccartney Paul At The Speed At Sound 1976 MPL Hol. Inner
McCartney Paul Band On The Run 1973 Apple Holl.insert
McCartney Paul Band On The Run 1973 Apple France inner POSTER
Mud Mud Rock vol.II 1975 Rak UK + Hol.
Moody Blues In Search Of The Lost Chord 1968 Deram Hol.insert
Middle Of The Road Acceleration 1971 RCA orange Germ.g.c.
Madonna Like A Virgin 1984 Sire Germ. inner
Miriam Makeba Pata Pata 1972 Reprise Germ.
Nazareth The Fool Circle 1980 Vertigo Germ. inner!!
Nina Hagen Band Unbehagen 1979 CBS Hol. insert
Nils Lofgren Cry Tough 1976 A & M Hol.
Procol Harum Grand Hotel 1973 Chrysalis green Germ.. g.c.
Procol Harum Grand Hotel 1973 Chrysalis green Germ.. g.c.
Procol Harum Something Magic 1977 Chrysalis blue Germm. G.c.
Plant Robert Pictures At Eleven 1982 Swan Song Germ. inner
Phoebe Snow Something Real 1989 Elektra Germ. inner
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977 Mercury Hol. g.c.
Roxy Music Standed 1973 Island pink rim Holl.g.c.
Rolling Stones Black & Blue 1976 Promotone Hol. inner
insert g.c.
Rosetta Stone Rock Pictures 1978 Private Stock Germ.g.c.
Rainbow Rising 1976 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Roussos Demis Forever And Ever 1974 Philips black
Santana Abraxas 1970 CBS Hol. g.c.
Stewart Rod Collection (compil.) 1977 Ahed Canada 2LP
Supertramp Famous Last Words 1982A & M Hol.inner
Supertramp Breakfast In America 1979 A& M Hol. Inner
Steely Dan Pretzel Logic 1974 ABC Hol. g.c.
Schulze Klaus LIVE 1980 Braun Germ 2 LP g.c. POSTER
Schulze Klaus Cyborg 1976 Ariola Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Summer Donna Wanderer 1980 Geffen Israel insert
Summer Donna On The Radio Gr.Hits Vol.I & II 1979 Casablanca Israel 2 LP
Stewart Jermaine Say It Again 1987 Virgin Germ. inner
Sting The Dream Of The Blue Turtles 1985 A & M Germ.inner & insert
Steppenwolf Slow Flux 1974 CBS Spain
10 CC Look Hear 1980 Mercury Hol. Insert 1
Thompson Richard Hand Of Kindness 1983 Hannibal Germ. inner
Trower Robin In City Dreams 1977 Chrysalis Hol.
Thin Lizzy Johnny The Fox 1976 Vertigo France inner
Tyler Bonnie Diamond Cut 1979 RCA orange France g.c.
Vaughan Stevie Ray And Double Trouble Live Alive 1986 Epic Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Van Halen Fair Warning 1981 WB Germ. inner
Van Hallen II 1979 WB France inner
Van Hallen Woman & Children First 1980 WB France inner poster
Vega Suzanne Same1985 A& M Germ. insert
Vangelis Mask 1985 Polydor Germ.
Van Morrison Common One 1980 Mercury Hol. inner
Valentin Dave Jungle Garden 1985 GRP Finland
Wakeman Rick Myths And Legends…1975 A &M Hol.g.c.
Whitesnake Slip Of The Tongue 1989 EMI EEC inner
Wishbone Ash Live Dates 1973 MCA Germ. g.c. 2 LP
Wings …Over America 1976 MPL Hol.3 LP all inserts g.c.
Who Tommy 1969 Polydor 184216 Germ. cover 2612006 Israel 2 LP g.c.
Yes 90125 1983 Atlantic Germ. inner
Yes Tormato 1978 Atlantic Hol.. inner
Yes Close To The Edge 1972 Atlantic France. g.c.inner
Yes Relayer 1974 Atlantic France. g.c. inner
Young Neil Decade 1979 Reprise Germ.3 LP double g.c.
EEC LP’s 06.13.
Abba The Singles (First Ten Years) 1982 Polydor Hol. 2 LP g.c.Inners
Abba Greatest Hits vol.2 1979 Polydor France g.c.inner
Abba Greatest Hits vol.2 1979 Polydor Hol.
Abba Greatest Hits vol.2 1979 Polydor Hol.
Abba Visitors 1981 Polydor Hol. Inner 1
Abba Arrival 1976 Polydor Hol. Inner sticker
Abba The Album 1977 Polydor Germ. inner
Alan Parsons Project Vulture Culture 1984 Arista Germ.inner
Alan Parsons Project Tales Of Mystery And Imagination Edgar Allan Poe 1976 20th Century rec. Portugal g.c.
Alan Parsons Project Tales Of Mystery And Imagination Edgar Allan Poe 1976 Сasablanka Canada inner
Alan Parsons Project Eve 1979 Arista Canada
Alan Price & Rob Hoeke Two Of A Kind 1977 Polydor
Anderson Jon Olias Of Sunhillow 1976 Atlantic Germ. triple cover inner
Aphrodite’s Child Best of….1978 Mercury Germ.g.c.
Boney M Oceans Of Fantasy 1979 Hansa Spain.cover- poster M
Boney M Love For Sale 1977 Hansa blue Germ.1
Boney M Magic Of Boney M 1980 Hansa Germ. Inner1
Blondie Same 1977 Chrysalis Hol.
Blondie Plastic Letters 1978 Chrysalis Hol.
Bee Gees Trafalgar 1971 Polydor Germ.
Bee Gees Mr. Natural 1974 RSO Germ.
Bee Gees E.S.P. 1987 WB Germ.inner
http://www.discogs.com/Bee-Gees-Best-Of ... se/1003046
Bee Gees Living Eyes 1981 RSO Hol. g.c. inner
Buckingham Lindsey Go Insane 1984 Philips Hol.inner
Burdon Eric & Animals Same 1982 Superstar Italy g.c. book
Back Jeff Wired 1976 CBS Hol.
http://www.discogs.com/Eric-Burdon-The- ... se/2878097
Blood,Sweet & Tears Brand New Day 1977 CBS Germ.inner
Bad Company Run With The Pack 1976 Island Hol. g.c.
Bad Company Rough Diamonds 1982 Swan Song Germ. Inner
Bad Company Desolation Angels 1979 Swan Song Germ.inner g.c.
Bad Company Straight Shooter 1974 Island Hol.inner
Bee Gees Idea 1968 Polydor Germ.
Bread Lost Without You Love 1977 Elektra Hol. g.c.
Barclay James Harvest Ring Of Changes 1983 Polydor France g.c.
Chris De Burg Eastern Wind 1980 A & M Hol.inner
Chicago X 1976 CBS Hol. g.c. inner
Chicago 19 1982 Reprise Germ. inner
CCR Chronicle 1976 Festival France 2 LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Creedence-Clearw ... ase/371917
Collins PhilHello, I Must Be Going! 1982 WEA Germ.g.c. inner
Chris Rea Whatever Happened To Benny Santini 1978 Magnet rec. Germ.inner
Cocker Joe I Can’t Stand A Little Rain 1974 Cube Germ.
Purple 24 Carat 1975 Purple Hol. 1
Deep Purple Deepest Purple 1980 Harvest Hol.
Duran Duran Arena 1984 Parlophone Hol. g.c. inner book
Derringer Sweet Evil 1977 Blue Sky Hol. inner
ELP Pictures At The Exhibition 1972 Manticore Germ. g.c.
ELP Works 1977 Ariola Germ.2 LP 3 fold cover
ELP Works 1977 Ariola Germ.2 LP 3 fold cover Atlantic UK
ELP Welcome Back, My Friends 1974 Manticore Germ. 3 LP 3 fold cover
ELO Discovery 1979 Jet Hol. g.c. inner insert
ELO Face The Music 1975 UA Hol. g.c.
Eagles Hotel California 1976 Asylum Canada g.c.inner poster
Foreigner Records 1982 Atlantic Germ. origin cover
Fleetwood Mac Same 1975 Reprise South Africa
Gillan Magic 1982 Virgin Germ. g.c. inner
Goombay Dance Band Sun Of Jamaica 1980 CBS Hol.
Genesis Duke 1980 Charisma Hol.g.c.
Genesis Abacab 1981 Vertigo Hol. inner
Genesis Same 1983 Vertigo Red inner Germ.
Genesis Trespass 1970Charisma Germ.g.c.
Genesis Nursery Cryme1971Philips Germ.g.c.
Hollies Russian Roulette 1976 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Hollies Same ( comp.) 1974 Polydor Hol.
Judas Priest Stained Class1978 CBS Holl. inner
John Elton Caribou 1974 DJM Hol. inner
John Elton Captain Fantastic 1975 DJM Hol. g.c.1
John Elton 21 At 33 1980 Rocket rec.Hol. inner, insert,
John Elton Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 1973 DJM Holl.2 LP 3 fold cover
Jean Michel Jarre Oxygene 1976 Motors France
Jean Michel JarreThe Essential 1976-86 1986 Dreyfus France
Jethro Tull Stormwatch 1979 Chrysalis blue Holl. Inner
J.J.Cale Troubadour 1977 Shelter Portugal
J.J.Cale 5 1979 Shelter Germ.
Kingdom Come In Your Face 1989 Polydor Germ.inner
Kiss Dynasty 1979 Casablanca France inner 1
Kiss Unmasked 1980 Casablanca Hol.
Lindisfarne Back And Fourth 1978 Mercury Hol. g.c.
Lennon John Rock’n’Roll 1975 Apple Hol.
Motorhead Over kill 1979 Bronze Hol.
Moody Blues Octave 1978 Decca g.c.
Michael Stanley Band Ladie’s Choice 1976 Epic Hol. inner
Mud Mud Rock 1974 RAK Hol.+ UK 1
Mud Use Your Imagination 1975 Philips Hol. insert
Mud Mud Rock vol.II 1975 Rak Hol.
McCartney Paul II 1980 Parlophone Holl. Inner
McCartney Paul Ram 1971 Apple Holl. g.c.
Mccartney Paul London Town 1978 MPL Holl. inner poster
MSG One Night At Budokan 1981 Chrysalis Germ. 2 LP g.c.
Nazareth Gr.Hits 1975Vertigo Hol.insert
http://www.discogs.com/Paco-De-Lucia-Pa ... se/1290885
Procol Harum Grand Hotel 1973 Chrysalis green Hol.g.c.
Poco Pickin’ Up The Pieces 1969 Epic yellow Hol. g.c.
Queen LIVE Killers 1979 EMI Hol. 2 LP inners
Queen Hot Space 1981 EMI Hol. inner
Quatro Suzi If You knew Suzi…1978 RAK Germ.
Rainbow Rising 1976 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Ritchie Blacmore’s Rainbow Same 1975 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Rolling Stones Somegirls 1978 Promotone Hol. inner insert
Rolling Stones Stones Story 1976 Decca Hol. 2 LP g.c. booklet
Roussos Demis My Only Fascination 1974 Philips France
Roussos Demis My Only Fascination 1974 Philips Spain
Roussos Demis Forever And Ever 1974 Philips black
http://www.discogs.com/Sweet-Golden-Gre ... ase/947362
Stivell Alan A La’Olimpia 1972 Fontana black France
Slick Grace Welcome To The Wreching Ball 1981 RCA black Hol. inner g.c.
Summer Donna Live And More 1978 Casablanca Hol. 2 LP g.c. insert
Santana Borboletta 1974 CBS Hol. inner
Starr Ringo Rotogravure 1976 Polydor Hol.g.c. inner
Starr Ringo Bad Boy 1978 Polydor Germ. inner
Status Quo Blue For You 1976 Vertigo Hol. inner g.c.
Trower Robin + Jack Bruce + Bill Lordan B.L.T. 1981 Chrysalis Germ.
Thin LizzyLive And Dangerous 1978 Vertigo Hol. 2 LP inners
Uriah Heep Live 1973 Bronze Holl. 2 LP g.c.book
UK Night After Night 1979 Polydor Holl.
Weather Report 8:30 1979 CBS Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Weather Report Sweet Nighter 1973 CBS Hol.
Wishbone Ash New England 1976 MCA Hol.g.c.M
Wishbone Ash No Smoke Without Fire 1978 MCA Hol.
Wishbone Ash Locked In 1975 MCA Hol.
Yes Drama 1980 Atlantic Germ. g.c. inner
Yes Tales From Topographic Oceans 1973Atlantic France g.c. 2 LP
Yes Yesterdays 1974 Atlantic Germ. inner
Vangelis China 1979 Polydor Hol. g.c. inner
Vangelis Hypothesis 1979 Oxford Italy
Vega Suzanne Same1985 A& M Spain inner
ZZTop Recycler 1990 WB Germ. inner
ZZTop Afterburner 1985 WB Germ.
Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari Oro Incenso & Birra 1989 Polydor Germ.g.c.
Abba Visitors 1981 Polydor Hol. Inner
Abba Golden Double Album 1976 Melba France g.c. 2 LP
Animals House Of The Rising Sun (compilation) 1970 Emidisk Hol.
Alan Parsons Project Vulture Culture 1984 Arista Germ.inner
Alan Parsons Project Tales Of Mystery And Imagination Edgar Allan Poe 1976 20th Century rec.Germ.g.c. book
Alan Parsons Project Eve 1979 Arista Germ. g.c.
AlphavilleThe Breathtaking Blue 1989 WEA Canada inner outside
Boney M Night Flight To Venus 1978 Hansa Germ. g.c. 6:03
Bad Company Desolation Angels 1979 Swan Song Germ.inner g.c.
Blood Sweat & Tears Nuclear Blues 1980 MCA Holl.inner
Benatar Pat Tropico 1984 Chrysalis Canada inner
Baccara Sorry, I‘m A Lady 1977 RCA Germ.
Cohen Leonard New Skin For The Old Ceremony 1974 CBS Holl.
Cure Seventeen Seconds 1980 Polydor Hol.
Cocker Joe Jamaica say You Will 1975 Cube France g.c.
Cocker Joe I can Stand A Little Rain 1974 Cube France
Cocker JoeSame 1970 Stateside France
Chicago XIII 1975 CBS Holl.
CCR Live In Europe 1973 Fantasy France g.c. 2 LP
CCR Creedence Clearwater Revival 1968/69 1978 Fantasy France g.c. 2 LP
Colosseum IIWar dance 1977 MCA Germ.
Dire Straits Love Over Gold 1982 Vertigo Hol. inner
Dire Straits Same 1978 Vertigo Holl.inner
Dire Straits Making Movies 1980 Vertigo Holl.inner
Dire Straits Communique 1979 VertigoHol.inner
Deep Purple 24 Carat 1975 Purple Hol.
Donovan Cosmic Wheels 1977 Epic yellow Holl.g.c. inner
Donovan 7 - Tease 1977 Epic yellow Holl. inner
ELP Welcome Back, My Friends 1974 Manticore Germ. 3 LP 3 fold cover
Fogerty John Centerfield 1985 WB Germ. inner
Fox Samanta Same 1987 Jive Germ. inner
Genesis Same 1983 Vertigo Holl. inner
Genesis Foxtrot 1972 Charisma Germ.g.c.
Genesis A Trick Of The Tail1976 Charisma France g.c.inner, insert
Genesis Invisible Touch 1986 Virgin France inner
Genesis Abacab1981 Vertigo France inner
Greenwood Lee If There’s Any Jusnice 1987 MCA Canada
Gabriel Peter Same 1977 Charisma Holl. Inner, insert
Grebenshikov Boris Radio Silens 1989 CBS Holl.inner
Joplin Janis Gr.Hits 1973 CBS Hol. 1
John Elton Honky Chateau 1977 DJM France g.c. inner
John Elton Caribou 1974 DJM Hol. inner
Jethro Tull Rock Island 1989 Chrysalis Germ.inner
Lennon John Shaved Fish 1975 Apple Hol. Inner
Lennon John Shaved Fish 1975 Apple Hol.
Les Humphries Singers Old Man Moses Decca Germ,
Mahavishnu Orchestra Birds Of Fire 1973 CBS Hol.
Mud Mud Rock vol.II 1975 Rak Germ.
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Angel Station 1979 Bronze Germ.insert poster
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Chance 1980 Bronze Germ.inner
Moody Blues Every Good Boy Deserves Favour 1971 Threshold Holl.g.c.
Matt Bianco Whose Side Are You On 1983 WEA Germ.
Marilyn Monroe Goodbye Primadonna 1981 Disc'Az Germ.
Osmonds Brainstorm 1976 Polydor France
Pink Floyd Relics 1969 Supersound Holl.
Presley Elvis Live 1981 K-Tel France
https://www.discogs.com/release/4337260 ... Elvis-Live
Queen Live Magic 1986 EMI Spain inner
Robin Cock Same 1985 CBS Holl. inner
Roxy Music Same 1972 Island Hol.g.c.
Roxy Music For Your Pleasure 1973 Polydor France g.c.
Roxy Music Manifesto1979 Polydor Holl, inner
Rolling Stones Black & Blue 1976 Promotone Hol. inner
insert g.c. 2
Roussos Demis Forever And Ever 1974 Philips black
Roussos Demis Ainsi Soit-il 1977 Philips black
Stewart Rod Fooliish Behaviour 1980 WB Holl. inner
Scorpions Savage Amusement 1988 Harvest EEC inner
10 CC Bloodu Tourist 1978 Mercury Hol g.c.
Temptation Masterpiece 1973 Tamla Motown Germ.
Barclay James Harvest Time Honoured Ghost 1975 Polydor France g.c.
Dire Straits Love Over Gold 1982 Vertigo France inner
Dire Straits Making Movies 1980 Vertigo France inner
Dio The Last In Line 1984 Vertigo France inner
Dio Sacred Heat 1985 Vertigo France inner
EurythmicsTouch 1983 RCA Germ, inner
EurythmicsBe Yourself Tonight 1985 RCA Germ, inner insert
EurythmicsRevenge 1986 RCA Germ, inner
EurythmicsSavage 1987 RCA Germ, inner
Gallagher Rory Blueprint 1973 Polydor Italy
Genesis …and then there were three 1978 Charisma black France g.c. insert
Genesis …and then there were three 1978 Charisma blue France g.c.
Gabriel Peter Same 1980 Charisma black France. inner
Gomez Leroy Gypsy Woman 1978 Bellaphon Germ.
Jarre Jean-Michel Les Chants Magnétiques 1981 Disques Dreyfus France inner
Jarre Jean-MichelZoolook 1984 Disques Dreyfus France inner
Jarre Jean-Michel Rendez-vous 1986 Disques Dreyfus France
Jarre Jean-Michel En Concert Houston / Lyon 1987 Disques Dreyfus France g.c. inner
Jarre Jean-Michel Revolutions1988 Disques Dreyfus France
Jarre Jean-Michel The Essential 1976-1986 1985 Disques Dreyfus France inner
Hagen NinaIn Ekstasy 1985 CBS Hol.inner
Hagen Nina Angstlos 1983 CBS Hol.inner
Japan Exorcising Ghosts1984 Virgin France g.c. 2 LP inners
Kitaro In Person Digital1982 Kuckuck Germ.
Kitaro Tenku 1986 Geffen Records Germ.inner
Kitaro Ki 1982 Kuckuck Germ.
Kitaro Tunhuang 1983 Kuckuck Germ.
Kenny Bravo ( The Best…) 1976 RAK Germ.
http://www.discogs.com/Kenny-Bravo-Pr%C ... se/2840948
Kenny Ricochet 1976 Polydor Germ.
Mccartney Paul At The Speed At Sound 1976 MPL Hol. Inner
Mccartney Paul Wings Greatest 1978 MPL Portugal inner
Before MIXT A-G
Pet Shop Boys Left To My Own Devices Maxi Single 1988ParlophoneHoll.
Pet Shop Boys Actually 1987ParlophoneHoll.inner
Pet Shop Boys Introspective 1987ParlophoneHoll.inner
Ritchie Family American Generation 1978 CBS France
Roussos Demis Forever And Ever 1974 Philips black France
Roussos Demis Souvenirs 1975 Philips black France
Roussos Demis Grands Succes 1975 Philips black France g.c. 2 LP
Stewart Rod Fooliish Behaviour 1980 WB Germ. inner
Stewart Rod Blondes Have More Fun 1978 WB France g.c.
Stewart Rod Tonight I’m Yours 1981 WB Germ. inner
Various Artists Evita ( rock-opera ) Webber- Rice 1976 MCA Italy g.c. 2 LP book
Worker List Mixt LP’s
Aphrodite’s Child 666 1971 Vertigo blue-green UFO France 2 LP g.c.
Aphrodite’s Child Rain And Tears (best) 1972 Philips red Canada
http://www.discogs.com/Aphrodites-Child ... se/1805105
Animals Tracking The Hits 1965 Columbia mono Holland first edition
Arabesque Same (Friday Night) 1978 Out Italy different cover
Alkatraz Doing A Moonlight 1976 Rockfield Hol.
Belle EpoqueBamalama 1978 Carrere France
Belle Epoque Black Is Black (Miss Broadway) 1977 Polydor Germ.
Belle Epoque Miss Broadway 1977 Carrere France2
Blood, Sweat & Tears New City 1975 CBS Hol.inner
Bowie David Stage 1978 RCA Hol. 2 LP g.c yellow vinyl 1
Bowie David Pin Ups 1973 RCA Germ.g.c.
Bowie David Lets Dance 1983 EMI Germ. Inner
Bowie David Station To Station 1976 RCA Germ.
Bowie David Young Americas 1975 RCA orange Hol.insert
Bowie David Aladdin Sane 1973RCA orange Italy g.c.UK insert
Bowie David Diamond Dogs 1974 RCA Hol.orange g.c
Bluesband Official Album 1980 Arista Hol.
Bonzo Dog Band Gorilla 1976 Sunset Hol.
Brown James Live In New York 1984 Milan France 2 LP g.c.
Baker And Band More Humble Oranges 1982 CGD Italy inner
Boney M Take The Heart Off Me 1976 Hansa Germ. poster1
Boney M Boonoonoonoos1981 Hansa Germ. inner poster M 2
Boney M Boonoonoonoos 1981 Ariola Hol inner poster
Bruce Jack Out Of The Storm 1974 RSO Germ.insert
Black Russian Same 1980 Motown Germ.
Blind Faith Same 1969 Polydor Germ ( Alternate Cover)
Blind Faith Same (1969) 1973 Polydor France ( Alternate Cover)
Beck JeffWired 1976 Epic Canada
Beck JeffThere And Back 1980 Epic Hol.inner 1
Beck, Bogert, & AppiceSame 1973 CBS-Embassy Hol.
Buzzards Jellied Eels to Record Deals 1979 Chrysalis Hol.
Clash Combat Rock 1982 CBS Hol. Inner 1
Cerrone Back Track (8) 1982 Malligator France club edition
Cerrone Supernature (3) 1977 CBS Hol.g.c.1
Canned Heat New Age 1973 UA Germ.inner
Chilly Come To L.A.1979 Polydor Germ.
ChicagoIII 1971 CBS Holl. g.c. 2 LP
Cooper Alice Billion Dollars Babies 1973 WB green France inner g.c.
Cooper Alice Welcome To My Nightmare 1975 Anchor Hol.
Deep Purple Made In Europe 1976 Purple Hol.g.c.
Doors An American Prayer 1978 Elektra butterfly Germ.g.c.
Doors L.A.Woman 1971 Elektra Germ. Reissue 1982
Dirty Old Man Reflections Of… 1992 Swingin’Zombie Sweden Insert
Dream Theater When Dream And Day Unite 1989 MCA Germ.inner
Eloy Live 1978 Harvest Germ.2 LP g.c.
ELO Same 1971 Harvest Germ.g.c
EruptionSame 1977 Hansa Germ. 1
http://www.discogs.com/Eruption-4-Featu ... ase/232468
EruptionSame 1977 Hansa Holl. different cover 1
http://www.discogs.com/Eruption-4-Featu ... se/2632054
EruptionSame 1977 Hansa Barclay France different cover 1
http://www.discogs.com/Eruption-I-Cant- ... ase/191576
Eruption Our Way 1983 Jupiter Germ.
Eruption Fight Fight Fight 1980 Hansa Germ.
Family Anyway (1970) reissue 1984 TIS Germ. g.c.
Guess Who American Woman 1970 RCA orange Germ.inner
Guess Who Greatest Of The Guess Who1977RCA orange Hol.
Gallaher Rory Calling Card 1976 Chrysalis Germ.
Grand Funk E Ppluribus Funk1972 Capitol Hol. 1
Grand Funk Lives 1981 Full MoonGerm. inner
Grateful Dead Workingman’s Dead 1973 WB Germ.*
Grateful Dead Blues For Allah 1975 Liberty Italy reissue
Geordie Hope You Like It 1973 Poplandia Spain g.c.
(different cover) very rare
https://www.discogs.com/Geordie-Esperam ... se/4926146
Guns N’ Roses Lies 1988 GeffenGerm.inner
Gabriel Valse Bal Folk 1974 Le Chant Du Monde France insert
Gentle Giant The Missing Piece 1977 Chrysalis blue France
Gentle Giant Pretentious 1977 Vertigo Germ. 2 LP g.c.
Glitter Band Hey! 1974 Bell Germ.
Guns N’ Roses GN’R Lies 1988 Geffen Germ. inner
Greenslade Spyglass Guest 1974 Vertigo Hol.g.c.
Hopkin Mary Earth Song 1971 Apple Germ. g.c. 1 press Sapcor 21
Hendrix Jimi Hush Now 1975 Astan Germ. bootleg
Hendrix JimiSmash Hits 1970 Reprise 3 color Canada inner
Hendrix Jimi& Curtis Knight Soul 1967 Telefunken Germ.
Hendrix Jimi Same (comp.) 1982 Superstar Italy g.c. book
Hollies Confession Of The Mind 1970 Parlophone Hol.
Hawkwind Collection 1986 Castle Germ.2 lp g.c.
It’s A Beautiful Day At Carnegie Hall 1972 CBS Hol. g.c.1
It’s A Beautiful Day Marrying Maiden 1970 CBS Hol.
It’s A Beautiful Day Same (1969) 1979 CBS 83797 Hol. g.c.
It’s A Beautiful Day Same (1969) 1972 CBS 63722 Hol. g.c
Iron ButterflyIn–A-Gadda-Da-Vida 1968 Atlantic Germ.
Iron ButterflyIn–A-Gadda-Da-Vida 1968 Atlantic Hol.
Iron Maiden Piece Of Mind 1983 EMI Holl.g.c.
Joy Division(Warsaw) An Ideal For Killing 2002 bootleg insert
James Gang Passin’ Thru 1972 ABC Germ.
James Gang Bang 1973 Atlantic Germ.
James GangRidin' with James Gang 1973 ABC Hol.
Jethro Tull Benefit 1970 Chrysalis green Germ. g.c.!!!!
Jethro Tull Benefit1970 Sonet Sweden
James Montgomery Band Same 1976 Island Canada
Jo Jo Gunne Jumpin The Gunne 1973 Asylum Germ.g.c. 1
Jo Jo Gunne Same 1972 Asylum France g.c.
John Elton Captain Fantastic 1975 DJM Hol.books
John McLaughlinAndMahavishnuAdventures In Radioland 1986 Relativity Hol.inner
John McLaughlinElectric Guitarist 1978 CBS Hol.g.c.
John McLaughlinElectric Dreams 1979 CBS Hol.inner
John McLaughlinBelo Horizonte 1981 WB Germ.
John McLaughlinMusic Spoken Here 1982 WB Germ.inner
Korner Alexis & Snape Accidental Band 1972 Brain green Germ.g.c.
Kinks Greatest Hits 1975 Marble Arch Can.
King Crimson Beat 1982 EG Spain inner
King Crimson Discipline 1981 EG Hol.
Kraftwerk Autobahn 1974 Philips Hol.
Kraftwerk Autobahn 1974 Philips Germ. 1 press
KraftwerkRadio-Activity 1975 Capitol purple Hol.
Kiss Same 1974 Casablanca France
Love 666 American Revolution 1995 Amrep USA white vinyl
LZ IV 1971 Atlantic Germ.g.c. inner
LimeII 1982 Polydor Hol. 1
LimeII 1982 Polydor Spain
Lime Your Love 1981 Polydor Germ.1
Lime Your Love 1981 Polydor Hol.
Lime III 1983Polydor Holl.3
La Bionda Same 1978 Motors France g.c. 2
La Bionda Bandido 1978 Baby Italy g.c.
La Bionda High Energy 1979 Ariola vinyl Germ.cover India
Laine Denny Japonese Tears 1980 Polydor Hol.
Marley Bob Exodus 1977 Island Hol.inner 1
Marley Bob Rastaman Vibration 1976 Island Germ g.c. USA
Mayall John Moving On 1972 1972 Polydor Germ.
Magna Carta In Concert 1972 Vertrigo swirl sm. Hol. g.c.*
Magna Carta Times Of Change 1969 Fontana Holl.
Moby Grape 69 1971 CBS green Hol.
Malicorne Same 1974 Hexagone France g.c.
Mccartney Paul Venus And Mars 1975 Capitol Hol.g.c. inner all inserts
Mccartney Paul Ram 1971 Apple Holl. g.c.
Mccartney Paul Ram 1971 Apple France g.c.
Mahavishnu ( John McLaughlin) Same 1984 WEA Germ.
Mama’s And Papa’s All Time Greatest Hits 1974 ABC Hol.2 LP g.c.
Mama’s And Papa’s All Time Greatest Hits 1974 Probe pink Hol.2 LP g.c.
Moore Gary&Ian Paice Victims Of The Future 1983 Virgin Germ.inner
McCafferty Dan Same 1975 Vertigo Germ. 1
Nazareth Gr.Hits 1975Vertigo swirl Hol.
Nexus Regtime Concert (special limited edition direct disk recording № 03264) 1977 Umbrella UMS DD-2 Germ.+ UK g.c.
Nice Autumn 67 – Spring 68 1972 Charisma Hol.
Osmonds One Bad Apple 1970 MGM Germ.
Osmonds Phase-III 1973MGM Germ.
Ozzy Osbourne Diary Of A Madman 1981 Jet Holl.inner
Ottawan Best Of… 1981 Polydor Germ.
Ottawan2 1981 Carrere France ( French version)
Ottawan2 1981 Carrere France 1
OttawanDISCO 1980 Carrere France
Pink Floyd Meddle 1971 Harvest Hol. g.c.1
Pearls Before Swine The Nation Underground 1998 Get Back Italy 180 gr. inner
Pentangle In The Round 1986 Varrick Canada
Pavlov’s Dog At The Sound Of The Bell 1976 CBS Hol.inner 2
Pooh Viva 1979 Ariola Germ.g.c.
PrinceFor You 1978 WB Cerm.inner
Queen Jazz 1978 EMI Hol.g.c.inner
Queen A Night At The Opera 1975 EMI Hol.g.c. inner
Quatro Suzi Same 1974 RAK Germ.
Rare Earth Get Ready 1969 Rare Earth Holl. 1
Rare Earth Get Ready 1969 Motown France
Rare Earth Same 1975 Rare Earth Holl.
Rare Earth One World 1969 Rare Earth Spain g.c.
Rare Earth Ecology 1970 Rare Earth Holl.
Rolling Stones Let It Bleed 1970 Decca black unboxed France-Belgium ( from series “ L’age D’or Des Rolling Stones – vol.10) g.c. book
Rolling Stones Stone Age 1970 Decca black unboxed France ( from series “ L’age D’or Des Rolling Stones – vol.16) g.c. book
Rolling Stones Between The Buttons 1967 Decca red Germ. reissue 1975 rare 621399
Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter 1971 Decca Hol.
Rolling Stones No Stone Unturned 1973Decca Hol.
Rolling Stones Sucking In The Seventies 1981 Promotone
Rolling Stones No.2 (1965) 1970 Decca Germ.
Rolling Stones Black & Blue 1976 Promotone Germ.inner insert g.c
Rolling Stones Dirty Work 1986 Promotone RS rec.
Hol.shrink wrap + sticker + inner
Robertino Loreti Robertino 1964 CNR Hol. origin
Robertino Loreti Robertino 196? Triola Danmark origin
Ramones Road To Ruin 1978 Sire Portugal insert
Ritchie Family American Generation 1978 Ariola Holl.
Ritchie Family Bad Reputation 1979 Ariola Germ.
Ritchie Family Give Me A Break1980 Ariola Holl.
Rough Diamond& David Byron Same 1977 Island Germ.inner
Scorpions In Trance 1975 RCA black Germ.
Scorpions Fly To The Raindow 1974 RCA orange France
Slade Return To Base 1980 WEA Hol.
Slade Smashes 1980Polydor France
Slade Till Deaf Do Us Part 1981 RCA black Hol.
Stooges No Fun 1980Elektra Germ.red small E
Stewart Rod An Old Raincoat Won’t Ever Let You Down 1969 Mercury re. Holl.
Silver ConventionSave Me 1975 Papillon Hol. differ.cover
Silver Convention Save Me 1975 Polydor France differ.cover
Silver Convention Madhouse 1976 Papillon Hol. 1
Silver Convention Madhouse 1976 Polydor France
Silver Convention Love In A Sleeper 1977 Polydor Hol.
Sweet Off The Record 1977 RCAHol. g.c. inner
Sweet Off The Record 1977 RCA Italy g.c. inner
Sweet Desolation Boulevard 1974RCA Italy g.c. inner
Sweet Level Headed 1978 Polydor France g.c.
Sweet Level Headed 1978 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Sweet Biggest Hits 1972 RCA Germ.
Steppenwolf Second 1976 ABC Germ.
Starr Ringo 4 th 1977 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Supermax World Of Today 1977 Atlantic Germ.
Supermax World Of Today 1977 Atlantic Spain
Supermax Fly With Me 1979 ElektraGerm.
Summer Donna Lady Of The Night 1974 Groovy Holl.
Summer Donna Bad Girls 1979 Casablanca France orange vinyl 2 LP g.c. inners
Stevens Meic Ghost Town 1997 Tenth Planet UK (?) 180 gr. g.c. limited edition 1000 st. this copy № 875
Sex Pistols Flogging A Dead Horse 1979 Virgin Germ.
Sparks Indiscreet 1975 Island Australia g.c.
Sparks Music That You Can Dance To 1986 Magic EEC insert
Sandra Mirrors 1986 Virgine Italy inner
Soft Machine Six (live) 1973 CBS Holl.2 LP g.c.
Soft Machine Seven 1973 CBS Hol. g.c.
Smokie Montreux Album 1978 Rak Germ. g.c.
Street Walkers Vicious But Fair 1977 Vertigo 1
Santa Esmeralda II The House Of The Rising Sun 1977 Philips black France
Traffic The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys 1971 Island Hol. pink rim inner
TrafficWhen The Eagle Flies 1974Island Hol. inner 1
Tangerine Dream Cyclone 1978 Virgin Hol.g.c.
T.Rex 20 th Century 1973 Ariola Hol.g.c.
T.Rex 20 th Century 1973 Ariola Germ. g.c.
T.Rex Tanks (1973) 1988 Teldec Spain
T.Rex Dandy in the Underword (1977) 1988 Teldec Spain
Ten Years After Positive Vibrations 1974 Chrysalis blue Spain
Ten Years After Rock & Roll Music To The World 1972 Chrysalis green France g. c
Ten Years After Rock & Roll Music To The World 1972 Chrysalis green Hol.g.c. 1 press
Ten Years After SSSH! 1969/ What 1970 2 LP SET 1973 Deram Belgium 2 LP g.c.
Ten Years After Same 1967 / Stonedhenge 1969 2 LP SET1973 Deram Hol. g.c.
Triumvirat A La Carta 1978 Capital Canada inner
Triumvirat A La Carta 1978 Harvest Holl. g.c.
Triumvirat Spartacus 1975 Сapitol Canada inner insert
Triumvirat Spartacus 1975 Harvest Germ.
Three Dog Night Hard Labor 1974 Probe pink Germ.
Trower Robin In City Dream 1977Chrysalis green Hol.
Trower Robin, Jack Bruce & Bill Lordan B.L.T. 1981Chrysalis Germ.
Uriah Heep Very’Eavy Very’Umble 1970 Bronze Hol.g.c. 2
Uriah Heep Very’Eavy Very’Umble 1970 Bronze France g.c.
Voyage Discotch 1981 Friends rec.Holl.
Voyage Fly Away 1979 Zafiro Spain
Velwet Underground White Light/White Heat 1977 Verve France
Winter Edgar Group They Only Come Out At Night 1972 Epic yellow Hol.
Whisbone Ash Same 1970 MCA Hol. g.c.2
Whisbone AshNew England 1976 MCA France. g.c
Whisbone Ash Pilgrimage 1971 MCA Germ. g.c
Who Quadrophenia 1973 Track Italy. 2 LP book g.c.
Who By Numbers 1975 Polydor Hol.
West,Bruce & Laing Whatever Turns You On 1973 RSO France
Waits Tom Swordfishtrombones 1983 Island France
Waits Tom Rain Dogs 1985 Island France inner
Waits Tom Rain Dogs 1985 Island Germ.inner
Waits Tom Rain Dogs 1985 Island Germ.inner
Waits Tom Nighthawks At The Diner 1975 Asylum Germ. g.c. 2 LP
Waters Roger The Pros And Cons Of ..1984 Harvest EEC g.c. outside
Yello You Gotta Say Yes To… 1984 Stif rec Italy2
Yello You Gotta Say Yes To… 1984 Vertigo Germ.
Yes White Album (concert in Amsterdam)1972 Offshore rec.Hol.
Yes Tales From Topographic Oceans 1974Atlantic red-plum Spain 2 LP g.c.
Yardbirds For Your Love 197? Astan Germ.
Zappa Frank Sheik Yerbouti 1979 CBS Hol. 2 LP 2 inners g.c. 1
Zappa Frank Tinsel Town Rebellion 1981 CBS Hol. 2 LP g.c. 1
Zappa Frank Fillmore East June 1971 1971Reprise Germ.
Zappa Frank Apostrophe 1974 Discreet Hol.
Zappa Frank You Are What You Is 1981 EMI Hol.2 LP g.c. insert 1
Zappa Frank Studio Tan 1978 Discreet Germ. 1
Zappa Frank Sleep Dirt 1979 Discreet Germ.
Zappa Frank In New York 1978 Discreet France 2 LP
ZZ Top Tres Hombres 1975 Decca France
Various Artists Raw Blues Now! 1967 Decca Hol. 2 LP box insert
(Mayall,Claptan,Green,Corner,Savoy Brown,Dupree,Boyd,Spann)
Various Artists Zabriskie Point ( soundtrack) 1970 MGM France ( Pink Floyd, Grateful Dead,Youngbloods…).
Various Artists Bumpers 1971 Island pink “i” Germ. ( Blodwyn Pig,Mott The Hoople, If, Spooky Tooth, Free, Jethro Tull,Clouds, Renaissance, Stevens Cat, Traffic,Quintessence,Nick Drake,Bronco, Fairport Convention )
Various Artists Bumpers 1971 Island pink “i” France ( Blodwyn Pig,Mott The Hoople, If, Spooky Tooth, Free, Jethro Tull,Clouds, Renaissance, Stevens Cat, Traffic,Quintessence,Nick Drake,Bronco, Fairport Convention )
Various Artists Jesus Christ Superstar 1970 MCA Italy 2 LP box book
Italy & France
Al Bano A Cavallo Di 2 Stili 1971 Odeon Spain
Al Bano & Romina Power Fragile 1988 WEA Germ.inner 1
Al Bano & Romina Power Che Angelo Sei 1982 Baby Italy g.c.
Al Bano & Romina Power Felicita 1982 Baby rec. Hol.inner
Al Bano & Romina Power Felicita 1982 Baby rec. France inner
Al Bano & Romina Power Felicita 1982 Baby rec. Belgium inner
Carra Raffaella Liebelei 1977 CBS Germ.
Carra Raffaella ’82 1982 Hispavox Mexico
Carra Raffaella ’82 1982 Hispavox Peru
Carra Raffaella A Far L’amore Comincia Tu 1977 CBS Holl. 1
Carra Raffaella Raffaella 1978 CBS Holl. still sealed
Celentano Adriano Me,Live 1979 Ariola Germ. 2LP g.c.2
Celentano Adriano Me,Live! 1979 Clan CLN 22203 Italy 2 LP g.c.
Celentano Adriano Geppo Il Folle (soundtrack) 1978 Eurodisc France
Drupi Due 1975 Discchi rec. SMRL 6165 Italy g.c.
Drupi Sereno E 1974 Dischi- Orizzonte Italy origin.
Drupi Same 1974 Dischi- Orizzonte Italy origin.
Drupi Provincia 1978 Real Music Italy inner
Esposito Tony Il Grande Esploratore1984 Bubble Italy inner
Esposito Tony As Tu Às 1985 Occidental RecordsLuxembourg
Esposito Tony As Tu As 1985 Victoria Spain
Fogli Ricardo Sentirsi Uniti 1990 CBS 466570 Italy inner
Fogli Ricardo Campione 1981 Paradiso PRD 20265 Italy inner
Fogli Ricardo Le Infinite Vie Del Cuore 1987 Paradiso PRD 20681 Italy inner
Mina Quasi Jannacci 1977 PDU Italy origin
Mina Uiallalla 1989 PDU Italy origin 2 LP g.c. inners poster
Mina …Del Mio Meglio n.2 1973 PDU Italy origin cover
Mina …Del Mio Meglio n.5 1979 PDU Pld.L 7007 Italy origin cover
Mina Live’78 1978PDU Pld.L 6099 Italy 2 LP g.c. book
Mina Same 1971 PDU A 5073 Italy origin cover
Milva Canzone 1982 Milan France
Milva Same 1982 Hit Parade International HP-2 Italy g.c. insert
Milva Same 1982 RCA PL 37614blackFrance inner (French version with Franco Battiato)
Milva La Mia Eta 1979Dischi Ricordi promo Spain
Milva ( with Vangelis )Moi, Je N’ai pas Peur 1981 RCA Franceinner
Milva ( with Vangelis) Ich Nab’ keine Angst 1981 Metronom Germ. inner
Milva Wenn Wir Uns Wiederseh’n 1979 Metronom Germ.
Ramazzoti Eros In Certi Momenti 1987 DDD Italy inner origin.
Ricchi & Povery Lo Mejor De 1985 Musart Mexico( spain version)
Ricchi & Poveri Mama Maria ( Piccolo Amore) 1982 Baby Germ.
Tozzi Umberto Tozzi 1980 CBS Hol. g.c. inner
Tozzi Umberto Gloria 1979 CBSHol. g.c.
Tozzi Umberto Minuti Di Un’ Eternita 1987 BMG Germ.1
Tozzi Umberto E’Nell’Aria…’’ Ti Amo’’ 1977 CBS Holl. 1
Adamo Les Grand Succses De Adamo Vol.2 1970 Columbia Hol.
Adamo Olympia 77 1977 CBS France g.c.
Adamo Jusqu’a L’Amour 1975 Pathe Marconi France insert
Aznavour Charles J’aime vol.1 196? Columbia France origin
Aznavour Charles Same `196? Barclay France g.c. origin
Brel Jacques Same (J’arrive) 1968 Barclay France origin g.c.
Becaud Gilbert Bravo Becaud! 196? His Master Voice Hol.origin.g.c.
Birkin Jane Quoi (comp.1968-85) 1985 Philips 826759 France
Birkin JaneLost Song 1987Philips 830894 France inner
Birkin Jane Baby Alone In Babylone1983 Philips 814524 France inner 1 left from Holland Group
Dassin Joe Le Disque D’or ( L’ete Indien ) 1975 CBS Hol. g.c.1
Dassin Joe 15 ans deja…1978 CBS Holl. g.c.
Dassin Joe Les Femmes De Ma Vie 1978 CBS Holl. g.c.
Dalida Same ( Manuel ) 1974 Sonopresse IS 39710 France g.c. 1
Gainsbourg Serge Love On The Beat 1984 Philips France inner
Greco Juliette A La Philarmonie De Berlin 1962 Philips France
Hallyday Johny Same ( le Disque D’or) 1979 Impact 6886104
Engelbert Humperdinck – Another Time, Another Place 1971 Decca Germ.
Kaas Patricia Scene De Vie 1990 CBS Holland inner 1
Kaas Patricia Mademoiselle Chante 1988 BSO Polydor Germ. inner
Kaas Patricia Mademoiselle Chante 1988 BSO Polydor France inner 3
Le Forestier Maxime Same (Mon Frere) 1972 Polydor France g.c. 1
Le Forestier Maxime Same ( Le Steak) 1973 Polydor France g.c.origin
Montand Yves La Bicyclette 196? Philips black France origin.
Mireille Mathieu Olimpia 1969 Barclay 80414 France g.c. origin. 1
Mireille Mathieu En Direct De L’Olympia 1968 Barclay 80330 France g.c.origin
Mireille Mathieu En Direct De L’Olympia 1968 Barclay 80363 France g.c.origin 1
Mireille Mathieu Same 1967Barclay 80352 France g.c. origin.
Piaf Edith Je Me Souviens 196? Columbia 33 HP 167 Hol. ( 10”)
Piaf Edit Piaf In Her Great Years 1964 RCA Germ.
Piaf Edith Les Plus Grands Succes 1975 Columbia Holl.
Piaf Edit Recital 1961 Columbia Hol.
Piaf Edith Les Grand Succes De Edith Piaf 197? Columbia black Holl.
Piaf Edith Les Grand Succes De Edith Piaf 197? Columbia red Holl.
Piaf Edith De L’Accordeoniste A Milord 1970 Columbia France
Sardou Michel Palais Des Congres 81 1981 Trema France 2 LP g.c. left from Holland Group
Mixt LP’s N.A.
Abba Greatest Hits 1975 Polar Swed. g.c.
Atlanta Rhythm Section Quinella 1981 CBS Hol.
Atlanta Rhythm Section Back Up Against The Wall 1973 MCA Germ.
Aphrodite’s ChildSame (compilation) 1982 Curcio Italy g.c.
https://www.discogs.com/release/2736402 ... ites-Child
Aphrodite’s Child Same ( compilation ) 68-69 1977 Impact yellow France 1
The Alan Parsons Project Pyramid 1978 Arista Holl.g.c.test press
Atomic Rooster Same ( 1970 ) 2001 Akarma Italy g.c. M
AC/DC TNT (1975) 1995 Albert Producthions Australia
AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1976 Atlantic Germ. insert
AC/DC Highway To Hell 1976 Atlantic France
Allman Brothers BandAt Fillmore East 1971 Capricorne France g.c. 2 LP
Bloomfileld, Hammond, Dr.John Triumvirate 1973 CBS Hol.
Bluesshakers I’m shakin’ 1987 City records Finland RARE vg+/nm
Bad Boys Blue Game Of Love 1990 Coconut Germ. 1
Blue System Twilight 1989 Hansa Germ.
Brown James ..LIVE Hot On The One 1980 Polydor France
Baccara The Hits Of Baccara 1978 RCA France g.c.
Bowie David Ziggy Stardust – The Motion Picture 1983 RCA Germ.g.c.2 LP
Bee Gees Odessa (1969) 1983 RSO France .2 LP g.c.1
BudgieIn For The Kill 1974 MCA black-blue France
Byron Band On The Rock 1981 Accord France
Brown ArthurChisholm In My Bosom 1977 Gull France
Boney M Kalimba De Luna 1984 Carrere France
Cobham Billy Spectrum 1973 Atlantic Germ.g.c.
CCR Cosmo’s Factory 1970 Liberty black Hol.1
CCR Cosmo’s Factory 1970 Fantasy brown Hol.2
CCR Cosmo’s Factory 1970 Fantasy white-blue Hol
Cooper Alice Love It To Death 1971 WB Canada g.c.
Cooper Alice Love It To Death 1971 WB France g.c.
Cooper Alice Lace And Whiskey 1977 WB Holl. inner
Climax Featuring Sonny Geraci Same1972 Rocky Road rec. top fold open Promo
Cream Wheels Of Fire 1983 RSO Germ. g.c. 2 LP
Cerrone VI 1982 Malligator France
Cerrone Love In C Minor 1976 Alligator France 2
Cerrone IV 1978 Malligator France g.c. inner
Canned Heat & John Lee Hooker Boogie With Hooker n’ Heart 1976 Festival France g.c. 2 LP
https://www.discogs.com/release/6826734 ... ker-N-Heat
Cure The Head On The Door 1985 Polydor .France inner
Cure The Top 1984 Polydor Holl. inner
Dschinghis Khan Rom 1980 Jupiter Germ.g.c 2
Dschinghis KhanStarportrait 1985Jupiter Germ
Dschinghis Khan Same 1979 Jupiter Germ.g.c
Dschinghis Khan Same 1979 Jupiter Germ.g.c
Deep Purple Burn 1974 Purple Hol.
Deep Purple In Rock 1970 Harvest Germ.g.c.
Deep Purple In Rock 1970 Harvest Germ.g.c.differ.
Deep Purple In Rock 1970 Harvest Hol.g.c.
Deep Purple Highway Star 1988 Express Japan RARE
Deep Purple Fireball 1971 Harvest 61239 Germ. club – RARE edition M
Deep Purple Machine Head 1972 Purple France g.c.
Daisy Chainsaw Eleventeen 1992 Deva rec.France RARE
Everything But The Girl Eden 1984 WEA Germ. M.Box
Eloy Time To Turn 1982 Harvest germ. g.c.inner
Electric Light Orchestra The Light Shines On 1977 Harvest Spain
East Of Eden Snafy (1970) 1986 Timeless EU
Family Entertainment 1969 Reprise two color w7 Germ.
Gallagher Rory Against The Grain 1975 Chrysalis green Germ. g.c.
GMBH Same 1982 Telefunken Germ. inner
Grand FunkBorn To Die 1975 Capitol Hol
Grand FunkPhoenix 1972 Capitol yellow Hol. g.c.
Grand Funk All The Girls In The World Beware!!! 1974 Canada Capitol SO-11356 inner poster still sealed
Gilmour David Same 1978 Harvest France g.c
Geordie Hope You Like It 1973 Vogue France
Hayes Isaak Chocolate Chip 1975 ABC rec Hol. g.c
Harrison Geoge Concert For Bahgladesh 1971 Apple 3 LP box & booklet ( box broken )outside
Iron Maiden Live After Death 1985 EMI France g.c. inners 2 LP
Hot Tuna Yellow Fever 1975 Grunt France
Jethro TullAqualang 1971 Chrysalis France g.c.
Jefferson Airplane Surrealistic Pillow 1967 RCA Germ.
Jackson Michael Triller 1982 Epic Hol. inner g.c. 1
Jackson Michael Bad 1987 Epic Hol. inner g.c 1
King Crimson Starless And Bible Black (1974) 1977 Island Hol. g.c.
KraftwerkRadio-Activity 1975 Capitol Fame France
Led Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same 1976 Swan Song Germ. 2 LP 2 inners g.c.book
Led Zeppelin In Through The Out Door1979 Swan Song France complet var. D
Led Zeppelin Coda 1982 Swan Song France g.c.inner
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy 1973 Atlantic France g.c.inner
Led Zeppelin II 1969 Atlantic France g.c.
Lynyrd Skynyrd Skynyrd's First And... Last1980 MCA Germ.g.c.
Lynyrd Skynyrd Street Survivors 1977 MCA France g.c. insert
La Bionda Same 1978 Ariola Germ.
Mungo Jerry In The Summertime 1970 Pye France differ.cover
Mccartney Paul Ram 1971 Apple Germ.l. g.c.
Modern Talking In The Garden Of Venus 1987 Hansa Germ.
Modern TalkingRomantic Warriors 1987 Hansa Germ.
Modern Talking Ready For Romance 1986 Hansa Germ.
inner 2
Modern Talking Let’s Talk About Love 1985 Hansa Germ.1
Modern Talking Let’s Talk About Love 1985 Hansa Germ.insert
Modern TalkingThe 1st Album 1984 Hansa Germ.
Modern TalkingThe 1st Album 1984 Hansa Germ.inner 1
Modern TalkingThe 1st Album 1985Hansa WEA.France dufferent cover, inner
Modern Talking Ready For Romance 1986 Hansa Germ.
inner 2
Modern Talking In The Middle Of Nowhere 1986 Hansa Germ.inner
Modern Talking In The Middle Of Nowhere 1986 Ariola Spain
Nice Same 1969 Immediate Germ. g.c.
Nice Ars Longa Vita Brevis 1968 Immediate Germ.
Nazareth Rampant 1974 Vertigo swirl Sweden inner RARE
Nazareth Rampant 1974 Vertigo Germ.
Nazareth Razamanaz1974 Philips Germ.g.c.
Ottawan2 1981 Carrere France
Ottawan2 1981 Carrere France ( French version)1
OttawanDISCO 1980 Carrere France
Peter Jacques Band Welcome Back 1980 Ariola Germ.
Pink Floyd Final Cut 1983 Harvest Greece g.c.
Pink Floyd Animals 1977 Harvest Italy inner
Pink Floyd Relics 1971 MFP Hol
Queen I 1974 EMI Mexico
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975 Mercury Hol.g.c.
Rolling Stones Live (Got Live If You Want It) 1966 Decca
Rolling Stones Great Hits (1969) 1975 Nova Germ.
http://www.discogs.com/Rolling-Stones-G ... se/1273423
Rolling Stones Not Fade Away 1970 Decca black unboxed France ( from series “ L’age D’or Des Rolling Stones – vol.2) g.c. book
Rolling Stones After- math1970 Decca black unboxed France ( from series “ L’age D’or Des Rolling Stones – vol.5) g.c. book
RenaissanceSame (1969) 1971 Island pink rim France g.c.
Ramones It’s Alive 1979 Sire Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Roky Erickson And The AliensSame 1980 CBS Hol. insert
Between EEC K-O & P-R
Santa Esmeralda House Of The Rising Sun 1977 Philips Hol.
Santa Esmeralda C’est Magnifique 1980 WEA Germ.
Sandra The Long Play 1985 RCA Germ. inner1
Sandra Into A Secret Land 1988 Virgine Germ.inner
Supertramp Same1970A& M Hol.1
Smokie Bravo (comp.) 1975 RAK Germ. RARE!!!
http://www.discogs.com/Smokie-BRAVO-Pr% ... ase/620983
Smokie Forever ( comp.) 1990 Ariola Germ. 2 LP
Smokie Bright Lights & Back Alleys 1977 RAK Germ.inner
Smokie The Other Side Of The Road 1979 RAK Germ
Schulze Klaus LIVE 1980 Brain Germ. 2 LP POSTER g.c.
Schulze Klaus Time Wind 1975 Virgin France g.c.
Secret Service Greatest Hits 1986 Wifon Poland
Soft Machine Land Of Cockayne 1981 EMI Hol.
Sweet Smoke Just A Poke 1970 Catfish Holl.
Smoke My Friend Jack 1966 Gull Germ. M
Sonorhc Purf 1972 Disques du Cavalier France
Space Art Trip In The Center Head 1977 If rec. France
Space Art Same 1977 If rec. France 1
Space Deliverance 1977 Vogue France g.c. 2
Slade Nobody’s Fools 1976 Polydor France insert
Status Quo Dog Two Head 1971 Pyeblue g.c.
Status Quo Dog Two Head 1971 Pyepurple g.c.
Summer Donna Bad Girls 1979 Casablanca France orange vinyl 2 LP g.c. inners
Sweet Golden Greas 1977 RCA orange Germ
Beetwen EEC K-O & P-R
Uriah Heep High And Mighty 1976 Bronza Hol.inner
Uriah Heep Head First 1983 Bronza Germ.
Uriah HeepEquator 1985 Portrait Hol. inner
Uriah Heep Look At Yourself 1971 Island pink rim Danmark
UFO Live 1972 Decca Hol.g.c.
UFO Flying ( One Hour Space Rock ) 1971 Decca Germ.
UFO Beginnings Vol.8 1973 Decca Germ.
Between EEC A-D & E-J
VoyageDiscotch 1981 Friends rec.Holl.
Wishbone Ash Pilgrimage (1971) 1976 MCA Hol.
Wishbone Ash Argus 1972 MCA Hol.
Whisbone Ash Same 1970 MCA Italy g.c.
Whisbone Ash Four 1973 MCA Hol.
Wood Roy Mustard 1975 Polydor Hol. g.c.
Yes Same (1969) 1975 Atlantic Germ, g,c,
Al Bano & Romina PowerFotografia Di Un Momento 1990 WEA Germ.inner
Celentano Adriano Variation ( Disco Dance ) 1979 RTB Yugoslavia
http://www.discogs.com/Adriano-Celentan ... se/3282515
Mina En Espanol 1973 Parlophone green 6279 ina RARE
Paradis Vanessa V &J 1988 Polydor Germ. inner1
Various Artists Buon Giorno Italia 1984 Discos LPL 788 Yugoslavia ( Tozzi, Fogli, Richi & Povery ets.).
Mixt LP’s 06.13. ( A-T ) right side USA itemR-Z
AC/DCLet There Be Rock 1977 Atlantic 1
http://www.discogs.com/Aphrodites-Child ... se/2736402
Argent In Deep 1973 Epic yellow Hol. g.c.
Black Sabbath Live Evil 1982 Vertigo Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Belew Adrian Twang Bar King 1983 Island Germ. g.c.
B,S & T Child Is Father To The Man 1968 CBS Hol.
Budgie Deliver Us From Evil 1982 RCA black Hol.
Cooper Alice Killer 1971 WB green France + calendar
Cerrone Love In C Minor 1976 Atlantic Germ.
Creedence Clearwater Revival Proud Mary / Bayou Country 1969 America rec.
CCR Creedence Gold 1973 Fantasy France g.c. RARE
CCR Creedence Gold 1973 Fantasy Canada due-cut cover RARE
Climax Blues Band Sense Of Direction 1974 Polydor
Deep Purple Come Taste The Band 1975 Purple Hol. g.c. inner
Deep Purple Come Taste The Band 1975 Purple Germ.g.c.
Deep Purple Fireball 1971 Harvest Hol. g.c.
Deep Purple Last Concert In Japan 1978 Purple Hol.
Deep Purple Made In Europe 1976 Purple Hol.g.c.1
Deep PurplePower House 1977 Purple Hol.
Deep Purple Singles A’s & B’s 1971 Harvest Hol.
Depeche Mode Speak & Spell 1981 Mute Germ.
Dschinghis Khan Viva 1979 Jupiter Germ.
ELO On The Third Day 1973 WB Burbank Hol.origin triple due-cut cover
El Chicano Celebration 1972 MCA Germ.
ELP Brain Salad Surgery 1973 Manticore Germ.origin cover, POSTER 1
Fancy Get Your Kicks 1985 Mega rec. EEC
Gilla Help! Help! 1977 Hansa Germ.
Grand FunkCloser To Home 1970 Capitol lime France
Grand FunkPhoenix 1972 Capitol yellow Germ. g.c.
Grand FunkPhoenix 1972 Capitol yellow Hol. g.c.
Grand FunkPhoenix 1972 Capitol yellow France g.c.
Grand Funk Born To Die 1975 Capitol Hol. inner
Grand Funk Born To Die 1975 Capitol Hol.
Grand Funk Born To Die 1975 Capitol Germ. inner
Iron ButterflySun And Steel 1975 MCA Hol.
Jane III 1974 Brain Germ.g.c.
Jackson MichaelBen (1972) 1981 Motown Germ.
King Crimson Starless And Bible Black 1974 Island pink rim Hol. g.c.
KGB Same 1976 MCA Germ.
KGB Motion 1976 MCA Germ.insert
Kaoma World Beat 1989 CBS Hol.
Mike Batt & Friends Tarot Suite 1979 Epic Hol. g.c. inner
Man Maximum Darkness 1976 UA Germ.g.c.
McCafferty Dan Same 1975 Vertigo Germ.1
Mccartney Paul Ram 1971 Apple Hol. g.c.
Mccartney Paul Ram 1971 Apple Germ.g.c.
Nazareth Cinema 1986 Vertigo Hol.inner
Nazareth Close Enough For Rock & Roll 1976 Vertigo Germ.g.c
Nazareth Close Enough For Rock & Roll 1976 Vertigo Hol.g.c.
Nazareth Rock Angels 1973 Fontana RARE
http://www.discogs.com/Nazareth-Reflect ... se/1705468
New Triumvirat Pompeii 1977 Harvest germ. g.c.
Pink Floyd Relics 1971 Emidisc Hol.
Pink Floyd Nice Pair 1968 Harvest Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Pink Floyd Meddle 1971 Harvest France g.c.
Pooh Viva 1979 CBS Spain
Pretty Things Live At The Heartbreak Hotel 1984 Konexion Belgium
Queen A Day At The Races 1976 EMI Hol. g.c. inner 1
Queen I 1973 EMI Hol.
Quatro Suzi Same 1974 Columbia Hol.
Quatro SuziRock Hard 1980 Dreamland Hol. inner
Quatro Suzi Aggrophobia 1976 RAK Germ.1
Quatro Suzi Quatro 1974 RAK Germ.+ UK
Rockets Galaxy 1980 Rockland Italy inner
Rolling Stones Dirty Work 1986 Promotone RS rec.
Hol. shrink wrap + sticker + inner 1
Rolling Stones Their Satanic Majesties Request 1967 Decca Hol. re
Rolling Stones Get Yer Ya Ya’s Out ! 1970 Decca Hol.
Rolling Stones Flowers 1967 Decca Hol. re
Rolling Stones Goat’s Head Soap 1973 Promotone Germ. g.c. insert
Ramones End Of The Century 1980 Sire Hol. inner
Rush Same 1974 Mercury Germ.
Smokie The Other Side Of The Road 1979 RAK Germ.1
Smokie Montreux Album 1978 Rak Germ. g.c.
Smokie Bravo (comp.) 1975 RAK Germ. RARE!!!
http://www.discogs.com/Smokie-BRAVO-Pr% ... ase/620983
Space Magic Fly 1977 Vogue France
Slade Sladest 1973Polydor Hol.g.c. book
Styx Paradise Theatre 1981 A & M Hol.g.c. laser print
Styx Man Of Miracles 1974 RCA Victor brown
Styx Cristal Ball 1976 A & M Hol. insert 1
Supermax World Of Today 1977 Atlantic Germ. 1
Santa Esmeralda II The House Of The Rising Sun 1977 Philips Hol.
Sweet Biggest Hits 1972 RCA orange Germ.1
Sweet & Slade Great Hits 1973 Black Tulip Hol. RARE!!!!
http://www.discogs.com/Sweet-The-Slade- ... se/4090425
Sparks Angst In My Pants 1982 Carrere France inner
Sparks Kimono My House 1974 Island pink rim Hol.
Split Enz True Colours 1980 A & M Hol. inner lazer print
Stewart Rod The Rod Stewart Double Album: An Old Raincoat & Gasoline Alley 1970 Mercury Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Steve Miller Band Brave New World (1969) Capitol purple Hol. g.c.
Sandra The Long Play 1985 RCA Germ.
Sandra Into A Secret Land 1988 Virgine Germ.inner1
Spirit Same 1973 Epic yellow Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Sweet Smoke Just A Poke 1970 Catfish Holl.
Silver Convention Save Me 1975 Papillon Hol. differ.cover NUDE
http://www.discogs.com/Silver-Conventio ... ase/214228
Slade The Best Of Slade 1973 Polydor Club edition RARE
http://www.discogs.com/Slade-The-Best-O ... se/2933957
Triumvirat A La Carta 1978 Harvest Holl. g.c.
Triumvirat Old Loves Die Hard 1976 EMI Hol. inner
Ten Years After Rock & Roll Music To The World 1972 Chrysalis green Hol.g. c. 1
Taylor Roger Strange Frontier 1984 EMI EEC inner
Taylor Roger Fun In Space 1981 EMI Hol. inner
10 CC Meanwille 1992 Polydor Hol. inner
Traffic When The Eagle Flies 1974 Island Italy inner
Between MIXT G-H
Uriah Heep Wonderworld 1974 Bronze Hol. Inner
Uriah Heep Look At Yourself 1971 Island pink rim Hol.
Uriah Heep Salisbury 1970 Bronze Hol. g.c.
Uriah Heep Very’Eavy Very’Umble 1970 Bronze Hol.g.c. 1
Uriah Heep High And Mighty 1976 Bronza cover USA vinyl Hol. inner
Uriah Heep High And Mighty 1976 Bronza Hol. inner 1
Uriah Heep Conquest 1980 Bronze Germ. inner
UFO 1 1970 Nova Germ.
UFO No Heavy Petting 1976 Chrysalis blue Germ.
UFO The Best…1973 Nova Germ.
Yello Stella 1985 Vertigo Germ.inner
Yello Flag 1988 Fontana RTB Yugoslavia
Yello – 1980 - 1985 The New Mix In One Go 1986 Barclay France g.c. 2 LP
Italy & France
Al Bano & Romina Power Effeto Amore 1984 Baby Germ. g.c. inner
Celentano Adriano Me,Live 1979 Ariola Germ. 2LP g.c.
Celentano Adriano Azzuro Celentano 1971 Ariola Germ. 2LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Adriano-Celentan ... se/1412288
Celentano AdrianoNostalrock 1973 Clan Italy triple cover
Celentano Adriano12 Super Successi 1973 Joker Italy
http://www.discogs.com/Adriano-Celentan ... se/3112075
Celentano Adriano Svalutation 1976 Ariola Germ.
I Cugini Di Campagna Un'Altra Donna 1974 Pull Italy g.c.
Milva Tra Due Sogni 1986 Metronome Germ. Inner
Milva Star Edition 1979 Metronome Germ. 2 LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Milva-Star-Editi ... se/2967442
Milva & Astor Piazzolla Live At The Bouffes Du Nord 1984 Metronome Germ.
Ricchi & Poveri …E Penso A Te 1981 Baby Germ. Inner
Valente Caterina The Best...1965 Polydor 736001 Mono
http://www.discogs.com/Caterina-Valente ... se/4967623
Duval Frank & Orchestra Angel Of Mine 1981 Teldec Germ. g.c.
Dassin Joe Same 1975 CBS Hol. g.c.
Dassin Joe Le Disque D’or ( L’ete Indien ) 1975 CBS Hol. g.c.
Hallyday Johnny Que je t’aime 1972 Philips black France g.c.
Kaas Patricia Mademoiselle Chante 1988 Polydor Spain inner
Paradis Vanessa M & J 1988 Polydor Germ. inner 1
Secret Service Greatest Hits 1986 Wifon Poland
Soft Machine Land Of Cockayne 1981 EMI Hol.
Sweet Smoke Just A Poke 1970 Catfish Holl.
The Smoke My Friend Jack 1966 Gull Germ. M
Whisbone Ash Same 1970 MCA Italy g.c.
Whisbone Ash Four 1973 MCA Hol.
Various Artists Jesus Christ Superstar 1970 MCA Italy 2 LP box book
Italy & France
Celentano AdrianoViva Italia 1980 Ariola
http://www.discogs.com/Adriano-Celentan ... ase/947920
Matia Bazar Melancholia 1985 Ariola Germ.
Tozzi Umberto Minuti di un’ eternita 1987 BMG Ariola Germ.
Farmer Mylene Ainsi Soit Je...1988 Polydor EuropeinnerEmbossed Letters
Worker List LP East Europe Rock
ABC Same 1970 Pronit SXL 0627 vg
Apogeum 2 1986 Helicon RLP 014 nm
Alex Band Straight On 1982 Pronit PLP 0016
Aya Rl Same 1985 Tonpress SXT 67 insert nm
Armia Same 1987 Pronit PLP 0075 nm
Banda & Wanda Same 1983 Muza SX 2190 vg/nm
Bilinski Marek Ogrod Krola Switu 1983 Wifon LP-
053vg+ 1
Bank Jestem Panem Swiata 1981 Muza SX 2388 vg/vg+
Bemibem Bemowe frazy 1974 Muza SLX 1031 vg
Breakout ZOL 1979 Myza red SX 1766 vg+/nm 1
Breakout NOL 1976 Myza red SX 1300 vg/ex 1 nm
BreakoutKamienie 1974 Myza blue SXL 1140 vg+
BreakoutKamienie 1974 Myza red SXL 1140 vg+
BreakoutBlues 1971Myza blue SXL 0721 vg/vg-
Breakout Karate 1972 Myza red SXL 0848 vg+
Breakout& Mira KubasinskaOgien 1973 SXL 1004 vg
Breakout& Mira KubasinskaMira 1971 SXL 0778
Breakout 70a 1970 XL 0603 mono g.c. g/f
Big Cyc Z Partyjnym Pozdrowieniem 1990 SX2910
Budka SufleraOna Przyszla Prosto Z Chmur 1980 Muza SX 1892 ex ?
Budka Suflera Czas Czekania,Czas Olsnienia 1984 Polton LPP-011 insert inner nm ?
Budka SufleraPrzechodniem Bylem Miedzy Wami.. 1976 Musa blue SX 1398 vg/vg+.
Budka SufleraZa Ostatni Grosz 1981 Tonpress SXT 6 vg+/vg
Budka Suflera 1974-1984 Muza SX2180 vg/ex
Budka Suflera Giganci Tancza 1986 SX 2293 vg+/ex 1
Bractwo Kurkowe 1791 Zycie Milosc Folk 1974 Muza SXL 1063 g.c
Czerwone Gitary Dzien jeden w roku 1976 Muza red black print SX 1364 1
Czerwone Gitary Dzien jeden w roku 1976 Muza red silver print SX 1364
Czerwone Gitary The best… Muza SX 1762 vg+
Czerwone Gitary Spokoj Serca 1971 Muza red XL mono
0734 vg-
Czerwone Gitary Spokoj Serca 1971 Muza blue XL mono 0734 vg-
Czerwone Gitary To Wlasnie My 1966 Pronit red XL 0350ex + 1
Czerwone Gitary( Rote Gitarren ) Same 1971 Amiga red 855629 nm 3
Czerwone Gitary( Rote Gitarren ) Consuela 1972 Amiga red 855250 nm 2
Czerwone GitaryPort Piratow 1976 Muza red SX 1383
Czerwone Gitary Rytm Ziemi 1974 Muza black SX 1166
Czerwono CzarniZakochani są sami na świecie 1968 Pronit XL 0491 mono ex
Czerwono Czarni 17 000 000 1967 Muza XL 0458 mono vg+
2+1 Video 1985 Savitor SVT-018 vg+
2+1 Irlandski tankers 1979 Wifon LP 005 vg/vg+
2+1 Easy home easy go 1985 Wifon LP-032 vg/ex
De Mono Same 1989 Arston ALP-044 ex
Dzem Tzw. Przeboje - Całkiem L ive 1988 Muza SX 2561 nm Blues Rock
Dudis Same 1987Pronit PLP 0053 nmBlues, Rock
Exodus Supernova 1981 Muza Big SX 2108 vg+
Exodus Supernova 1981 Muza Small SX 2108 vg+ 1
Exodus The Most Beautiful Day 1980 Muza white SX 1934 vg+/g
Eleni Muzyka Twoje Imei Ma 1985 Pronit PLP 0009 ex/nm
Fotoness When I Die 1988 Muza SX 2609 vg/nm
Frackowiak Halina Serca Gwiazd 1983 Wifon LP 051 ex
Figel Piotr Piotr ( Hammond) 1972 Pronit SXL 0901 vg
Filipinki Same 1965 Pronit blue L 0454 10” mono
Filipinki Same 1965 Pronit red L 0454 10” mono
German Anna -Czlowieczy Los 1970 XL 0593 mono g.c.
German Anna Recital Piosenek 1967 XL 0424 mono ex/ex+
German Anna Tanczace Eurydyki 1966 XL 0284 mono vg/vg+
Greps Kazski z nowey paczki Muza 2191 vg/ex
Grechuta Marek Droga Za Widnokres 1972 SXL 0947
Grechuta Marek Spiewajace Obrazy 1981 Pronit SX 2132
vg+/nm- 1
Gang MarcelaTyle Zlamanych Serc 1984 Muza SX 2192
Homo homini 3 1975 Muza Sx 1343 vg/ex
Homo homini 2 1974 Muza SX 1207 vg/ex
Happy End Jak sie masz kochanie 1977 Muza SX 1515 red vg+/nm
Jarocka Irena Byc Narzeczona Twa 1978 Pronit yellow SX
1680 nm
John Porter-Live Magic Moments 1983Pronit M-0007 m
Kombi Krolowie zycia 1981 Wifon LP 029 vg/nm
Kombi 4 1985 Muza SX 2263 insert vg/ex- 1
Klincz Coraczka 1984 Pronit PLP 0013 vg/nm
Capitan Nemo Same 1986 Tonpress SX-T 50 ex/nm
Capitan Nemo In a little while 1988 Muza SX 2742 vg/nm
Kobranocka Same 1988 Wifon LP 132 ex/nm-
Kraejewski Severin Bow mnie 1986 Wifon LP 094 vg+
Kraejewski Severin Vciekaj moje serce 1983 Wifon LP
062 ex/vg (scratch)
Kraejewski SeverinStrofki Na Gitare 1981 SX 2115 vg+/nm
Krzysztof Krawczyk Dobry Stary Rock 1980 Wifon LP 012
Krzysztof Krawczyk Country Album 1987 Pronit PLP 0073nm
Kora & Pudelsi Bela Pupa 1988 SX 2612 vg+ 1
KlanMrowisko 1971 Muza red SXL 0756 ½ cover. vg/vg+
Klan Mrowisko 1971 Muza red SXL 0756 nm/nm
Kram Biala Sowa 1975 Pronit SX 1078 vg+/ex
Kwartet Jorgi Niechaj tańczy Cernunnos 1985 Pronit M-
0021 nm
Klaus Mit Foch Mordoplan 1988 SX 2599 vg+/nm-
Lombard Kreacje 1987 Pronit PLP 0074 vg+/ex 1
Lombard Smierc Dyskotece 1982 Muza SX 2109 vg/ex+
Lombard Szara Masc 1985 Savitor SVT 012 nm-
Lady Pank Same 1983 Tonpress SX-T 26 ex/vg+
Maanam Nocny Patrol 1983 Polton LPP-007 insert vg+/nm
Maanam O! 1982 Pronit M-0001 ex
Maanam Same 1980 Wifon LP 028 vg+/nm 1
Maanam Mental Kult 1985 Muza SX 2221 ex 1
Mech Bluffmania 1983 Pronit M-0003 vg+ 1
Mech Tasmania 1983 Polton LPP 005 g.c. vg+
Mr.Z’oob To Tylko Ja 1986 Sx 2294
Mec Boguslaw Nie Biegnij Tak 1983 Pronit SX 1921vg/ex
No To Co W Murowanej Piwnicy 1969 Pronit red XL 0553 mono g.c vg/ex- 2
No To Co Nikifor 1968 Pronit white XL 0493 mono nm-/vg+
No To Co Cztery Pory Rocu 1970 Pronit XL 0668 ex
Nalepa Tadeusz Sen Szalenca 1987 SX 2437 ex/nm
Nebiesko-Czarni Twarze 1969 Pronit XL 0560 mono g.c.
Nebiesko-Czarni Rock Opera Naga 1 1972 Muza XL 0881 mono vg+ ex-
Nebiesko-Czarni Rock Opera Naga 21972 Muza XL 0882 mono vg+/ex
Nebiesko-Czarni Przezyjmy To Jeszcze Raz (25 lat) 1988 SX 2616-18 3 LP vg+/nm
Nocna Zmiana Bluesa The Blues Nightshift 1987 SX 2569
Niemen C. Idee Fixe 1978 Muza SX 1570-71 2LP g.c. vg+/ex 3
Niemen C Postskriptum 1980 Muza red SX 1876 insert
vg-/ex 1
Niemen C. Postskriptum 1980 Muza white small SX 1876
insert vg-/ex 4+ 1 (only vinyl) ????????
Niemen C. Katharsis 1975 Muza blue SX 1262 inner
Niemen C. Katharsis 1975 Muza red SX 1262 vg/ex+ 2??????
Niemen C. Dziwny Jest Ten Swiat 1967 Muza red X 0411
mono vg+/ex 2
Niemen C. Terra Deflorata 1989 Veriton SXV 1001 ex
Niemen C. Enigmatic 1969 Muza blue XL 0576 mono g.c.
Niemen C. Aerolit 1974 Muza red SX 1192 ex/vg+ 3
Niemen C.Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz 1969 Muza blue XL 0516 mono
Niemen C. Vol.1 1972 Muza red SXL 0895 vg/ex 1
Niemen C. Vol.2 1972 Muza blue SX 0896 vg/vg+
Niemen C Same 1972 Amiga red 855309
Niemen Best Of Niemen 1979 Muza SX 1759 nm
Non IronInnym Niepotrzebni 1989Veriton SXV-1006 nm
Omni Same 1985 Savitor SVT 021 vg/vg+
Oddzial zamkniety Same 1984 Muza SX 2171 vg+
Oddzial Zamkniety Reda By Night1986 Polton LPP-023 nm
Ptaki Wzrod Ptakow Pronit SX 1427 g.c.vg+/ex
Pod Buda Postscriptum 1983 Wifon LP 049 insert ex/nm
Porter Band Helicopter 1980 Pronit SLP 4010 vg/ex
Porter Band China Disko 1982 Pronit M-0002 vg+ 1
Porter Band Mobilization 1982 Wifon LP-030 vg+ 1
Perfect LIVE 1983 Savitor SV 001 inner vg 1
Perfect Same 1983 Muza SX 2114 ( only vinyl & hand made cover )
PerfectLive April 1.1987 Vol.2 1987Pronit PLP 0077/2 nm
Pronko Kristina Same 1982 Pronit M-0004 vg+
Polanie Same 1967 Muza blue XL 0438 mono
RSC Same 1983 Muza SX 2160 vg/nm 1 vg+ 1
Rodowicz M. Swiety Spokoj 1982 Muza SX 2378 vg+/ex-
Rodowicz M Stng Sing 1976 Pronit SX 1422 g/vg+ 1
Rodowicz M Polska Madonna 1987 Muza SX 2544 g.c.
Rodowicz M Gejsza Nocy 1986 SX 2264 ex
Rodowicz M Zyj Moj Swiecie 1970 XL 0598 vg+
Rodowicz M Rok 1974 Pronit SXL 1099 ex
Rodowicz M. Wyznanie 1972 Pronit red SXL 0806
Reportaz Same 1987 Tonpress SX-T 129 nm
Recidive In Concert 1986 Poljazz K-PSJ 012 vg+/ex 1
Republika Nowe Sytuacje 1982 Polton LPP-003 g.c. insert
vg+ 2
Rezerwat Serce 1987 Wifon LP-104 insert vg+
Rawik Joanna Romantycznie 1974 Muza red SXL 1023 ex-
Rybinski Andrzei Same 1986 Pronit PLP 0026
Swinie Same 1985 Polton LPP-020 ex
Skaldowie Stworzenia Swiata Czesc Druga 1976 SX 1412
vg+/ex 1
Skaldowie Od Wschodu Do Zachodu Slonca 1970 Muza blue XL 0597 vg/vg+
Skaldowie Od Wschodu Do Zachodu Slonca 1970 Muza red SXL 0597 vg/vg+
Skaldowie Same 1967 Pronit red XL 0393 mono vg 2
Skaldowie Cała jesteś w skowronkach 1969 Muza blue SXL 0528 g.c. vg-
Skaldowie Cała jesteś w skowronkach 1969 Muza blue XL 0528 mono g.c. vg-
Skaldowie Krakow 1971 Amiga (DDR) 855244 vg 1
Skaldowie Ty 1970 Myza blue mono XL 0634 ex+/m
Skaldowie Rezerwat Milosci 1979 Muza orange SX 1763 nm/nm
Skaldowie Szanujmy Wspomnienia 1976 Muza red SX 1411
SBB Same 1978 Supraphon 2218 ex/nm 2
SBB Same 1978 Amiga 855631 red vg/vg+ 1
SBB Pamiec 1976 Muza SX 1345 vg/ex 1
SBB Momento z banalnym trypttykiem 1980 Muza SX1966
vg 6
SBB Ze slowem biegne do ciebie 1978 Muza SX 1434 vg-
/ex 6
SBB Welcome 1978 Wifon LP 004 vg/ex
SBB Nowy Horisont 1975 Muza red SX 1206 1
SBB Nowy Horisont 1975 Muza blue SX 1206
SBB Same 1974 Myza blue SXL 1142 ex+/m
SBB Follow My Dream 1978 Spiegelei/Intercord GermanyINT
160611 nm/nm
Skowronski Wojciech Blues & Rock 1973 Muza blue SXL
0799 vg+ 1
Skowronski Wojciech Same 1976 Pronit SX 1376 nm 20
Skowronski WojciechJak się bawisz 1987 Wifon LP-113 nm
SheMiejsce którego wszyscy szukamy 1989 Arston ALP
040 ex
Szwed Tomasz & Poker”Hej” 1984 Pronit M-0010 ex
Skibinski Ryszard “Skiba”1951-83 1984 Wifon LP-058
ex/nm 2
Siekiera Nowa Aleksandria 1986 Tonpress SX-T 73 ex
Sygitowicz Ryszard Bez Gravwitacji 1986 Wifon LP 083 nm
Trubadurzy Krajobrazy 1968 Pronit blue XL 0470 mono vg-
/vg+ 1
Trubadurzy Ej,Sobotka sobotka 196 Pronit blue XL 90530
g.c. mono vg-/ vg 2
Trubadurzy Kochana 1969 Pronit blue XL 0637 mono
Trubadurzy Przeboje1986 Pronit PLP 0032
Trubadurzy Znowu Razem 1976 Pronit red SX1299
Test Same 1974 Pronit red SXL 1082 ex 1
Trojanowska Izabela &Budka Suflera Iza1981 Tonpress SX T5 inner
TSA Heavy Metal World 1986Muza SX 2335 ex
Vox Monte Carlo is great 1981 Wifon LP 045 vg+/nm
Zaucha Andrzej Wszystkie Stworzenia Duze I Male 1983 Muza SX 2129 vg+/nm- 1
Various Artists Dyskoteka 1971 Muza blue XL 0775
( Klan, Czerwone Gitary,Trubadurzy , Nebiesko-Czarni,
Rodowicz M , German Anna, Grechuta Marek ets).
Various ArtistsPowracające melodyki – Przeboje 30-lecia
vol.1 1974 Muza red SXL 1104
( Niemen C., Czerwone Gitary, Alibabki, Skaldowie, Rodowicz M. ets.)
Various Artists Metalmania ’87 1987 Pronit PLP 0079 nm ( Open Fire, Stos)…
Various Artists Metalmania ’87 1987 Pronit PLP 0080 nm ( Hammer, Destroyer )…
Various Artists RadioNieprzemakalnych 1988 Wifon LP 130 nm ( Fotoness, Rap, One Million Bulgarians, Kosmetyki Mrs Pinki, 1984, Opera, Process, Rose Europy, Sztywny Pal Azji, Voo- Voo )…
Blagovest & Svetoslav Argirov Touch Wood ( Чурменя) 1986 Balkanton BTA 11940 nm
Blagovest & Svetoslav Argirov Same 1985 Balkanton BTA 11480 nm
ДимитровЭмиль Emil 1978 Balkanton BTA 10178
red vg+/ex
ДимитровЭмиль Same 1967 Balkanton BTA 1001
mono f/vg+
ДианаЕкспресЗлатнаЯбълка 1983 Balkanton BTA 11200 blue vg/ex 1
ДианаЕкспресPrayer For Rain 1981 Balkanton BTA 10750 blue 1
ДианаЕкспресSame 1974 Balkanton BTA 1678 black nm
FSB World Hit Parade 1980 Balkanton BTA 10895 red
vg+/ex 1
FSB 2 1978 Balkanton BTA 10182 red insert vg+/nm 2
FSB 78 оборотов 1981 Balkanton BTA 11176 color
vg-/ ex 3
FSB Non Stop 1977 Balkanton BTA 2090 dark blue
vg/vg+ 1
FSB In Concert 2 LP 1985 Balkanton BTA 11673 orangevg+ 3
FSB Ten Years After 1983 Balkanton BTA 10995 blue ex 1
FSBThe Globe ( Kълботе) 1980Balkanton BTA 10485 red 45 rpm nm 1
Иванова Лили Вечност 1973 BalkantonBTA 1627
Blackvg 1
Иванова Лили и АрсенГаргов Sercetoteizbra 1983 BalkantonBTA 11077 redex/nm
Иванова Лили Шурче 1982 BalkantonBTA 10870
whiteex/nm 1автограф
Иванова Лили Шурче 1982 BalkantonBTA 10870
Red ex/nm 1
ИвановаЛили Same 1975 Balkanton BTA 1897 red
ИвановаЛилиОбичамТе 1973 Balkanton BTA 1496-97 black 2 LP g.c. poster ex 1
Koukery A Tale 1981 Balkanton BTA 10676 red
KoukerySame 1983Balkanton BTA 11043 orange
LZ Обичипесен1979 Balkanton BTA 10448 red ex 1
LZ Бялавъздишка 1983 Balkanton BTA 11016 blue
LZ Азживеясмузика 1984 Balkanton BTA 11582 1
Panayot Panayotov Wedding 1983 BTA 11293 purple
Сигнал Eternal Crossroad 1979 Balkanton BTA 10450
red nm 1 vg
СигналDanger Actors 1981 Balkanton BTA 10777-78 dark blue 2 LP g.c. vg 1 nm
Signal СигналВундеркинд (Infant Prodigy) 1986 Balkanton BTA 11718
Signal СигналПопутныйветер( Sailing With The Wind ) 1980 Balkanton BTA 10594 red nm
Signal Сигнал4 1982 Balkanton BTA 11076 rednm
Start Wtrong Line 1983 Balkanton BTA 11083 blue
СофияАзтанцувамбуги 1980 Balkanton BTA 10596 dark blue ex
Slavyani (Славяни) Same 1987 Balkanton BTA 12107
ШурцитеКонникът Rider 1985 Balkanton BTA 11530 grey vg-/vg+ 1 nm
Шурците Shourtsite Same 1978 Balkanton BTA red 10179 vg+3
Шурците Live part.2 1987 Balkanton BTA 12328 light-green vg+/nm
Шурците Live part.3 1987 Balkanton BTA 12329 light-green ex
Шурците Shtourtsite 20 century 1980 Balkanton BTA 10542 red nm
TанграНашиятГрад 1982 Balkanton BTA 10932
TанграII 1985 Balkanton BTA 11668 1
Yossifov Dimitar Songs From The Old Tapes 1982 Balkanton BTA red 10939 nm
Zlatni Strunu Distant Roots 1980 BalkantonBTA 19487 1
Various Artists Disco 7 1980 Balkanton BTA 10598 dark blue nm-
Various Artists Disco’81 Balkanton BTA 1989 dark blue
Various ArtistsПеемЗаНашетоВреме –АленМак 1980 - Balkanton BTA 10504 2LP ex/nm
Andries Alexandry Interiors 1984Electrecord 02987 ex/nm
Country & Western Gr.Hits 3 (Andries) 1986Electrecord ST- EDE 02922 vg+/nm
Catalin Tircolea Zboruri 1981 Electrecord ST-EDE 01951
Expres Same 198?Electrecord ST-EDE 02213 vg
FFN Zece Pasi 1976 Electrecord STM-EDE 01184 yellow cover black label g.c. ex+/ex+
FFN Zece Pasi 1976 Electrecord STM-EDE 01184 red cover white label g.c. ex+/ex+
Grup’74 Calugarul Tibetan 1994 Electrecord ST- EDE 04309 ex/nm
Iris Same 1984 Electrecord ST-EDE 02514 ex
Iris Nu Te Opri! 1987Electrecord ST-EDE 03138
Magneton Group Rock Express 1983 Electrecord ST-ED 02378 nm-
Magneton Group Jo Fiu Leszek 1985 Electrecord ST-
EDE-02860 ex
Mirabela Dauer Taina Noptii 1982 Electrecord ST-EDE
02071 ex
Mondial Ensemble Mondial und das Electrecord-Orchester 1972 Amiga 855294 red nm/nm 1
Phoenix Mugur De Fluier 1974 Electrecord STM-EDE
0968 ex
Postscriptum Same 1981 ElectrecordST-EDE 02076. 1
Riff Primii Pasi 1989Electrecord ST- EDE 03634 ex/vg+
Savoy Apa Trece,pietrele ramin 1982 Electrecord ST-EDE
02284 vg+/vg 2
SavoyLied Cu Fluturi 1978 Electrecord STM-EDE 01496
Super Group Electrecord Sugar Baby Love 1976 Electrecord 01114 vg-
Super Group Electrecord Sunny 197 Electrecord ST-EDE
01378 ex
Symphoenix (ex-Phoenix) Timisoara 1992 Eurostar CDS-
CS 0119 2 LP g.c. two inners
Bijelo Dugme Uspavanka Za Radmilu M. 1983 Jugoton LSY 10017 inner nm 20 1
Bijelo DugmeDoživjeti Stotu ( Дадоживееш 100 )1980 Balkanton BTA 11028 nm
BuldozerPljuni Istini U Oči (1975) 1981 Helidon FLP 05 – 028 vg/ex
Buldozer Izlog Jeftinih Slatkiša 1980 Helidon FLP 05-019 ex/vg+
Buldozer Rok End Roul Olstars Bend 1981 Helidon FLP 05-03012", Mini-Album, 45 RPM ex/m
Balasevic B. Celovecernji The Kid 1983 RTB 2121514 ex
Bajaga & Instruktori Sa Druge Strane jastuka 1986 RTB 2320312 inner ex- 1
Boomerang Same 1979 RTB LP 555349 vg/vg+
Bulevar Mala Nocna Panika 1982 RTB 2120976 nm
Cveće Polenov Prah 1983 RTB 2320258 g.c. nm
Drugi Nacin Same 1975 RTB LP 55-5252 g.c. vg
Galija Druga Plovidba 1980 RTB 2120089 vg+
Galija Same 1982 RTB 2121018 ex/nm 1
Grupa ‘’ I ‘’ Na Swom Talasu 1980 RTB 2320037 inner ex
Generacija 5 Same 1980 RTB 2120151 vg+/ex
Jakarta Maske Za Dvoje 1985 RTB 2320304 inner nm-
Gordi 2 1979 RTB LP 5359 nm
Kerber Ratne Igre 1985 RTV LD 1246
Kerber Nebo Je MaloZa Sve 1983 RTL LD 0913
Lepa Lukic Lepa 1972 RTB LPV 1218 vg+/ex
Milivojevic Zoran Same 1980 RTB 2120232
Miha Kralj Andromeda 1980 RTB 2320045 g.c. nm
Makadam Same 1979 RTB LP 5366 nm
MoreHajde Da Se Mazimo 1983 Jugoton LSY 63159 inner ex/vg+
Manoglovic Zlatko ( ex-Gordi )Jednoj Zeni 1983 PGP RTB - 2121379
Novi Fosile Dijete Srece 1987 Jugoton LSY 62246 nm
Persepolis Same 1986 RTB 2122251 ex
Parni Valjak Dodjite Na Show 1976 RTB LP 55 5296 g.c.
Parni ValjakUhvati Ritam 1984 Jugoton LSY 63208 inner ex/vg+
Parni Valjak Andeli Se Dosaduju? 1987 Jugoton LSY 63277 inner
Pro Arte – Indexi Same 1973 Balkanton BTA 1630
Point Blank Dr.Project 1985 RTB 2121875 vg+
Rani Mraz Mojoj Mami Umesto Maturske … 1979 RTB LP
555345 inner vg+
Riblja Corba Mrtva Priroda 1981 RTB 2320134 g.c. vg+/ex 1 nm
Riblja CorbaOsmi Nervni Slom 1986RTB 232035 nm 1
Regata Spavay Mi Vjestice 1986 RTB 2122510
Ristovski Laza Roses For A General 1984 RTB 2121794
Smak Same 1986RTB 2122278 nm 60
SmakRock Cirkus 1980RTB 2320010 g.c. nm 65
Smak Stranice Naseg Vremena 1979 RTB LP 55-5336 ex/vg+
Stojnic Dragan C ‘est La Vie 1983 RTB 2121425 vg+/ex
Sogor Voros Bort Ittam Az Este 1987 Jugoton LSY 62191 ex/nm
Srebrna KrilaSreo Sam Ljubav Iz Prve Pjesme 1980 Balkanton BTA 2131
Sedlar Uz Pomoc Velikih Prijatelja 1979 RTB LP5334
Slomljena StaklaPsiho Klub 1983 ZKP RTVL LD 0885 nm
SonoriSame 1983PGP RTB – 2121360 prog nm
Tako U Vreci Za Spavanje 1980 RTB 2120305
Tako U Vreci Za Spavanje 1980 KD 005 reissue 1993 Germany limited edition 1000 copies g.c. inner
Time Same 1972 Jjugoton LPYVS 60978 black silver lable RARE !!!!!!! vg+/vg
Vatreni Poljubac To Je Ono Pravo 1980 RTB 2120062 vg+
Warriors (Ratnici )Same 1983 RTB 1520113 12", Maxi-Single, 45 RPM ex/nm
Zlatko I Niegove Gitare 1979 RTB 5390 nm
Various Artists Boom Festival ’76 1976 RTB LP 5284
Bad ( Time, Yu Grupa, Zdenka Express, September...)
Abraxas Midnight City 1985 Panton 81130493 nm
Blue Effect A Benefit Of Radim Hladic 1974 Supraphon 1131586 ex/vg+ 3
Blue Effect Kingdom Of Life 1971 Supraphon 1131023
Brano Bronec Same 1972 Opus 91130157 g.c. vg+
Brabec Jiri & Country Beat The Best… 1972 Supraphon
1131139 vg+/nm
Brabec Jiri & Country Beat + Moody Brothers Friends 1989 Supraphon 110200 1311
Brabec Jiri & Country Beat George Hamilton IV 1982
Supraphon 11133090 ex
Collegium Musicum Konvergencie 1971 Opus 91130136 2 LP origin cover ex
Collegium Musicum On A Ona 1979 Opus 91160727 ex-1
Collegium Musicum Continuo 1978 Opus 91160704 nm 1
Collegium Musicum Live 1973 Opus 91150261 g.c.
ex/nm 1
Collegium Musicum& Marian Varga Same 1975 Opus 91160446 nm/nm 1 ex
Left box with Olimpic
C & K Vocal Generation 1975 Supraphon 113 1778 book
vg+ 3
Citron Tropic of the cancer 1981 Supraphon 113 3078 vg+/nm 2
Citron Full Of Energy 1987 Supraphon 113 4260 ex/vg+
Dezo Ursiny With Out You Weather 1984 Supraphon 1579
nm 1
Dezo Ursiny& Provisorium 1973 Supraphon 113 1380
Dalibor Janda Take Them To Mars1988 Supraphon 11134259 nm
Dr.Max Vase Telo Uletelo 1986 Panton 8113 0609 insert nm
Elan Kamikadze Lover 1982 Opus 91131359 vg+
Elan Neviem Byt Sam 1987 Opus 9113 1910 2 LP g.c. vg+
Elan Osmy Svetadiel 1981 Opus 9113 1146 vg+/ex
Elan School Party 1985 Opus 91131665 vg+/ex
Elan Night Shift 1984 Opus 91131554 ex/nm
Framus Five Blues In Soul 1971 Supraphon 113 0578 ex/vg
Flamingo & Marie Rottrova This Is Our Soul 1970 Supraphon 1131024 vg+/vg 1
Flamingo & Marie Rottrova Same 1972 Supraphon 1134268 insert vg+/ex
FermataAd libitum 1983 Opus 91131529 nm/nm
Fermata Pieseň z hôľ 1977 Opus 91160521 nm/nm
Fermata Biela Planeta 1980Opus 91160939 ex/ex
Fermata Dunajska legenda 1979Opus 91160726 ex/nm
Fermata Generation 1981Opus 91131150 ex/vg+
Fermata Punajska Legenda 1980Opus 91160726 nm
Gott Karel Same 1979 Supraphon 11132268 -/vg w/o
Gott Karel Same 1979 Supraphon 11132268 nm
Gott Karel Muzika 1984 Supraphon 11133738 ex
Gott Karel My Romantic Feeling 1978 Supraphon 11132399 ex
Gott Karel Karel Gott’77 1976 Supraphon 11131908 ex
Gott KarelWesst Du Wohin 1971 PolydorMedium2414066 gggggggg Germ.
George & Beatovens Kolotoc Svet 1970 Panton 11 0203
ex 1
Hammel Pavol Circus Summer 1982 Opus 91131208 vg+
Hammel Pavol Now I Know 1983 Opus 91131395 vg+
Hammel Pavol,Marian Varga & Radim Hladeik Na II
Programe Sna 1977 Opus 91160493 1
Hammel Pavol& Prudy Same (1966-75) 1982 Opus
91131328-29 2 LP g.c. nm/nm
Hammel Pavol& PrudyŠlehačková princezna 1972
Supraphon 1131284 insert m/nm
Hammel Pavol& Varga Mariah Zelena Posta 1972Opus
91130191 g.c. vg+ /ex
Hammel Pavola Skupina Prudy Hráč1975 Opus
91130339 g.c. ex/vg+ 1
Hladik Radim… Nova Synteza 2 1974 Panton 110489 insert
vg+ 2
Nana & Dana Orm Talisman 1984 Supraphon 11133567
Hana & Petr Ulrychovi Same 1974 Panton 110377
Hana & Petr Ulrychovi + Atlantis Hey Damy,Deti A Pani 1972Panton 110310
Hana & Petr Ulrychovi + Javory Ententyny 1979 Panton
81130064 1
Josef Laufer & Golem Super Show With Rockin’Joe 1982 Panton 81130263 insert ex/vg+
Junior Hledani Radosti 1975 Panton 11 0568 H
Korn Jiri Zpivat Jako Dest 1979 Supraphon 1113
2493 vg+/ex
Katapul 2006 1980 --//-- 2656 vg+/nm 2
Katapul Rock De Lux 1986 --//-- 4217 vg+/ex
Katapul Same 1978 Supraphon 11132395 nm 15
Kormoran Folk & Rock W. Sylvestr Cross Talks 1987 Opus 93131930 ex 1
Lubos Andrst Plus-minus blues 1987 Panton 81 0735 ex 2
Lipa Peter Moanin 1983 Opus 91151461
Modus The Best Girls 1985 Opus 9113 1587 vg+/ex
Modus Same 1982Opus 9116 0974 nm
M.Efekt 33 1981Supraphon 11132897 m/nm
Modry Effekt & Radim Hladik Same 1975 Supraphon
1131777 H nm
Nasycem Provazochodci 1991 Bestia J10012-1 311 m
Olympic Laboratory 1984 Supraphon 3526 nm/vg+ 2
Olympic Hidden In Your Mind 1986 Supraphon 11133997
ex 3
Olympic Rock and roll 1981 Supraphon 11132888
Olympic Rock and roll 1981 Supraphon 11132888 ex/vg+ different cover
Olympic Holidays on earth 1980 Supraphon 1113 2714
nm/ex 2
Olympic Overhead 1978 Supraphon 1132380 ex/vg+ 2
Olympic Bigbit 1986Supraphon 11133944
Olympic Kanagom 1985Supraphon 11133838
Olympic Prazoniny Ya Zemi 1979Supraphon 1132600
Orm Discofil 1979 Panton 8113 0080 ex 1
Orm Tropic 1983Panton 8113 0366 nm 4
Peter Lipa & Lubos Andrst Blues Band Blues Office 1987 Panton 104255 1511 vg+/ex 1
Peter Spaleny Motel nonstop 1982 Supraphon 11133085
Peter Spaleny& Apollo Sail With Me 1972Supraphon 1131190 nm
Petra Jano & Pro-Rock Motorest 1978 Supraphon 113
2398 vg/ex
Petra Jano12 Famous & Awarded Movie Songs 1984 Supraphon 1113527 nm
Pravda Lide Bdete ! 1991 Alexim A10008-1311 insert red
vinyl w/o cover vg+
Pacifik Velrybarska Vyprava 1981 Supraphon 1113 3005
nm 1
Progres2 The third book of the jungle 2 LP 1983 Panton
0335 vg+/ex 3
Schelinger Jiri-Frantisek R.Chech Nam Se Libi 1979 Supraphon 11132439 ex-
Synkopy & Oldrich Vesely Flying Time 1986 Panton 81130543 vg+/ex cleaт 2 + 1 nm
Synkopy & Oldrich Vesely Kridleni 1983 Panton 8113 0407 ex 2
Semelka Lesek Coloured Dreams 1985 Supraphon 11133705 nm
Sing Sing Sex Attraction 1990 Multisonic 310048-1311 nm
Turbo Same 1984 Supraphon 1113 3556 nm
Turbo Heavy Waters 1984 Supraphon 11133839 ex/vg
Turbo Hrac 1987 Supraphon 10 4210-1311 nm
Tango Electric Ball 1986 Supraphon 11133996 nm
Tublatanka Same 1985 Opus 9113 1596 nm
Vox In The New Mood 1985 Supraphone 11133796 nm/ex
Vox & Gustav Brom Orchestra Sing Sing Sing 1988 Opus 93132026 vg+/vg
Wanda Jackson & Karel Zich Let’a Have A Party In Prague1986 Supraphon 11131311 m 1
Zelenkova Jitka Kdo Jsem Vlastne Ja 1982 Supraphon 11133000 nm-
Zbirka Miroslav & Modus Doctor Dream 1981 Opus 91131148
Zentour You Drive Me Crazy 1987 Supraphon 11134257 nm
Various Artists Blues In Mind 1985 Supraphon 11133704 ex/nm 1
Various Artists Prague Pop Apostles1972 Supraphon 1131026 Drobny,Urbankova,Novak,Vondrockova, NeskarMatuska,Zagorova,Sodoma,Vobornikova,Spaleny,Pilaro-va,Gott)
Various Artists Rockovy Maraton 1985 Panton 8113 0556 nm ( Zentour, Dr.Max, Video, Moped, Odyssea, Sprint, Spolecenstvi, Bedt\y Foltyna, Natyral, Spectrum, Pumpa, Yo Yo Band, Nomen,Yeti )…
Amiga Blues Band Note Fade Away 1983 Amiga blue 855991 ex/vg+
Berluc Hunderttausend Urgewalten 1982 Amiga 855934
blue ex
Bayon Suite 1980AMIGA 8 55 772 red ex 15
City Dreamer 1980 Amiga red 855816 1
Diestelmann Stefan Folk Blues Band Same 1978 Amiga 855 633 blue vg+/ex+
Drei Steigen Wie Ein Falk 1986 Amiga 856 181 blue
Dialog Same 1983 Amiga 856020 blue ex 1
Elefant Alles Oder Nichts 1982 Amiga 855933 blue nm
Familie Silly Tanzt Keiner Boogie? 1981 Amiga 855778 blue ex 20
Kerth Jurgen Gloriosa 1982 Amiga 855860 blue
Kerth Jurgen Gloriosa 1982 Amiga 855860 red
Kerth Jurgen Komm Herein 1980 Amiga 855780 red vg-
Karat Der Blaue Planet 1982 Amiga 855929 blue vg+ 2
Karat Same 1978 Amiga 855 573 red vg+ 1
Karat Die Sieben Wunder Der Welt 1983 Amiga 855
00111 2
Karat Schwanenkohig 1980 Amiga 855 770 blue vg 2
Karat Live (10 Jahre) 1984 Amiga blue 856094-095 2 LP
g.c. 1
Karat Uber Sieben Brucken 1979 Amiga 855 695 red 1
Karat Funfte Jahreszeit 1986 Amiga 856218 blue nm
Klaus Renft Combo Renft 1974 AMIGA 8 55 396 red ex
Lift Meeresfahrt 1978 Amiga 855 638 red ex
Lift Same 1977 Amiga 855 550 red ex
Magdeburg Same 1980Amiga 855 703 red
Puhdys Perlenfischer 1979 Amiga 8 55 576 red nm
Puhdys Rock’n’Roll Music 1979 Opus 91160978 vg+
Puhdys Rock’n’Roll Music 1976 Amiga 855 513 red
vg/vg+ 1
Puhdys 10 Wilde Jahre 1969-79 1979 Amiga 855 627 red
vg-/ex 1
Puhdys Das Buch (12) 1984 Amiga blue 856039
Puhdys Far From Home 1981 Amiga 855 826 blue ex 2
Puhdys 11 1983 Amiga 855 944 blue vg+/nm
Puhdys Heib Wie Schnee 1980 Amiga 855 755 blue
Puhdys 10 1982 Amiga 855 886 blue vg 4
Puhdys 13 Live In Sachsen 1984 Amiga blue 856063-064 2 LP g.c.
Puhdys Same 1974 Amiga 855404 red ex/nm
Puhdys Die Puhdis 1974 Amiga 855 348 red
Puhdys Same (1974) reissue 1980 Amiga 855404 red ex/nm
Puhdys Live 1979Amiga 855712-713 red 2 LP g.c. inner ex
Pond Planetenwide 1984 Amiga 856 049 blue vg+/vg
Prinzip Phonix 1988 Amiga 856335 vg+
Prinzip Der Steher1980 Amiga 855776 nm
Prinzip Feuer-Rock 1978 Amiga 855634 ex/m 1
Stern Combo MeissenWeisses Gold 1978 Amiga 8 55 636 red vg/ex
Stern Combo Meissen Same 1977AMIGA 8 55 567 red ex/vg+
Stern Combo Meissen Reise Zum Mittelpunkt Des Menschen 1980 AMIGA 8 55 811 red ex
Silly Bataillon D' Amour 1986 AMIGA 8 56 195 blue inner nm
Thomas Natschinski-Gruppe Wir Uber Uns 1971 Amiga 855253 vg+/vg
Team 4/Thomas Natschinski-Gruppe Die Fruhen Jahre (1966-71) 1980 Amiga 855747 blue ex 1?
Theo Schuman Combo Guten Aben Carolina 1971 Amiga red 855268
Various Artists Kleelatt № 19 (Condor,Lucie,Forum,Chicoree) 1987 Amiga 856 214 blue ex-
Various Artists Dein Und Mein Planet ( Karussell,Berluc,Puhdys,Dialog, Karat,City,Silly,W.Ziegler & Wir,Reform,Electra ) 1985 Amiga 855 123 blue vg/vg+
Various Artists Hits Instrumental (Puhdys,Karat,Berluc,City,Karussell )1983 Amiga 855 823 blue vg-/vg+ 1
Various Artists Frieden Pock Live ’84 (M.-Jones-Band, NO 55, Karussell, Berluc, Puhdys,Reform, Electra,Babylon,.City) 1984 Amiga 855 038 blue vg+
Various Artists It’s Only Rock’n’Roll ( NO 55,Stern Meiben, Rockhaus,City, Silly, Karat,Pankow ) 1986 Amiga 856 231 blue nm/ex
Various Artists -Rock Fur Den Frieden ( Elefant,Hansi Bieble Band,Gruppe WIR,NO55, Puhdis,Karat,Lift,Prinzip,Stern Meiben,Karussell ) 1982 Amiga 855 863 blue vg-/vg
Various Artists Pock+Pop 1979 Amiga red nm (Stern-ComboMeiben,Electra,Sity Familie,Reform,Yansi Biebl,Holder Biege,City,Karat,Karussel,Modern Soul Band)
Various Artists Das Album (Rock-Bilanz 1985 ) 1985 Amiga 856160-161.c. 2 LP ex 1
g (Perl,City,Jessica,Karat,Wolfgang Ziegler+ WIR, Puhdys, Berluc,Modern Soul Band,Lucie,Kerschowski,Electra,Silly,Stern Meiben,Condor,M.Jones-Band,Possenspiel,Pankow,Datzu,Rockhaus,Formel 1)
Various Artists 20 Origin Beat Hits 1978 Amiga 8 55 583 red ex ( City, Karat, Prinzip, SBB, Puhdys, Lift , ShubertFormation , Engerling, Holger Biege )
Various Artists Rockballaden 1985 Amiga 8 56 150 blue nm ( City, Karat, Puhdys, Lift,Metropol, Electra,Stern Combo Meissen, Silly, Pankow, Karussell )…
Various Artists Das Album (Rock-Bilanz 1987 ) 1987 Amiga 856321 -322 g..c. 2 LP nm ( City, Lift,Electra,Stern Combo Meissen, Silly, Michael Barakowski Und Band, Rockhaus, Tutti Paletti, NO 56, Jonathan Blues Band, Babylon, Mona Lise, Amor & Die Kids, Rosalili, Plattform)…
Apostol 2 1980 Pepita SLPX 17638 vg+ 1
Apostol Szamtam Favorit SLPM 17829 vg+/nm 1
Bojtorjan Csavargodal 1981 Pepita SLPX 17660 inner
Bergendy Otodik Sebesseg 1974 Pepita SLPX 17477
Bergendy Otodik Sebesseg 1974 Pepita SLPX 17477
English version
Bergendy Fagypont Folott Mienk A Vilag 1976 Pepita SLPX175022
Bergendy Beat Ablak 1971Pepita SLPX 17432 (cover‘’beat’’) nm/nm
Bergendy Beat Ablak 1971Pepita SLPX 17432 different cover ( very rare )
Bergendy Hetfo 1973Pepita SLPX 17453/54 2 LP g,c,
Bergendy Same 1971Pepita SLPX 17434 vg+/ex
Bikini Mondo El 1987 Favorit SLPM 37087 vg+/ex
Benko Daniel 1000 years on the guitar 1983 Favorit
17801 nm/ vg+
Benko Laszlo Lexikon 1982 Start 17713 vg+/ ex
Brody Janos Hungarian Blues 1980Pepita SLPX 17642 inner
Corvina Utak Elott 1975 Pepita SLPX 17485 vg+/nm- 1
Corvina Same 1975 Opus 91160445Czech.
Color Same 1978 Pepita SLPX 17567 ex/vg+
Color Uj Szinek 1982 Pepita SLPX 17674
Deak Bill Gyula Mindhalalig Blues 1986 Start SLPM 17987
Dinamit A Hid 1981 Pepita SLPX 17685 nm
Dinamit Same 1980 Pepita SLPX 17628 nm
Dolly Roll Same 1985 Favorit SLPM 17955 insert nm
Express Idogep 1981Pepita SLPX 17670 insert nm
Elso Emelet 3 1986 Favorit SLPM 37036 nm
East Jatekok 1981 Start SLPX 17679 nm
East Hűség 1982 Start SLPX 17743 nm
East Rések A Falon1983 Start SLPX 17815 nm
Edda Muvek 6 1986 Favorit SLPM 37031 vg 3
Edda Muvek 3 1983 Pepita SLPM 17773 vg+/ex 3
Edda Muvek Same 1980 Pepita SLPM 17631 insert nm
Fonograf Country Album 1979 Pepita SLPX 17592 inner
ex 2
Fonograf What’s The News,Mr. Wagner? 1975 Pepita
SLPX17489 nm-
Fonograf 4 1976 Pepita SLPX 17509 nm
Fonograf 1 1974 Pepita SLPX 17471 g.c.
Fonograf Utkozben 1978 Pepita SLPX 17563 inner ex/vg+
Fonograf Edison Album 1977 Pepita SLPX 17536 inner nm
General Rockin’& Rollin 1975 Muza red 1246 vg/vg+ 3
General Rockin’& Rollin 1975Muza blue 1246 vg/vg+ 1
General Piros Bicikli 1979 Pepita SLPX 17587 ex 2 30
General Same 1975 Pepita SLPX 17480 vg/vg- 1 30
General Zenegep 1977 Pepita SLPX 17534 nm 2 30
General Stafeta 1973 Pepita SLPX 17456 ex/vg 1 30
Gemini Same 1976 Pepita SLPX 17508 vg+/vg
Hungaria Hotel Menthol 1981 Pepita SLPM 17684 insert
vg+ 2
Hungaria Arena 1982 Pepita SLPX 17743 insert
nm/ex 3
Hungaria Finale 1983 Bravo SLPM 17802 vg+/vg
clean 3
Hungaria Rock’n’roll party 1980 Pepita SLPX 17645
nm/ex 1
Hobo Blues BandKözépeurópai Hobo Blues 1980 SLPX 17648 insert ex-/nm
IllesNe Sirjatok Lányok! 1973 Pepita SLPX17455 g.c. ex
Illes Add a kezed 1971 Pepita SLPX 17437 ex 4
Illes Boldog Varos 1978 Pepita SLPX 17559 nm
Illes Illes Album 1986 Favorit SLPM 17991-95 5 LP box (1967-72) poster nm
Illes Human Right 1971 Pepita yellow SLPX 17410
Illes Legendás kislemezek 1965-1969 1983 Krem SLPX 17757 insert nm
Koral Same 1980 Pepita SLPX 17633 ex
Koral A Tulso Part 1982 SLPX 17863 ex 2
Koral Az Ocean 1984 Pepita SLPM 17809 nm/nm
Kati Es A Kerek Perec Same 1979 Pepita SLPX 17605 nm
Kati Es A Kerek PerecSzerpentin 1981 Pepita SLPX 17669
Karthago Same 1981 Pepita SLPX 17657 nm/ex
KarthagoEzredfordulo 1982 StartSLPX 17657 ex/nm 1
KormoranFolk & Roll 1984 Pepita SLPM 17852 nm
Koncz Zsuzsa & Illies Kis virág 1982 Brem SLPX 17429 vg/vg+
Koncz Zsuzsa & Illes Kis Virag 1971 Pepita SLPX 17429 yellow ex 1
Koncz Zsuzsa & Fonograf X 1977 Pepita SLPX 17527 inner ex
Koncz Zsuzsa Volt Egyszer Egy Lany 1969 Qualiton LPX 17393 ( Illes/Metro) mono vg+ 1
Koncz Zsuzsa Szerelem 1970 Pepita SLPX 17407 yellow vg
Koncz Zsuzsa Elunk Es Meghalunk 1972 Pepita SLPX 17452 g.c. ex
Koncz Zsuzsa Jelbeszed 1973 Pepita SLPX 17462 g.c. ex/vg+
Koncz Zsuzsa &Fonograf Ne Vagj Ki Minden Fat! 1975 Pepita SLPX 17492 inner
Koncz Zsuzsa Valahol 1979Pepita SLPX 17569 g.c.
Kovacs Kati Eletem lemeze 1978 Pepita SLPX 7553 g.c. ex 1
Kovacs Kati X 1980 Pepita SLPX 17630 insert ex/ vg
Kovacs Kati Same 1974 Amiga 855359 red vg+/ vg 4
Kovacs Kati& LGT Kozel A Naphoz 1976 Pepita SLPX 17496
Kovacs Kati Autogram Helyett 1972 Pepita SLPX 17445 ex/vg+ 2
Kovacs Kati Intarzia 1975 Pepita SLPX 17495 m
Kovacs Kati& V’Moto-Rock-Szivembem Zengo Dal 1979 Pepita SLPX 17581 ex 2
Kovacs Kati Csendsz0ro 1977 Pepita SLPX 17526 inner
KFT Eg es fold 1987 Profil SLPM 37076 vg+ 1
Locomotiv GT Motor City Rock 1976 Supraphon 113
1920 ex/vg+ 2
Locomotiv GT Same 1980 Pepita SLPR 704 nm-
Locomotiv GTSame 1971 Pepita SLPX 17435 vg 1
Locomotiv GTMindenki 1978 Pepita SLPX 17564 vg+ 5
Locomotiv GTMindenki máskepp csinálja 1977 Pepita SLPX 17539 inner ex/vg+ 3
Locomotiv GTBummm! 1973 Pepita SLPX 17467 g.c. ex/vg+ 1
Locomotiv GTIn Warsaw 1976 Muza blue SX 1384 vg/vg+
Locomotiv GTRingasd el magad 1972 Pepita LPX 17449 ex- 2
Locomotiv GTLoksi 1980 Pepita SLPX 17652-53 2 LP g.c. nm- 1 insert
Locomotiv GTV 1976 Pepita SLPX 17515-16 2 LP g.c. ex 1
Locomotiv GTX 1982 Pepita SLPX 17736 nm 2
Locomotiv GTMindig Magasabbra 1975 Pepita SLPX 17490 ex 1
Locomotiv GT Ellenfel Nelkul 1984 Favorit SLPM 17853 insert 1
Locomotiv GT Aranyalbum 1971-76 1978 Pepita SLPX 17551-52 2 LP g.c.
Locomotiv GT Same 1974 ABC rec. X 811 USA 1
Locomotiv GT LGT 1983 Pepita SLPR 710 1
Lord Szemedben A Csillagok 1988 Profil SLPM 37152
Lord Ragadozok 1989 Bravo SLPM 37240
Mini Vissza A Varosba 1977 Pepita SLPX 17543 insert ex 2
Mini Uton A Fold Fele 1979 Pepita SLPX 17616 nm
Metro Egy Este A Metro Kluban 1970 Qualiton SLPX yellow 17417 ex/vg+
Neoton Family Sunflower 1980 Pepita SLPR 701 ex/nm different cover 2
Neoton Family Dandelion 1981 Pepita 706 ex
Neoton Family Szerencsejatek 1982 Pepita SLPX 17 719 insert nm 2
Neoton Family Marathon 1981Pepita SLPR 705(English version – different cover ) 1
Neoton Family Marathon 1980Pepita SLPX 17637
Neoton Family Maganugyek 1985 Favorit SLPM 17994 insert vg/vg+ 1
Neoton Family Czak A Zene 1977 Pepita SLPX 17537
insert ex
Neoton FamilyNapraforgo ( Sunflower) 1979 Pepita SLPX
17594 insert ex/vg origin.1
Neoton FamilyNeoton Disco 1978 Pepita SLPX 17568 nm1
Neoton FamilyKarneval 1984 Pepita SLPM 17855 ex 2
Neoton FamilySame 1983 Pepita SLPM 17788 nm
Napoleon Boulevard Same 1986 Pepita SLPM 37061 nm/vg+1
Napoleon BoulevardMennybolAz Angyal 1989 Pepita SLPM 37289
Omega Time Robber 1976 Bellaphon BLPS 19233
Germany ex
Omega 5 1973 Pepita SLPX 17457 g.c. vg+ 2
Omega 10000 Lepes 1982 Krem Pepita SLPX 17400
vg/vg+ 1
Omega Jubileumi koncert 1983 Pepita SLPX 17777-78
2LP g.c. vg+ 3
Omega Gammapolis 1979 Pepita SLPX 17579 g.c. nm 3
Omega Az Arc 1981 Pepita SLPX insert ex/vg+ 8
Omega Csillagok utjan 1978 Pepita SLPX 17570 vg 4
Omega XI 1982 Pepita SLPX 17747 insert vg+ 6
Omega Nem tudom a neved 1975 Pepita SLPX 17483 brown cover
Omega Nem tudom a neved 1975 Pepita SLPX 17483 purple cover English version
Omega Idorablo 1977 Pepita SLPX 17523 insert vg 2
Omega (Red Star) Trombitás Frédi és a rettenetes emberek 1968 Qualiton yellow Pepita LPX 17390 mono ex/vg+
Omega Same 1973 Amiga 855282 red nm/ex 1
Omega Elo 1972 Pepita SLPX 17447 folga cover blue insert 1
Omega Elo 1972 Pepita SLPX 17447 folga cover red insert
Omega Elo 1972 Pepita SLPX 17447 paper cover red nm
Omega Babylon 1987 Favorit SLPM 37097 nm
Omega A Fold Arnyekos Oldalan (12) 1986 Favorit
SLPM17865 ex
Omega Aranyalbum 1969-71 1979 Pepita SLPX 17582
m/ex 2
Omega Same 1973 Bellaphone BLPS 19147 Germ. g.c. nm
Omega Same 1975 Bellaphone BJS 4072 Germ.
Omega Same 1975 Passport PPSD-98007 USA - american version album’s from 1973 (BJS 4072 Germ.) – still sealed
Omega III 1974Bellaphone BLPS 19191 Germ.
Omega Kisstadion 1979 Pepita SLPX 17619-20 2LP g.c. nm
Omega The Hall Of Floaters In The Sky 1975 Bellaphon BLPS 19220 Germ ex
Piramis Same 1977 Pepita SLPX 17528 vg+/vg 2
Piramis Erotika 1981 Pepita SLPX 17663 vg+
Piramis 3 1979 Pepita SLPX 17589 ex 4
Piramis Plusz 1982 Pepita SLPX 17704 ex
Piramis II 1978 Pepita SLPX 17555 g.c. nm/ ex 2 + only
Vinyl English version
Piramis A Nagy Buli 1979 Pepita SLPX 17621 nm 1
Profan Pro Patria 1987 HP BP 005
P.Mobil Heavy Medal 1983 Start SLPM 177701
P.Mobil Mobilizmo1981Start SLPM 17680 inner
P.Box Same 1982 Start SLPX 17688 1
P.Box Kő Kövön 1983 Start SLPM 17762
Presser Gábor& Adamis Anna Harmincéves Vagyok 1975Pepita SLPX 17494 vg+/nm
R-GO Same 1983 Pepita SLPM 17798 nm
R-GORég várok valakire1986 Pepita SLPM 37041 nm
Skorpio Kelj fel! 1977 Pepita SLPX 17512 vg+/vg- 3
Skorpio Zene Tiz Hurra Es Egy Dobosra 1981 Pepita
SLPX 17666 vg+ 4
Skorpio Gyere velem ! 1977 Pepita SLPX 17575 vg/vg-
21 nm insert
Skorpio A Rohanas 1974 Pepita SLPX 17470 2
Skorpio Aranyalbum 1973-83 1983 Pepita SLPM 17765
nm/vg+ 1
Skorpio Unnepnap 1976 Pepita SLPX 17498 vg inner 1
Skorpio Same 1980 Pepita SLPX 176291 ? nm
Solaris Marsbeli Kronikak 1984 Start SLPM 17819m/ex 1
Saturnus Same 1980Pepita SLPX 17602 vg+/nm 1
Syrius Széttört Álmok1976 PepitaSLPX 17491 1
Slamovits Istvan ( ex- Edda Muvek ) Slamo 1985 Bravo SLPM 17954 nm
Szucs Judith Meleg Az Éjszaka 1980 Pepita SLPX 17636 ex/vg+
Szucs JudithTáncolj Még! 1978 Pepita SLPX 17554 ex
V’Moto-Rock Gyertyak 1981 Pepita SLPX 17696 insert vg+/ex 1
V’Moto-Rock II 1980 Pepita SLPX 17627
V’Moto-Rock Same 1978Pepita SLPX 17562
Zalatnay Sarorlta & General Szeretettel 1975 Pepita
SLPX 17478 vg+
Zalatnay Sarorlta & General Szines triko 1976 Pepita
SLPX17503 nm/ex
Zalatnay Sarorlta Same 1974 Supraphon 113 1643 ex/vg
Zalatnay Sarorlta Same 1978 Amiga 855710 red 1
Zoran ( ex-Metro) III ( & Gabor Presser) 1979 Pepita SLPX 17591 inner nm
Various Artists 1980 Pepita SLPX 17655 ---- Omega,Locomotiv GT,Beatrice1
Various Artists 1,2,3…start 1985 Start SLPM 17875 vg+ (Giterator,Smog,Gigi,So- Ho,Pokolger, Szintezis,
Gepfolklor,Puncs,Wu-2,STB,Tejbezri, Spenot,Wyx,
Szeptember) vg+
Various Artists A Koncert 1981Pepita SLPX 17686-87 2
LP g.c. (Illes, Fonograf, Koncz Zsuzsa , Tolcsvay).1
Various Artists Rockzeneszek Az Enezo Afrikaert 1985 Favorit SLPM 17974(Omega,Hobo Blues Band,KFT,P.Box, V’MotoRock…). m/m 2
Various Artists TOP 11 1982 Pepita SLPX 17726 nm (Hungaria, V’Moto-Pock, Katona Klari, Kovacs Kati , Skorpio, Neoton Family, Szucs Judith, Koral, Komar Laszlo, KFT )…
Various Artists 1,2,3…start 1985 Start SLPM 17711 nm ( Edda Muvek, P.Box , Karthago – LIVE) defect 1 track side A
Worker list LP’s from USA 25
Airkraft Let’s Take Of 1983 ARK rec.
America Homecoming1972 WB Burbank
American Flyer Spirit Of A Woman 1977 UA
American Flyer Same 1976 UA inner
Art Bergman Crawl With Me 1988 Duke Street rec. still sealed
Automatic Man Visitors 1977 Island insert
Animals Early Animals With Eric Burdon 1971 Pickwick
A-Ha Scoundrel Days 1986 WB inner 1
Boney M Night Flight To Venus 1978 Sire g.c. 5.50
Bee Gees Monday’s Rain 1978 Pickwick
Bee Gees Songbook P.K. And The Sound Explosion 1977 Pickwick
Brand X Masques 1978 Passport PB 9829 cover UK CAS 1138
Bread Lost Without Your Love 1976 Elektra g.c.
Badfinger Ass 1973 Apple inner
BadfingerAirwaves 1979 Elektra red promo inner
Beck Jeff Beck Ola 1969 Epic orange
Beck Jeff Truth& Beck-Ola 1975 Epic 2 LP g.c.
Brownsville Station Yeah! 1973 Bell
Bulldog Smasher 1974 Buddah
BTO Four Wheel Drive 1975 Mercury g.c. inner
Blood Sweat & Tears Nuclear Blues 1980 MCA still sealed
Blood Sweat & TearsMirror Image 1974 Columbia inner
Barclay James Harvest Gone To Earth 1977 MCA
Buckingham Lindsey( ex- Fleetwood Mac ) Go Insane 1984 Elektra inner
Baez Joan Gulf Winds 1976 A & M
Be Bop Deluxe Modern Music 1976 Capitol
Bad Company Fame And Fortune 1986 Atlantic
Chicago V 1972 Columbia g.c. all inserts ( posters)
Cliff Jimmy Follow My Mind 1975 Reprise 1
Contagious Free Indeed 1988 Regency inner still sealed
Crusaders Standing Tall 1981 MCA insert
Crusaders Best Of The…1976 ABC Blue Thumb 2 LP g.c.
CCR Cosmo’s Factory 1970 Fantasy blue later reissue
Collins Judy Living 1971 Elektra b.flyg.c. poster
Collins Judy Wildflowers 1979 Elektra b.fly
Collins Judy In My Life 1966 Elektra tan
Collins Judy Who Knows Where The Time Goes 1968 Elektra tan g.c.
Climex Blues Band Shine On 1978 Sire g.c.
Cher Heart Of Stone 1989 Geffen inner
CherThe Very Best…1974 UA
Cooper Alice Billion Dollars Babies 1973 WB all inserts
Camel Moonmadness 1976 Janus inner ( differ.cover )
Dylan Bob Street Legal 1978 Columbia inner
Dr. Hook & Medicine Show Belly Up! 1973 Columbia g.c
Eagles Same 1972 Asylum g.c.
Eagles Their Greatest Hits 1971-76 1976 Asylum
Eagles Long Run 1979Asylum g.c. inner *
ELO Face The Music 1975 UA inner
ELO Discovery 1979 Jet g.c.
ELO A New World Record 1976 UA
ELP Love Beach 1978 Atlantic insert
ELP Same 1970 Cotillion
Fleetwood Mac Mirage 1982 WB inner
Fleetwood Mac Mystery To Me 1973 Reprise insert g.c.
FreeFree Live 197? A & M silver inner
Firm (Jimi Page) Mean Business 1986 Atlantic inner
FogertyJohn Same 1975 Asylum
Foreigner Agent Provocateur 1984 Atlantic
Farner Mark Same 1977 Atlantic
Genesis NurseryCryme 1972 Charisma
Gentle Giant The Missing Piece 1977 Chrysalis inner
Gaynor Gloria Never Can Say Goodbye 1975 MGM
Grand Funk All The Girls In The World Beware!!! 1974 Capitol inner ex 1
Grand FankG.F.Hits 1976 Capitol inner poster 1
Grateful Dead Go To Heaven 1980 Aristastill sealed
Greezy WheelsJuz Loves Dem Ol’ 1975 London inner
Glitter Garry Same 1972 Bell g.c.
Glover Roger Mask 1984 21 rec. still sealed
Gallagher Rory Calling Card 1976Chrysalis green
Guess WhoRockin’ 1972 RCA Victor g.c.
Guess Who The Best…1971 RCA orange g.c. inner
Guess WhoFlavours 1975 RCA orange inner
Humble Pie On To Victory 1980 Atlantic
Humble Pie Streets Rats 1975 A&M
Hollies Romany 1972 Epic orange g.c.
Hammersmith It’s For You 1976 Mercury
Hendrix Jimmy Midnight Lightning 1975 Reprise
Hendrix Jimmy Roots Of Hendrix 1966 Trip g.c.
Harrison George Somewhere In England 1981 Dark Horse inner
Herman’s Hermits Blaze 1967 MGMstill sealed
HeartfieldCollectors Item 1977Columbia inner
Hayward-Lodge Blue Jays 1975 Threshold g.c..+booklet
It’s A Beautiful DayChoise Quality Stuff / Anytime 1971
Jefferson Starship Freedom At Point Zero 1979 Grunt g.c.inner
Jefferson Starship Red Octopus 1975 Grunt inner
Jackson Michael Bad 1987 Epic g.c. inner
Joplin Janis Pearl 1971 Columbia
John Elton A Single Man 1978 MCA inner g.c. 1
JethroTull Benefit 1970 Reprise
JethroTull War Child 1974 Chrysalis quadro inner
JethroTull War Child 1974 Chrysalis inner
JethroTull Stand Up 1969 Reprise origin cover ex 1
JethroTullAqualang 1971 Reprise insert g.c.
JethroTull Thick As A Brick 1972 Reprise original cover 1
Jones Tom Live 1967 Parrot
Jefferson Airplane Bark 1971 Grunt insert
Jefferson Airplane Same 1989 Epicstill sealed
James Montgomery Band High Roller 1974 Capricorn
James Gang New Born 1975 AtcoRockefel.yell.inner
John McLaughlinElectric Guitarist 1978 Columbia.g.c.
Jo JoGunne Same 1972 Asylum g.c.
Jo JoGunne Bite Down Hard 1973 Asylum
Kiss Alive II1977 Casablanca 2 LP 2 inners g.c.
KlaatuSame 1976 Capitol reissue 1979 SN-16060
KikiDee Same 1977 Rocket rec. g.c. insert
King CaroleTapesty1971 A& M +Ode g.c
Lighthouse Can You Feel It? 1973 Polydor
LZ In Trough Tne Out Door 1979 Swan Song Inner C w/o notepaper
LZ IV 1971 Atlantic Rockefel.W logo Inner g.c.
L.A.S. Own Billy the Kidd (feat.Defari)The Saloon Music LP
2000 ABB rec. 2 LP
MungoJerry Same 1970 Janus g.c.
Mungo Jerry Same 1972 Pyeg.c.- The Pye History Of British Pop Music
ManfredMann’s Earth Band The Roaring Silence 1977 WB Burbank 1
ManfredMann’s Earth Band The Roaring Silence 1977 WB Burbank grey different cover& different tracklist inner
MahalTaj Recycling The Blues & Other Related Stuff 1972 Columbia g.c.
Moody Blues Caught Live + 5 1969 London 2 LP g.c.
Marley Bob Same ( compil.) 1968-72 1988 Urban-tec rec
still sealed
Mark-Almond II 1972 Blue Tumb origin cover
Mother’s Finest Another Mother Further 1977 Epic
MayallJohn Bottom Line 1979 DJM USA
MayallJohn Turning Point 1965 Polydor 2
MayallJohn Memories 1971 Polydorg.c. 3
MayallJohn Looking Back 1969 London g.c.
MayallJohn Blues From Laurel Canyon 1968 London g.c. USA 25 W-Z
Mendes Sergio &Brasil77 Love Music 1973 Bell
ManzarekRay Golden Scarab 1974 Mercury insert
Models Out Of Mind Out Of Sight 1985 Geffen insert
ManilowBarry If I Should Love Again 1981 Arista inner
Madness Keep Moving 1983 Geffen
McCartney Paul Pipes Of The Peace 1983 Columbia g.c.inner
McCartney Paul Red Rose Speedway 1973 Apple g.c.booklet
McCartney PaulBand On The Run 1973 Apple inner (different tracklist)
Mamas & Papas California Dream (compil.)1972 Pickwick
Mamas & Papas People Like Us 1971 Dunhill insert
Motley Crue Theatre Of Pain 1985 Elektra inner
MidgeUre( ex-Thin Lizzy, Ultravox )The Gift 1985 Chrysalis inner
Mahavishnu OrchestraApocalypse1974 Columbia
New Edition Same 1984 MCA inner
Neighborhoods Reptile Man 1987 Emergog.c.
Nektar Magic Is A Child 1977 Polydor inner
Nazz Nazz Nazz 1969 Rhino RNLP 10 red vinyl
O’Sullivan Gilbert & Gerry Dorsey Humble Beginnings OfEnglands 1972 Pickwick
O’Sullivan Gilbert I’m A Writer, Not A Fighter 1973 MAM inner
OsmondsThe Proud One 1975 MGMstill sealed
Osmonds Plan 1973 MGM France g.c.
Plant Robert Shaken ‘n Stirred 1985 Paransainner 1
Parks Michael Found Lost 1970 Verve
Pink FloydUmmagumma 1969 Harvest 2 LP g.c.
Presley Elvis Moody Blue 1977 RCA blue vinyl
Presley Elvis California Holiday (soundtrack) 1966 RCA Victor
Presley Elvis Almost In Love (1970) 1975 Pickwick Camden re.
Pentagon Same 1976 East Wind Japan g.c.
Paul Kanter& Grace Slick Sunfighter 1971 Grunt g.c. book
Pilot (ex-Blue Cheer) Same 1972 RCA
Poco From The Inside 1971 Epic yellow g.c.
PocoA Good Feelin To Know 1972 Epic yellow g.c. book
Poco Poco 1970 Epicyellow
Poco Deliverin 1971 Epic yellow g.c.
ProcolHarum LIVE With Orchestra 1971 A& M brown 1
PsychedellicGuitars Same 1967 Custom rec.
Pablo Cruise Reflector 1981 A& M still sealed
Phillips Anthony Wise After The Event 1978 Passport
Ponty Jean-Luc Cosmic Messenger 1978 Atlantic inner
Ponty Jean-Luc Mystical Adventures 1982 Atlantic
Queen Hot Space 1982 Elektra inner 2
Reed Lou Sally Can’t Dance 1974 RCA inner 1
Reed Lou Rock And Roll Heart 1976 Arista inner
Reed Lou Coney Island Baby 1976 RCA tan inner
Reed Lou Street Hassle 1978 Arista inner
Russia Same 1980 WB inner 1
Russel LeonCarney 1972 Shelter rec.
Renaissance Turn Of The Cards 1976 Sire
Rubber Band Hendrix Songbook 1969 GRT
Roussos Demis Same 1974 Big Tree
Roussos Demis On The Greek Side…1971 MGM
Return ToForeveWhere Have I Known You Before 1974 Polydor
Rolling Stones Metemorphosis 1975Abkso inner 2
Rolling Stones & Friends Jamping With Edward 1972Musidor
Rolling StonesThrough The Past, Darkly 1969 London origin cover
Rolling Stones Hot Rocks (64-71) 1972 London 2 LP g.c. insert
Rolling Stones Somegirls 1978 Promotonediffer.cover
T-Z USA 25
Ritchie Family African Queens 1976 Marlin1
Ritchie Family Give Me A Break 1980 Casablanca
Ritchie Family Brazil 1975 20 th Century 1
Ritchie Family Life Is Music 1977 Marlin
Ritchie Family Bad Reputation 1979 Casablanca
Rufus Party’til You’re Broke 1981 MCA
Rush A Farewell To Kings 1977 Mercury g.c.
Ramones Leave Home 1977 Sire inner
Roxy Music Viva! Roxy Music1976 Atcog.c.
Stephen Stills &Manassas Down The Road 1973 Atlantic inner
Stills Stephen Right By You 1984 Atlantic inner
Sparks Indiscreet 1975 Island g.c.
Sparks Big Beat 1976 Columbia inner
Sparks Propaganda 1974 Island inner
Sparks Angst In My Pants 1982 Atlantic inner
Sayer LeoThundfrIn My Heart 1977 WB Burbank inner
SupertrampBreakfast In America 1979 A& M Inner
SupertrampFamous Last Words 1982A& M inner
Spyrogyra Catching The Sun 1980 MCA g.c.
Summer Donna Wanderer 1980 Geffen inner
Sweet Salvation Same 1972 Elektra butterfly
Steely Dan Katy Lied 1975 ABC inner 1
Starr Ringo Stop And Smell The Roses 1981 Boardwalk rec. still sealed
Sweet Give Us A Wink 1976 Capitol inner origin cover
Sweet Off The Record 1977 Capitol inner g.c.
Sweet Level Headed 1978 Capitol purple g.c.
Spooky Tooth Spooky Two 1969 A& M brown
Seeger Pete Folksinger’s Guitar Guide 1955 Folkways rec.
Seeger Pete Same (compil.) 1965 Archive Of Folk Music FS-201
Santana Festival 1977 Columbia inner
StrawbsDeadlines 1978 Arista inner
Scorpions Savage Amusement 1988 Mercury inner
Seatrain Watch 1973 WB green g.c.
Spirit Farther Along 1976 Mercurystill sealed
Savoy Brown King Of Boogie 1989 GNP still sealed
Silver Convention Same 1974 Midland International
Silver Convention Madhouse 1976 Midland different cover
Silver Convention Love In A Sleeper 1978 Columbia
Shakti WithJohn McLaughlin Same 1976 Columbia
Styx Equinox 1975 A & M inner
Sting Nothing Like The Sun 1987 A&M 2 LP insert
Street Walkers Downtown Flyer 1975 Mercury g.c.
Spirit Son Of Spirit 1975 Mercury
Stewart Rod FoolishBehaviour 1980 WB inner, poster
Stewart RodA Shot Of Rhythm And Blues 1976 Private Stock g.c.
10 CC Bloody Tourists 1978 Mercury inner g.c.
10 CC Look Hear 1980 WB inner
10 CC Deceptive Bends 1977 Mercury inner g.c. 2
Tremblers Twice Nightly 1980 Johnston rec inner
Ten Years After Positive Vibrations 1974 Columbia
Traffic Same (1968)1983 Island re. g.c.
Tangerine DreamStratosfear 1976 Virgin g.c.
Tula GangYachtless 1978 Beserkley still sealed
Tula GangMoonproof 1978 Beserkley still sealed
Triumph Thunder Seven 1984 MCA still sealed
Temptations House Party 1975 Gordy
UK Same 1978 Polydor inner
UK Danger Money 1979 Polydor inner
Van MorrisonWavelenght 1978 WB inner
Van Hallen 5150 1986 WB inner 1
Ventures Swamp Rock 1969 Liberty
VenturesRunnin’ Strong 1966 Sunset
Vangelis To The Unknown Man 1982 RCA *
Vangelis Beaubourg 1978 RCA Victor black
Voyage Fly Away 1978 Marlin
Voyage Same 1977 Marlin
Johnny & Edgar Winter Discus Together 1976 Blue Sky white promo
Edgar Winter Group They Only Come Out 1972 Epic g.c.
Edgar Winter’s White Trash Roadwork 1972 Epic yellow 2 LP g.c.
Wright Gary The Right Place 1981 WB
Wright Gary The Dream Weaver 1975 WB
Who Face Dance 1981 WB inner poster
WhoQuadrophenia 1973 Track 2 LP g.c. book
Who Who’s Last 1984 MCA 2 LP g.c. inners
Who Tommy ( soundtrack) 1975 Polydor 2 LP g.c. two inners
Wizzard Introducing Eddy And The Falcons 1974 UA g.c.
Weather Report Mysterious Traveller 1974 Columbia
Wonder Stevie Songs In The Key Of Live 1976 Motown 2 LP g.c. book (second press) + single UK
Wonder Stevie Characters 1987 Motown inner
Walsh Joe So What 1974 ABC inner
Walsh Joe But Seriously,Folks…1978 Asylum inner g.c.
Waits Tom Blue Valentine 1978 Asylum g.c.
WrathchildAmerica Climbin’ The Walls 1989 Atlanticstill sealed
Yes Tormato 1978 Atlantic inner 2
Yes Drama 1980 Atlantic g.c. inner
YoungbloodsThis Is The Youngbloods 1972 RCA 2 LPg.c.
YuroTimi Soul! 1962 Liberty
Zappa FrankSneikYerbouti 1979 Zappa rec. 2 LP g.c.
Zappa Frank Studio Tan 1978 Discreet
ZZ Top Afterburner 1985 WB 1
Various Artists History Of British Rock vol.2 1974 Sire 2 LP 1
Various Artists WoodstockTwo 1971 Cotillion 2 LP 3 fold cover
Various Artists Letter To Brezhnev (soundtrack) 1985 MCA
( Bronski Beat, Fine Young Cannibals, Redskins, Carmel, Flesh - ets…)
Various Artists Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (soundtrack) 1978 RSO 2 LP g.c.inners poster
( BeeGees,Aerosmith, Alice Cooper,Peter Frampton ets…)
New Arrival
Made in USA
A.P.G.CrewOaktownsFinest 1991Yo! Records YO-1234 (hip hop) very rare
Bee Gees Monday’s Rain 1978 Pickwick 1
BTO 2 1973 Mercury
Bolin Tommy Private Eyes 1076 Columbia inner
Bad Company Rough Diamonds 1982 Swan Song inner
still sealed
Babe RuthStealin’ Home 1975 Capitol ST 11451 inner
BenatarPat Wide Awake In Dream…1988 Chrysalis inner
Cocker Joe Stingray 1976 A &M g.c.
Cocker Joe With A Little Help From My Friend 1976 A &M
Climax Blues Band Tightly Knit 1971 Sire white SI 5903 promo
Christie Yellow River 1970 Epic yellow E 30403
Chicago IX Gr Hits1975CBS . Inner
Crusaders Those Southern Knights 1976 Blue Thumb g.c.
Chris De BurgThe The Getaway 1982 A & M inner
Cooper Alice Schools Out 1972 WB origin cover with track list on back side
Deep PurplePurple Passages 1972 WB green 2LS 2644 2 LP g.c.
Easybeats Friday On My Mind 1967 UA black UAL 3588
ELO 2 1973 UA LA 040-F g.c. inner
ELO Out Of The Blue 1977 Jet 2 LP 2 inners poster g.c.
Earth Quake Leveled 1977 Beserkley inner
Émigré Same 1979 Chrysalis
Flying Burrito Bros Flying Again 1975 Columbia
Faces Ooh La La 1973 WB Burbank origin cover
Grand FunkShinin’On 1974 Capital SWAE11278 inner
Guess WhoFlavours 1973 RCA inner
Greg Kihn BandNext Of Kihn 1978 Beserkley
Grateful Dead Wake Of The Flood 1973 Grateful Dead rec.
Harrison George Extra Texture 1975 Apple inner cut-out cover
Heretix Gods & Gangsters 1990 Island
John Elton 11-17-70 1971 UNI 93105
Jo JoGunne Bite Down Hard 1973 Asylum
JethroTullMinstrellIn The Gallery 1975 Chrysalis
Kiss Alive II1977 Casablanca 2 LP 2 g.c
Kiss Rock & Roll Over 1976 Casablanca inner
Lear Amanda Sweet Revenge 1978 Chrysalis g.c.
Moody Blues On The Threshold Of A Dream 1969 Deramg.c. booklet
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band Good Earth 1974 WB Burbank
Nazareth Sound Elixir 1983 MCA
Ned Nelson En Accion 1974 UA Latino LT-LA155-D
Parton Dolly Dolly, Dolly, Dolly…1980 RCA inner
ProcolHarumExotic Bird And Fruit 1974 Chrysalis
QuatroSuzi If You Knew Suzi…1978 RSO
Rush Signals 1982 Mercury
Rare Earth Back To Earth 1975 Rare Earth
Rolling Stones Coats Head Soap 1973 Promotoneg.c. all inserts
Ritchie Family Arabian Night 1976 Marlin
Renaissance Scheherazade 1975 Sire
Styx Same 1971 Wooden Nickel RecordsWNS-1008
Spirit Family That Plays Together & Feedback 1972 Epic 2 LP Set g.c.
Sinatra Frank September Of My Years 1965 Reprise 3 color F-1014 mono
Strawbs Deep Cuts 1976 Polydor inner
Santana Jorge Same 1978 Tomato inner (nude cover)
Shaw Tommy What If 1985 A & M inner
SkywalkParadiso 1988 Zebra
Steve Miller Band Book Of Dreams 1977 Mercury
Stories Travelling Underground 1973 Kamasutra blue g.c.
TasteOn The Boards 1970 Atco white SD 33-322 promo
Triumvirat Old Loves Die Hard (1976) 1979 Capitol SN 16122
Tony Orlando & DawnSkybird 1975 Arista
UK Danger Money 1979 Polydor inner
Vanilla Fudge Renaissance 1968 Atco 3 color SD 33-224
Various Artists Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (soundtrack) 1978 RSO 2 LP g.c.inners poster
( BeeGees,Aerosmith, Alice Cooper,Peter Frampton ets…)
Various Artists All This And II World War (soundtrack – words & music by Lennon/McCartney) 1976 20th Century rec. box g.c
http://www.discogs.com/Various-All-This ... ase/956315
Various Artists Saturday Night Fever (soundtrack) 1977 RSO 2 LP g.c.( Bee Gees, Kool The Gang, Trammps…).
USA LP’s 06.13.between USA 25
Atomic Rooster IV ( Nice & Greasy ) 1973 Elektra
Accept Same 1979 Polydor promo
Bolin Tommy Private Eyes 1976 Columbia inner
Bee Gees Monday’s Rain 1978 Pickwick
Bee Gees Odessa 1969 AtcoSD 2-702 2 LP origin felt cover
Bee Gees Take Hold Of That Star 1978 Pickwick
Burdon Eric &The Animals Every One Of US 1968 MGM SE-4553
B,S& T Greatest Hits 1972 Columbia
Chase Same 1971 Epic-CBS Quadraphonic EQ 30472 – QAL 30472
Crabby Appleton Same 1970 Elektra Butterfly
Chicago 17 1983 WB inner
Chicago IX Greatest Hits 1975 Columbia inner
Cooper Alice Muscle Of Love 1973 WB Burbank origin cover all inserts outside
Clapton Eric Backless 1978 RSO g.c.
Camel Show Goose 1975 Passport
Deep PurpleIn Rock 1970 Harvest g.c.
Deep Purple Stormbringer 1974 WB Burbank
ELP Works vol.2 1977 Atlantic
ELO Out Of The Blue 1977 Jet 2 LP g.c. inners, poster
Falco Emotional 1986 Sire inner
Grand FankSurvival 1971 Capitol lime SW 764 + 3 foto 1 press
Gallaher Rory Tattoo 1973 Polydor PD 5539
Glover Roger & Guests Butterfly Ball 1975 UK rec. g.c.
Gentle GiantIn’terview 1976 Capitol orangeinner
Hammil Peter Sitting Targets 1981 PVC inner
Joplin Janis Pearl 1971 Columbia
John Elton Here& There 1976 MCA inner
John Elton 21 At 33 1980 MCA inner, insert, sticker, shrink.
JethroTull Heavy Horses 1978 Chrysalis inner
Jefferson Starship Dragon Fly 1974 Grunt inner
Jefferson Starship Red Octopus 1975 Grunt
King Crimson Three Of Perfect Pair 1984 WB-EG inner
Kiss Same 1974 Casablanca NBLP 7001
Mint Tattoo Same 1969 DOT rec. DLP 25918 die-cut g.c.
Manfred MannThe Best…1977 Capitol M 11688
Moby Grape 20 Granite Greek 1971 Reprise RS 6460
Paul Kanther& Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire 1970 RCA LSP 4448 orange g.c. inner book
Petty Tom & Heartbreaker Same 1976 Shelter
Philips Anthony Private Parts & Pieces II – Back To The Pavilion 1980 PVC
Phillips Anthony The Geese & The Ghose 1977 Passport
Patti Smith Group Wave 1979 Arista insert
Paris ( ex – JethroTull, Wilde Turkey, Nazz…)Same 1976 Capitol inner
Rare EarthSame 1977 Prodigal
Rare EarthBand Together 1978 Prodigal
Rush Caress Of Steel 1975 Mercury Germ. g.c.
Steve Miller Band Children Of The Future 1968 Capitol SKAO-2920 g.c. vg
Steve Miller Band Brave New World (1969) Capitol orange g.c.
Styx Man Of Miracles 1974 Wooden Nickel rec.
Styx The Serpent Is Rising 1973 Wooden Nickel rec.BXL-1 -0287
Shakti With John McLaughlin A Handful Of Beauty 1977 Columbia
Sheelleyan OrphanHelleborine 1987 Columbia inner
Summer Donna Bad Girls 1979 Casablanca 2 LP g.c. inners
Smokey Same ( Pass It Around ) 1975 MCA
Trower Robin In City Dreams 1977 Chrysalis
The Tribes Bangladesh 1972 Pickwick ??????
Vannilla Fudge Rock & Roll 1969 Atco SD 33-303 Broadway
Wishbone Ash Wishbone Four 1973 MCA insert g.c ?????.
Wishbone Ash Just Testing 1980 MCA inner ???????
Soundtrack Listomania( R. Daltrey&R.Wakeman )1975 A & M
http://www.discogs.com/Rick-Wakeman-Lis ... ase/778016
Various Artists All This And II World War (soundtrack – words & music by Lennon / McCartney) 1976 20th Century rec. box g.c book
http://www.discogs.com/Various-All-This ... ase/956315
USAADD right top
BTO Four Wheel Drive 1975 Mercury g.c. inner
Badfinger No Dice 1970 Apple SKAO-3367 mfd.by apple side 2 g.c.
Colours 1968 Dot DLP 25854
Cerrone V Angelina 1979 Atlantic inner
Cactus Ot “N” Sweaty 1972 Atco Broadway g.c.
ELO Eldorado 1974 UA inner
Erasure Circus 1987 Sire inner
Foreigner Head Games 1979 Atlantic
Foreigner Same 1977Atlantic inner
Grand FankG.F.Hits 1976 Capitol inner
Hopkin Mary Earth Song/ Ocean Song 1971 Apple g.c.
John Elton Captain Fantastic 1975 DJM Hol.g.c. 2 booklet
John Elton A Single Man 1978 MCA inner g.c
King Crimson Islands 1972 Atlantic Broadway SD 7212 g.c.
Lennon John Plastic Ono Band 1970 Apple inner
Madonna You Can Dance 1987 Sire
Nazareth Exercises 1972 WB green g.c.
Pop Iggy Blah-Blah-Blah 1986 A & M .inner
Pink FloydThe Dark Side… 1973 Harvest SMAS-1-11163 g.c. all inserts
Queen Game 1980 Elektra inner 1
Renaissance Ashes Are Burning 1973 Capitol
Rare Earth Band Together 1978 Prodigal
Richard Cliff I’m Nearly Famous 1976 Rocket rec. insert
RamatamSame 1972 Atco Broadway
UK Same 1978 Polydor inner
WhoTommy( different version) + London Symphony Orchestra 1972 ODE SP 99001 2 LP box g.c. book
Various ArtistsWoodstockTwo 1971 Cotillion 2 LP 3 fold cover
Various Artists Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (soundtrack) 1978 RSO 2 LP g.c.inners poster
LP’s from USA item
Aorta Same 1969 Columbia 9785 360 sound g.c. vg+/ex
Artful Dodger Same 1975 Columbia PS 33811(export) ex *
Association Insight Out ( Windy ) 1967 WB 1696 USA vg+
BadfingerNo Dice 1970 Apple SKAO-3367 mfd.by apple side 2 g.c. ex/vg+
BadfingerMagic Christian Music 1970 Apple ST-3364 vg+
Beach BoysSurfin’USA 1963 Capitol T 1890 mono nm/vg-
Bloomfield,Kooper,Stills Super Session 1970 Columbia CS 9701 ex
Blues ImageOpen 1970 Atco SD-33-317 promo vg + *
Blues Image Red White & Blues Image 1971 Atco SD 33-348 g.c. vg 1
Belle EpoqueMiss Broadway 1977 Big Tree rec.BT 76008 vg/ex
Bowie DavidMan Who Sold The World 1970 Mercury SR 61325 vg+/ex
Blues ProjectSame 1972 Capitol red SMAS 11017 g.c. vg+/ex+
Burdon Eric & Animals Eric Is Here 1967 MGM E 4433 mono
Bonzo Dog Band Beast Of The Bonzos 1971 UA UAS 5517 g.c.
Canned Heat One More River To Cross 1973 Atlantic SD 7289
CreamDisraeliGears 1969 Atco Broadway SD 33-232 vg+/ex
Cream Live vol.2 1972 Atco Broadway SD-7005 ex+
Colours 1968 Dot DLP 25854 vg+/ex
Clinic (Philip Brigham+ Alan Reeves) Now Were Even 1973 Roulette rec. SR-3010 still sealed
Doors Soft Parade 1969 Elektra red big E EKS-75005 g.c inner vg/vg .
Doors Waiting For The Sun 1968 Elektra tan EKS-74024 g.c. vg
Doors Same 1967 Elektra tan EKS-74007 vg+ 1
Doors Same 1967 Elektra tan vinyl EKL-4007 cover EKS-74007 vg+
Doors Morrison Hotel 1970 Elektra red E EKS 75007 vg+/vg-
Doors Strange Days 1967 Elektra tan EKS 74014 inner vg/vg+
Electric Prunes Just Good Old Rock &Roll 1969 Reprise 6342 w7 ex+
En Vogue Born To Sign 1990 Atlantic
FacesA Nod Is As Good As A Wink 1971 WB BS 2574 green vg+ 1
Family Fearless 1972 UA UAS -5562 orig.cover inner vg+ 1
Flying Machine Same 1969 Janus JLS-3007 vg+
Flintlock Tears’n Cheers 1977 Pinnacle rec. P 8310 g.c. inner
Fabulous Rhinestones Same 1972 Just Sunshine rec.JSS1
still sealed
Grand Funk We’re An American Band 1973 Capitol SMAS –11207 yellow vinyl g.c.black inner with sticker vg+ * 1 + 1
Grand FunkMark,Don& Mel 1972 Capitol SABB-11042 g.c. 2 LP inners ex
Grand Funk All The Girls In The World Beware!!! 1974 Capitol SO-11356 inner poster ex
Grand Funk Caught In The Act 1975 Capitol SABB-11445
g.c. 2 LP ex/vg
Grand Funk Closer To Home 1970 Capitol lime SKAO-471 g.c. vg+/ex
Guns &Butter Same 1972 Cotillion SD-9901 vg+
Grateful Dead Workingman’s Dead 1970 WB green 1869 inner ex/vg+
Grateful Dead Wake Of The Flood 1973 GD rec.01 inner w/o list on back cover vg+ 1
Gun Hill Road First Stop 1971 Mercury SR-61341 white promo label
Gentle GiantGiant For A Day 1978 Capitol SW 11813 purple inner
Guess Who Wheatfield Soul 1969 RCA orange LSP-4141
Guess Who American Woman 1970 RCA orange LSP 4266
Hamilton,Joe Frank & Reynolds Hallway Symphony 1972
DunhilABC DSX-50113 vg+
Hendrix Jimi In The Beginning 1972 Shout SLP-502 ex-
Hendrix Jimi Sound track Recordings From The Film J.H. 1973 Reprise 2RS6481 w logo 2 LP g.c.ex/vg+
Hendrix Jimi Axis: Bold As Love (1968) 1983 Reprise RS6281 w logo g.c
Highway Robbery For Love Or Money 1972 RCA orange LSP-4736 vg+
HokusPokus Same 1972 Romar RM 2002 vg+
HolliesBus Stop 1966 Imperial LP-9330 black green mono
HolliesBus Stop 1966 Imperial LP-12330 black green ex
HolliesStop! Stop! Stop! 1966 Imperial LP-9339 black green mono vg+
Humble PieEat It 1973 A& M SP 3701 brown 2 LP g.c. book vg+ 1
Heads Hands &FeetOld Soldiers Never Die 1973 Atco Broadway SD 7025 g.c.
Heads Hands &FeetOld Soldiers Never Die 1973 Atco Broadway SD 7025 g.c. still sealed 1
Harrison GeogeConcert For Bahgladesh 1971 Apple STCX 3385 3 LP box & booklet ex/ex-vg+ outside
It’s A Beautiful Day Same 1985 San Francisco sound SFS
11790 limited edition (№ 22798) g.c. ex-
It’s A Beautiful Day ….Today 1973 Columbia KO 32181 g.c. vg+
Iron Butterfly Metamorphosis 1970 Atco Broadway yellow SD 33-339 g.c. vg+
Iron Butterfly In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida 1968 Atco Broadway yellow SD33-250 1
James Gang Jesse Come Home 1976 Atco SD 36-141 ex
James Gang Rides Again 1970 ABC S-711 g.c. 2
James Gang Passin’ Thru 1972 ABC X760 2
Joplin Janis …Kozmic Blues1969 Columbia 360 sound KCS 9913 vg+ 1
Jefferson Airplane Crown Of Creation 1970 RCA LSP-4058 orange ex
Jefferson Airplane Volunteers 1969 RCA LSP 4238 orange g.c. insert 1
Johnson Brian And GeordieSame (best of…)1981 MCA 5234 ex 1
Jobim Antonio Carlos Wonderful World Of A.C.Jobim 1966 WB 1611 gold mono ex
Kasenetz-Katz Singing Orchestral Circus 1968 Buddah BDS-5020 g.c. ex
Kasenetz-Katz Super Circus1970 Buddah BDS-5028 still sealed
Korner Alexis &SnapeAccidentally Borne In New Orleans 1972 WB BS 2647 green ex 1
Lemon Pipers Jungle Marmalade 1969 Buddah BDS 5016 vg+
Love False Start 1970 Blue Thumb BTS 8822 g.c. ex+ outside
Love Four Sail 1969 Elektra EXS-74049 red big E ex
Last WordsSame 1968 Atco 3 color SD 33-235 ex-
Lovin’Spoonful Hums Of The L.S. 1966 Kamasutra KLPS 8054 inner ex
Lovin’Spoonful and other… What’s Shakin 1966 Elektra tan EKL 4002 ex/vg
Lovin’Spoonful What’s Up,Tiger Lily? 1966 Kamasutra KLPS 8053 vg+
Lovin’Spoonful You’re A Big Boy Now (soundtrack) 1967 Kamasutra KLP-8058 ST inner ex
Lovin’Spoonful You’reA Big Boy Now (soundtrack) 1967 Kamasutra KLPS-8058 ST ex 1
Lovin’Spoonful John Sebastian Song Book vol.2 1970 Kamasutra KSBS 2011 vg+
Love Afair Same 1980 Radio rec. promo RR 2004 vg+/ex
Lone Star Firing On All Six 1977Columbia PC 34937 promo inner vg+ *
Lennon John Sometime in N.Y.C.1972 Apple SVBB 3392 2 LP g.c. inners vg+
Lighthouse Thoughts OfMovin’On 1971 Evolution 3010 g.c.1
Mariah Same 1976 UA LA493-G ex-
Monroe Marilyn Same 1976 Legends !000/1 g.c. ex+
MoseJones Get Right 1973 MCA 329 yellow g.c. ex+
My Dad Is Dead Let’s Skip The Details 1987 Homestead rec. HMS109-1 insert nm
MayallJohn Bare Wires 1968 London PS 537 vg+
MayallJohn Back To The Roots 1971 Polydor 25-3002 2 LP book g.c. ex/vg+ 1
Magic 1971 Rare Earth R 527 ex
Magna Carta Seasons 1970 Dunhill DS 50091 g.c. ex-
Monkees Same1966 Colgems COM 101 mono ex/vg
MountainHantucketSleighride 1971 Bell - Windfall 5500 book + 2 fotog.c. vg+/ex 1
Matthews Ian Tigers Will Survive 1972 Vertigo swirl VEL 1010 g.c.
Mama’s Pride Same 1975 Atco yellow SD-36-122
Mott The Hoople Mott 1973 Columbia KC 32425 g.c. different cover
New Riders Of The Purple SageHome,Home On The Road1974 Columbia PC 32870 inner vg+
New York DollsIn Too Much Too Soon 1974 Mercury SRM-1-1001 inner vg+
NazzNazzNazz 1969 SGS SD 5002 vg+
NiceThe Thoughts of EmerlistDavjack 1967 CSP P11633 reissue 1973
Ohio ExpressBeg,Borrow& Steal 1967 Cameo CS-20000 USA vg+
On The Seventh Day #1 1969 Mercury SR 61248 vg+
Presley Elvis A Canadian Tribute 1978 RCA KKL1-7065 yellow vinyl inner
Pacific Gas &Electric Starring Charlie Allen 1974 Dunhill DSX-50157 g.c. ex
Pink Floyd The Dark Side… 1973 Harvest SMAS-1-11163 g.c. all inserts ex/nm
Pink Floyd The Dark Side… 1973 Harvest SMAS-1-11163 g.c. all inserts + sticker vg/ex
Pretty Things Savage Eye 1976 Swan Song SS 8414 g.c. inner vg+
Pretty Things Freeway Madness 1973 WB green BS 2680
Pidgeon Same 1968 Decca DL 75103 g.c.
Paul RevereAnd The Raiders Goin’ To Memphis 1968
Columbia P 13512 for export
Quicksilver Messenger Service What About Me 1970 Capitol lime SMAS 630 g.c.
Quicksilver Messenger Service What About Me 1970 Capitol lime SMAS 8-0630 g.c.
RenaissanceNovella 1977 Sire SA-7526 g.c. nm (defect cover)
Rotary Connection Peace 1969 Cadet Concept LPS 318 ex-*
Rotary Connection Dinner Music 1970 Cadet Concept LPS 328 vg+/ex
Rustix Come On People 1970 Rare Earth RS 513 ex
Rock Candy Same 1970 MGM SE 4703 USA ex
Rolling Stones Got Live If You Want It! 1966 London LL 3493 mono vg-
Rolling StonesBeggar’s Banquet 1968 London PS 539 g.c.
Rare Earth Grand Slam 1978 Prodigal P7- 10027R1 still sealed
Rare Earth Same 1977 Prodigal P6-10019S1 still sealed
Rare Earth Back To Earth 1975 Rare Earth R6548S1
Rascals Search& Nearness 1971 Atlantic SD 8276 still sealed
Sir Douglas Quintet Mendocino 1969 Smash SRS 67115 g+
Song Album 1970 MGM SE-4714 ex- 2
StackridgeExtrawaganza 1975 Sire SASD-7509 g.c. ex
Steppenwolf Same 1968 Dunhill DS-50029 vg+
Steppenwolf Monster 1969 Dunhill DS-50066 g.c. g 1
Steppenwolf At Your Birthday Party 1969 Dunhill DS 50053g.c. vg+ 2
Stills Stephen &Manassas Down The Road 1973 Atlantic SD 7250 Broadway inner ex-
Stewart Rod &FacesSame 1975 Springboard SPB-4030 nm-
Stewart Rod &FacesCoast To Coast Overture And Beginners(live) 1973 Columbia SRM-1-697 inner g.c.
Steve Miller Band Your Saving Grace 1969 Capitol SKAO-331 g.c. vg
Steve MillerBand Sailor (1968) 1972 Capitol orange ST 2984
Simon &Garfunkel Sounds And Silence 1965 Columbia 360 sound CS 9269 ex-/vg
Simon &Garfunkel Bridge Over Troubled Water 1970 Columbia 360 sound KCS 9914 vg+
Sinatra Frank Just One Of Those Things (compilation) 1967 Capitol Pickwick rainbow SPC-3457
Stoneground Same 1971 WB WS 1895 white promo g.c.vg+/ex
Stoneground Same 1971 WB green WS 1895 g.c.
Spooky ToothCeremony 1970 A&M brown SP 4225 ex/vg+
Spooky ToothYou Broke My Heart… 1973 A& M brown SP 4385 g.c.
Spirit Family That Plays Together 1968 Ode Z12 44014 yel.g.c. vg+
Spirit Son Of Spirit 1975 Mercury SRM 1-1053 insert
Salloom-Sinclair And The Mother Bear Same 1969 Cadet LPS 316 ex
Sugarloaf Same 1970 Liberty 3 color LST-7640 g.c.
Stampeders Sweet City Woman 1973 Bell 6068 g.c
Screaming Lord Sutch Lord Sutch And Heavy Friends 1970 Angus LP 9094
Styx Paradise Theatre 1981 A &M SP 3719 .g.c. lazer print
Soft Machine 7 1974 Columbia AL32716 1
Thirty Days Out Same 1971 Reprise RS 6450 insert ex
Temptations In A Mellow Mood 1967 Gordy 924 vg+/ex
TurtlesTurtlesSoup 1969 White Whale WW 7124 inner g.c.
Three Dog Night ItAin’t Easy 1970 Dunhill DS 50078 g.c.
Three Dog Night Cyan 1973 Dunhill DSX 50158 inner
Three Man Army A Third Of A Lifetime 1971 Kamasutra KSBS 2044 1
TroggsTroggtapes 1976 Private Stock rec. still sealed
Unspoken Word Same 1970 Atco Broadway SD-33335
Vanilla Fudge Renaissance 1968 Atco 3 color SD 33-224 vg
Vanilla Fudge Near The Beginning 1969 Atco yellow Broadway SD 33-278
Vanilla Fudge Beat Goes On 1968 Atco 3 color SD 33237 g.c. 1
Ventures Wild Things 1966 Dolton BLP-2047 ex-
Ventures GuitarFreakont 1967 Dolton BLP-2050 ex-
Ventures Flights Of Fantasy 1968 Liberty LST-8055 ex-
Ventures Go With The Ventures 1966 Dolton BST-8045 ex
Ventures Play The Country Classics 1963 Dolton BST-8023 vg+
Ventures Cristmas Album `1965 Dolton 8038 nm/vg-
Wedgwood Revival 196? Creative Sound CSS 1529 g.c. vg
Winter Edgar White Trash 1971 Epic KE 30512 yellow vg+*
West, Bruce &Laing WhyDontcha 1972 Columbia – Windfall C 31929
Wood’s Roy &WizzardWizzard’s Brew1973 UA LA 042-F g.c.nm-
Wood RoyMustard 1975 UA EA575-H g.c. nm- *
Who Tommy( different version) + London Symphony Orchestra 1972 ODE SP 99001 2 LP box g.c. bookoutside
http://www.discogs.com/London-Symphony- ... se/1328540
Young Rascals Collections 1966 Atlantic 8134 red-plum mono ex
Zappa Frank One Size Fits All 1975 Discreet DS 2216 g.c. ex
Zappa Frank Just Another Band from L.A. 1972 Bizarre MS 2075 g.c. ex-
Zappa Frank & other ( promo-compilation ) Zapped 1974 Bizarre Reprise PRO 38 inner ex
Zappa Frank Uncle Meat 1969 Bizarre 2024 2 LP g.c. inners ex outside
B e a t l e s
White Album 1968 Apple SWBO-101 subsidiary #cover A2350889 USA 2LPg.c. vg+
White Album 1968 Apple 5C 192-04174 Holland 2LP g.c. top open
White Album 1968 Apple 1C 192-04174 Germ. 2LP g.c. only cover
White Album 1987 Apple PCS 7067 re.DMM UK 2 LP g.c. bar code m/nm all inserts
White Album 1968 ApplePCS 7067 UK all inserts # 0120976 top open g.c. ex
https://www.discogs.com/The-Beatles-The ... se/7949991
Let It Be 1970 Apple AR 34001 USA g.c.vg+ 2
Let It Be1970 Apple 1A 06204433 EEC reissue 1986
Let It Be…naked 2003 Apple 0724359543802 EEC g.c. book + single nm
At The Hollywood Bowl 1977 Capitol SMAS -11638 USA origin g.c. ex/vg+
Magical Mystery Tour 1971 Apple SMAL 2835 side1 mfd.by apple USA g.c book ex/vg+
Magical Mystery Tour 1967 Capitol SMAL 2835 USAg.c w/o book
Revolver 1988Parlophone PCS 7009 UK re. two EMI box bar code m/nm
Revolver 1978Parlophone 1A 064-04097Hol.
Rubber Soul 1965 ParlophonePMC 1267 UK
https://www.discogs.com/Beatles-Rubber- ... se/4787653
Hey Jude 1970 Apple cover SW 385 vinyl SO 385 Beatles Again side2 mfd.by apple USA ex
With The Beatles 1963 Parlophone PCS 3045 ( 1A 06204181 ) EEC reissue 1986
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 Сapitol SMAS 2653 black rainbow subsidiaryUSAg.c. insert vg/vg-
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1976Сapitol vinyl - SMAS 2653 orange / cover - SMAL 2653 USA g.c. insert ex
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1976 Сapitol SMAS 2653 orange USAg.c. vg+
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1987 Parlophone PCS 7027 UK re. two EMI box bar code g.c. insert vg
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 СapitolMAS 2653 black rainbow USAg.c. inner insert vg/vg-
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 Сapitol SMAS 2653 black rainbow USAg.c. inner insert ex
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967Parlophone PCS 7027Hol. g.c.
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1986 Parlophone1C 06204177 EEC insert g.c.
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1986 Parlophone5C 06204177Hol. insertg.c.
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 198? Parlophone PCS 7027 UKg.c.all inserts
https://www.discogs.com/The-Beatles-Sgt ... ase/499497
Beatles’65 1964 Capitol T 2228 black rainbow USA vg+/vg 2 ex
Beatles’65 1964 Capitol T 2228 black rainbow USA diff. label text
Beatles for Sale 197?Parlophone1A 062 04200 Hol. g.c.
Beatles for Sale 1964 Parlophone PCS 3062 France g.c.
1962-1966 1973 Capitol SKBO 3403 red lable Canada 2 LP g.c. inserts vg+/vg
Yellow Submarine 1969 Apple SW 153 side2captol logo USA ex
Beatles Greatest 1967 Odeon OMHS 3001 Holland ex/vg+ 1 press 1
Beatles Greatest 1967 Odeon OMHS 3001 Holland ex/vg+ re.
Second Album 1964 Apple T 2080 all right USA vg+
Help!1981 Parlophone1C 06204257 Hol.
Help!1981 Parlophone PCS 3071 Hol.
Help!1965 Odeon blue 1c 062-04257n only record + cover UK PMC 1255
Love Song 1977Capital SKBL 11711 USA 2 LP g.c. inners book
Love Song 1977 Parlophone 5c 152-06560/61 Holland 2 LP g.c. ex/ex/vg+
Love Song 1977 Parlophone 1c 152-06560/61 Holland 2 LP g.c. 1
Meet The Beatles 1964 Capitol T 2047 USA second press vg+/vg 1
Meet The Beatles 1964 Capitol ST 2047 black rainbow USA ex-
A Hard Day’s Night 1964 UA UAL 3366 ( I cry instead) USA nm/vg+ 1
A Hard Day’s Night 1964Parlophone PMC 1230 black yellow mono UK2
The Historic Fist Live Recordings 1980 Pickwick PTP-2098 USA 2 LP g.c. ex/vg+/ex
The Beatles Feat.Tony Sheridan 1976 (1962) Contour CN 2007 UK ex
The Beatles LIVE At The Star –Club In Hamburg1982 SAAR Italy HIS 10982 2 LP g.c.
20 Grootste Hits 1982 Parlophone EEC inner
A Collection Of Beatles Oldies … 1966 Parlophone red !!!!!!!!! PCS 7016 Hol.rare
A Collection Of Beatles Oldies …(1966) 1982 Odeon Hol. 1A 038-1575451
Rock’n’Roll Music 1976 Parlophone 5c 178-06137/8 Holland 2 LP g.c.
H o l l a n d G r o u p s
Arkus 1914 1981 ArcusHol. vg+/ex
Alquin Best Kept Secret 1976 PolydorHol. g.c. vg+ 3
AlquinMountain Queen 1973 Polydorg.c. 3
Alquin Marks 1972 Polydor g.c.
AlquinNobody Can Wait Forever 1975 Polydorg.c.
AlquinCrash 1977Polydorg.c. 2 LP g.c.
Akkerman Jan Same 1977 Atlantic
Akkerman Jan &KazLuxTransparental 1980 AriolaHol.inner
Brainbox To You 1972 Imperial 2 LP g.c. vg+/vg 2
Brainbox Best Of… 1973 Imperial re.Hol.vg/vg- 1
Brainbox Same 1976 EMI-BovemaHol. ex 1
Brainbox Same 1971 Imperial orig. Hol.ex-/vg 1 press
Brainbox Same 1971 Imperial orig. Hol.ex-/vg 2 press 1
C.C.C.Inc. To Our Grandchildren 1971 Imperial Hol. insert vg+
C.C.C.Inc. To Our Grandchildren & Watching The Evening Sun 1975 EMI Hol. 2 LP g.c. vg+
Cuby+BlizzardsAfscheids Concert 1974 Philips Hol. mono insert vg+/vg 1
Cuby+Blizzards Live 1981 HepHol. 3
Cuby+Blizzards Live 1969 Philips PHS 600 307 USA
Cuby+Blizzards Kid Blue 1976 СNR Hol.inner vg/vg-
Carlsberg LIVE 1980 Dureco Benelux
Earth &Fire Song Of The Marching Children 1971 PolydorHol. g.c. ex/vg+ 1 press
Earth &Fire Song Of The Marching Children 1971 PolydorHol. g.c. 2 press 1
Earth &Fire To The World Of The Future 1975 PolydorHol. 1
Earth &FireGate To Infinity1977 PolydorHol. g.c. inner 1
Earth &FireReality Fills Fantasy1979 Vertigo Hol.inner
Earth &FireSuperstarshine Vol.2 ( comp.) 1972 PolydorHol. 1
Earth & FireIn A State Of Flux 1982 Vertigo Hol. inner
Earth &FireAndromeda Girl 1981 Vertigo Hol.inner 1
EkseptionTrinity 1973 Philips Hol. g.c. 1
EkseptionSame 1969Philips Hol3
EkseptionSame( compil) 1969Philips Hol ( from first two album ) 1
EkseptionPast And Present (compil.)1977 Fontana Germ.
Ekseption51972Philips Holg.c.
EkseptionBeggar Julia's Time Trip 1970 Philips Holg.c.
Focus Moving Waves ( II + compilation) 1973 Imperial Hol. 2 LP g.c.vg+
Focus At TheRainboy (live.) 1973 Imperial Hol. g.c. ex/vg 2
Focus Hamburger Concert 1974 Atco yellow USA. nm/ex 1
Focus 3 1972 Sire USA 2 LP g.c. different cover
Focus Mother Focus 1975 PolydorHol.
Focus Mother Focus 1975 Atco USA
Focus Con Proby 1977 EMI-Bovema Hol.
Focus Ship Of Memories 1976 EMI-BovemaHol.
Focus In And Out Of Focus (1970) 1973 Sire SAS 7404 USA . different cover
Focus In And Out Of Focus 1970 Imperial black Hol. 1
Focus In And Out Of Focus 1971 Imperial orange Hol. 1
Focus In And Out Of Focus 1971 Az France
Flavium NoKiddin’ 1979Polydor. Hol.
Golden Earring Eight Miles High 1969 Polydor Medium Hol.vg clean 1
Golden Earring Eight Miles High 197?Polydor Medium Hol.vg+ clean
Golden Earring Seven Tears 1971 PolydorHol.g.c.book origin issue vg+ 2
Golden EarringSame 1970Polydor Medium Hol. g.c.vg+/ g clean 2
Golden Earring Miracle Mirror 1968 PolydorHoll.
Golden EarringMoontan 1973 PolydorHoll.g.c.
Golden EarringTo The Hilt 1976 PolydorHoll.g.c. inner1
Golden Earring To The Hilt 1976 MCA Canada insert
Golden EarringTo The Hilt 1976 MCA USA
Golden Earring Prisoner Of The Night 1980 PolydorHoll. inner
Golden Earring Cut 1982 21 records Hol. insert ex/vg 2
Golden Earring Best Of….1968-72 1972Karussell gold Germ. ex/nm-
Golden EarringSwith 1975 PolydorHol.insert 2
Golden Earring Switch 1975 Track USA inner insert 1
Golden Earring The Hole 1986 21 rec. Hol.unnerg.c. 2
Golden Earring N.E.W.S.1984 21 rec. Hol.unner 1
Golden Earring No Promises…No Debts 1979 PolydorHol. insert 1
Golden Earring Crab It A Second 1978 PolydorHol. 2
Golden Earring Live 1977 PolydorHol. 2 LP g.c.
Golden EarringGr.Hits 1968 Polydor Special 1236228 Hol. re
Golden EarringGr.Hits 1968 Polydor 1236228 Hol. later re.
Golden Earring Contraband 1976 PolydorHol.insert 1
Golden Earring Winter Harvest 1967 PolydorHol later reissue
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance( ex- Q 65, ex-Cuby& Blizzards) Shpritsz 1978 AriolaHoll. insert
KazLuxLuxary 1979 CNR Hol.inner 1
Kayak Starlight Dancer 1977 Vertigo Hol. vg+ 2
Kayak Starlight Dancer 1977 Janus USA inner differ.cover vg+/ex 2
Kayak Phantom Of The Night 1979 Janus USA insert vg+ differ.cover 2
Kayak Phantom Of The Night 1979 Vertigo Hol. 1
Kayak Royal Bed Bouncer 1975 Janus USAg.c.
Kayak Royal Bed Bouncer 1975 EMI Hol.g.c.
Kayak See SeeThe Sun 1973 EMI-BovemaHol.Insert 1
Kayak Eyewitness 1981 Vertigo Hol. inner
Maywood Same 1980 CBS Hol. 2
Maywood Colour My Rainbow 1982 EMIHol.inner 1
Maywood Different Worlds 1981 EMI Holl.inner
Mai Tai 1 Touch 2 Much 1986 Injection Holl.
Partner On Second Thoughts 1979 Philips Holl.insert 1
Partner A Man – Size Job Requires A Man – Size Meal1979 Philips Holl.insert
Partner The Sky Is The Limit 1980 Philips Holl.insert
Pussycat First Of All 1976 EMI – BovemaHol
Pussycat Wet Day In September 1978 EMI Sweden
Pussycat Wet Day In September 1978 EMI Holl.
Pussycat Blue Light 1981 EMI Hol. inner
Pussycat Souvenirs 1977EMI – BovemaHolg.c.
Shocking Blue At Home 1969 Pink Elephant Hol. 888 001 g.c. vg+
Shocking Blue At Home 1969 Pink Elephant D 108/7 Hol. vg+ different tracklist (songs Venus & Mighty Joe) & single cover
Shocking BlueSame ( American version At Home ) 1970 Colossus CS 1000 different cover &trackliststill sealed
Shocking Blue Same ( comp.) 197? CNR Hol.ex 1
Shocking Blue Inkpot 1972 Pink Elephant Hol. ex/vg+ 1
Shocking BlueGr.Hits 1973 CNR Hol. vg+ 2
Shocking BlueGr.Hits 1973 CFE Spain
Shocking Blue Sensational 1969 Discofon Hol.vg+ clean 2
Shocking Blue Attila 1972 Az France vg+
Sweet D’Buster Same 1976 Ariola-Bubble Hol. vg+/ex
Sweet D’Buster Shot Into The Blue 1979 AriolaHol. inner vg+
Sweet D’Buster Friction 1978 AriolaHol. inner (bad) ex/vg+ clean 1
Sandy Coast Same 1971 PolydorHol.g.c. vg- 2
SandyCoast Terreno 1981 ANR rec.Hol. inner 1
Sandy Coast Stone Wall 1973 PolydorHol.
Sandy Coast Superstarshine Vol.12 ( comp.) 1972 PolydorHol.
Sandy Coast Golden Greats Of…. 1979 BovemaNegramHol.
Spin Same 1976 AriolaHol. inner vg+/vg clean
SupersisterPudding And Gisteren 1972 PolydorHoll. origin cover
SupersisterPudding And Gisteren 1972 PolydorHoll. inner re.
SupersisterIskander 1973PolydorHoll. g.c. insert
Sweet Smoke Just A Poke 1970EMI ColumbiaHol.
Solution Best Of… 1983 CBS Hol.
TransisterZigZag 1979 AriolaHol.inner nm/vg clean 1
Teach In Same 1979 CNR Hol. 2
Teach InSee The Sun 1977NegramHol. 2
Teach In Roll Along 1974 CNR Hol. 3
Teach In Festival 1975 CNR Holl. 1
Teach In Festival 1975 CNR Holl. different cover
Tee-Set Tee-Set Forever 1969 TSR Holl.
Tee-Set Ma Belle Amie1970 Colossus USA g.c.
Various Artists Top Of The Pops 1970 PolydorHol.
( Golden Earring, Earth & Fire, Shoes, Airport, Machine, Amsterdam, Casey…).
Various Artists Dutch Pop Giants 1970 Philips Hol.
(Ekseption, Cuby+Blizzards, Motions, Oskar Benton Blues Band, Rob Hoeke& B Group, De Bintangs ). 1
Davis Miles MilesIn The Sky (1968) 1982 CBS Hol. replace
http://www.discogs.com/Miles-Davis-Mile ... se/1325682
Nina Simone A Portrait Of Nina Simone 1974 Festival France 2 LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Nina-Simone-A-Po ... ase/637054
Nina Simone Sings The Blues 1971 RCA International Camden blue
http://www.discogs.com/Nina-Simone-Nina ... se/2210077
Nina Simone My Baby Just Cares For Me 1988 Sound Hol.
http://www.discogs.com/Nina-Simone-My-B ... ase/584104
Nina Simone Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood 1969 Fontana International 858 049 FPY Hol.
http://www.discogs.com/Nina-Simone-Dont ... se/1270237
VariousArtists – Blue Note Live At The Roxy 1976 Blue Note USA 2 LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Various-Blue-Not ... se/1382907
Various Artists Blues In Concert - Groove Giants 1975Groove MerchantUSA 2 LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Various-Blues-In ... se/3413971
Coltrane John Quartet Coltrane (1962) 1972 Impulse! AS-21 g.c.replace
Dorsey Jimmy Big Band Series 1980 Piccadilly USA
Goodman Benny The Complete B.GoodmanVol.III 1936 1976 Bluebird USA 2 LP g.c.
Sonny Rollins QuartetStuttgart 1963 Concert 1963 Jazz Connoisseur JC 106 Italy
Sonny Rollins Trio & Max Roach Quintet Graz 1963 Concert 1966 Jazz Connoisseur JC 108 Italy replace
Simone Nina Attention! ( comp.)1974 Fontana 6430032 Germ.
Simone Nina NuffSaid 1968 RCA Germ. 1
Simone Nina Baltimor 1978 CTI Hol. g.c.
Simone Nina & Here Trio Folksy Nina ( 1964) 1970 ArtoneHol.
Simone Nina At Town Hall (1959) 196? Colpix PCX 123
Smith Bessie Any Woman’s Blues1970 CBS Hol. 2 LP g.c.
Waller FatsThe Complete F.WallerVol.I 1934-1935 1975 Bluebird USA 2 LP g.c.
Various Artists The Story Of The Blues Vol.2
1970 CBS 66232Hol. 2 LP g.c. details see next link –
http://991.com/Buy/ProductInformation.a ... Friendly=1
Various Artists AcidJazz:Jazz 1991 Acid Jazz UK
http://www.discogs.com/Various-Acid-Jaz ... ase/446632
Various Artists The great Names In Modern Jazz 1965 Atlantic 412013 red plum France replace
http://www.cdandlp.com/en/various-artis ... 116517236/
Armstrong Louis Memorial 1971 CBS 68247 Hol. 2LP g.c. ex/nm
Armstrong LouisSatchmo 1928-30 1962 Decca DL 4330 black-multicolor mono USA
Ahmad JamalJamal Play Jamal 1974 20th Century Fox T-459 USA ex
Ahmad JamalRossiterRoad 1986 Atlantic 81645 USA
AsmussenSvendThe Fiddling Viking 1958 Columbia CL-1175 mono six eye promo (DJ) USA ex
Al JarreauGlow 1976 Reprise USA
Brown Clifford The Beginning And The End 1973 Columbia C 32284 USA ex+
Brubeck Dave Gone With The Wind 1969 CBS 52703 green Hol. vg+
Brubeck Dave The Light In The Wilderness 1968 Decca 7202 gold USA 2 LP g.c. vg+/ex+
Brubeck Dave And Jay & Kai At Newport 1956 Columbia CL 932 USA vg+ 3
Brubeck Dave & Stan Getz Jazz Summit 1972 Vogue DP.13 France 2 LP g.c. nm
Brubeck Dave Trio ( feat. Cal Tjader) Same 1962 Fantasy 3331 mono USA vg/nm-
Brubeck Dave Quartet Jazz Goes To Junior College 1957 Columbia CL 1034 USA vg+
Brubeck Dave Quartet Gone With The Wind 1959 Columbia CL 1347 USA vg/vg+
Brubeck Dave QuartetBossa Nova 1962 Columbia CS 8798 USA vg/vg+
Brubeck Dave Quartet Jazz Impressions Of Japan 1964 Columbia CS 9012 360 sound black USA
Brubeck Dave Quartet& Paul Desmond Quartet & Cal TjaderSame 1964Crown CST 288 USA
Brubeck Dave QuartetAtStoryville: 1954 1954 Philips BBL 7018 UK
Barbieri Gato Tropico 1978 A&M R 120549 ( SP 4710) USA
BarbieriGatoRuby,Ruby 1977 A&M SP-4655 USA inner ex
Benson George Good King Bad 1975 CTI 6062 USA g.c. 1
Bernstein Leonard What Is Jazz 1956 Columbia CL 919 six eye USA
Barnes EddieSoftly,Softly Jazz 196? DOT DLP 3041 USA
Boyer Guy Chopin New Time 1962 Epic LN 24226 white promo USA
Coltrane John Quartet Coltrane Legacy 1971 Atlantic SD 1553 broadway vg+ 1
Coltrane John Quartet Coltrane 1962 Impulse! AS-21 g.c. origin vg+
Coltrane John His Greatest Years vol.2 1972 ABC-Impulsewhite promo AS 9223 2 LP g.c. USA
Coltrane John Alternate Jakes 1974Atlantic USA
Coltrane John Black Pearls 1973 Prestige Hol.
Coltrane John Black Pearls 1973 Prestige USA 2 LP g.c.
Coltrane John Wheelin 1977 Prestige USA2 LP g.c.
Clarke Stanley Same 1974 Nemperor rec. USA ex
Carr Joyce Same 1981 Audiophil AP 148 USA
Chick Corea, HerbieHancock,Keith Jarrett & McCoy Tyner Same 1976 Atlantic SD 1696 USA inner
Chick CoreaThree Quartets 1981 WB 56908 Hol.
Chick CoreaThe Leprechaun 1976 Polydor 2391217 Germ. insert
Chick CoreaBefore Forever 1978 Quintessence Jazz Series QJ-25011 USA
Chick CoreaSong Of Singing 1977 Solid State Japan
Crawford Hank Help Me Make It Through The Night 1972 Kudu KU-06 ex
Davis Miles Classics 1975 CBS 88138 Holland 2 LP g.c. vg+
Davis Miles Porgy And Bess 1958 Columbia 6 eyes CL 1274 USA vg+
Davis Miles Same 1972 Prestige 24001 USA 2 LP g.c.
Davis Miles Tallest Trees 1972 Prestige 24012 USA 2 LP g.c.
Davis Miles MilesIn The Sky (1968) 1982 CBS Hol.
Dorsey Jimmy Big Band Series 1980 Piccadilly USA
Ellington Duke The Everlastin 196? Vernon VM 502 USA
Ellington Duke Indigos 1958 Columbia CL-1085 mono vg+
Ellington Duke Hi-Fi Uptown 1956 COLUMBIA CL-830 mono six eyes vg+ (40)
Earl Klugh Finger Paintings 1977 Blue Note BN-LA737-H ex 1
Earl KlughLiving Inside Your Love 1976 Blue Note BN-LA 667- G USA inner
Earl “ Fathe” Hines The Essential (1957) 1974 Olimpic rec. USA
Ferguson Maynard New Vintage 1977 Columbia JC 34971 USA
Ferguson Maynard 61/Si,Si,M.F.1972 Roulette RE 122 white promo USA 2 LP g.c.
Griffin Johnny Big Soul 197? Milestone M-47014 USA 2 Lpg.c. vg+ ex
Glenn Miller Orchestra In The Digital Mood 1983 GRP A-1002 Finland inner vg+/ex
Garner Erroll& Maxwell Davis Trio 1964 Crown rec. CLP 5404 USA 1
Garner Erroll Other Voices 1957 Columbia CL 1014 six eyes USA (30)
GarnerErroll Soliloquy 1957 Columbia CL-1060 six eyes USA ex (30) 1
GrusinDave Night – Lines 1984 GRP A-1006 USA inner
Goodman Benny The Complete B.GoodmanVol.III 1936 1976 Bluebird USA 2 LP g.c.
Heywood Eddie The Touch Of Eddie Heywood 1957 RCA Victor LPM-1466 USA vg+
Herman Woody Same 1973 Everest Archive Of Folk & Jazz FS-281 USA ex
Herman Woody King Kobra 1976 Fantasy F-9499 USA ex
Jobim Antonio Carlos Terra Brasilis 1980 WB Lps.2002713 Venezuela 2 LP g.c. vg+/ex+
Jobim Antonio Carlos El Maravilloso Mundo De A.Jobim 197? WB Spain
James Harry Jazz Session 1955 Columbia CL-669 mono six eyes USA vg+ (40) 1
LateefYusefThe Doctor Is In…And Out 1976 Atlantic SD 1685 USA vg+/ex
LaurindoAlmeida Reverie For Spanish Guitars 1964 Capitol P 8571 black rainbow USA
Mendes Sergio & Brasil 77 Love Music 1973 Bell USA
Mendes Sergio & Brasil’66 Look Around 1968 A& M brown USA
Mendes Sergio & Brasil’66 Introducing…1969 A&M UK
Mendes Sergio &Brasil’66 Fool On The Hill 1968 A&M origin g.c. UK
Michel Legrand Vienna Holiday 1955 Columbia CL-706 mono six eyes USA vg+ (25)
Michel LegrandThe New I Love Paris 1959 Columbia CL-1640 six eyes USA 1
Michel LegrandSame 1981 WEA France insert
Mauriat Paul & His Orchestra Plays Standards 196?Bel Air 30 PA 7078 France vg+
McLaughlin, Di Meola, & De LuciaPasion Grace & Fire 1983 Philips 832172 (811334) Holland re. vg+
Muligan Gerry & Baker ChetMuligan/ Baker 1972 Prestige 24016 USA 2 LP g.c. vg+
MJQ WithLaurindoAlmedia Collaboration 1964 Atlantic 1429 plum/red USA nm/ex
Mangione Chuck70 Miles Young 1982 A&M AMLH 64911 USA inner
Mingus Charles Me My Self An Eye 1979 Atlantic ATL 50571 Germ. inner
Olsson Mats Swedish Brass 1966 RCA black top dog LSP 3684 USA
Parker Charlie One Night In Birdland 1977 CBS 88250 mono Holland 2 LP g.c.ex/nm/ex
Parker Charlie Bird At The Roost 1985 Savoy Jazz SJL 2259 USA 2 LP g.c. vg+/nm-
Parker Charlie Broadcast Performances 1948-49 vol.2 1973 ESP-Bird-2 USA
Parker Charlie On Dial Vol.3 1972 Spotlite 103 USA ex/nm
Parker Charlie Bird Is Free 1961 Charlie Parker PLP-401 USA ex (12e)
Peterson Oscar Jazz History vol.6 1962 Verve 2332011 Germany 2 LP g.c. vg+ /nm-
Previn Andre Like Love 1960 Columbia CS 8233 USA vg+ 1
Rollins Sonny Rollins1972 Prestige PR 24004 Holland 2 LP g.c.vg+/ex
Rollins Sonny The Alternative Rollins 1981 RCA orange jazz line PL 43268 France 2 LP. g.c.
Rollins Sonny Don’t Stop The Carnival 1978 Milestone M-55005 USA 2 LP g.c.defect cover
Rollins Sonny Green Dolphin Street 1978 Quintessence Jazz Series QJ-25181 USA
Rollins Sonny Alternate Takes 1986 Contemporary rec. 68629 France
Rollins Sonny Freedom Suite Plus 1973 Milestone USA 2 LP g.c.
Rollins Sonny Trio & Max Roach Quintet Graz 1963 Concert 1966 Jazz Connoisseur JC 108 Italy
Sonny Rollins QuartetStuttgart 1963 Concert 1963 Jazz Connoisseur JC 106 Italy
Shearing George Here& Now 1965 Capitol black rainbow T-2372 USA 2
ShearingGeorge Quintet Satin Brass 1960 Capitol black rainbow T-1326 mono USA
Shearing George Quintet When Lights Are Low 1955 MGM E-3264 (yellow & black label) USA vg+ (30)
Shaw Artie The Best Of …1975 RCA orange ANL1-1089 (e) USA
Tjader Cal Warm Wave 1964 Verve MAS 90714 USA mono g.c. vg-
Tyner McCoy Passion Dance 1979 Milestone M-9091 USA nm-
UrbaniakMichael Ecstasy 1978 Marlin 2221 USA nm
Vaughan Sarah Solo Impact 19?? Alto rec. AL 712 bootleg
Vaughan Sarah After Hours 1961 Emus ES-12025 USA
Vaughan Sarah Same 1968 Archive Of Folk MusicFS 250 USA
Walter Wanderley TrioCheganca 1966 Verve V-8676 USA g.c. nm
Walter Wanderley Rain Forest 1966 Verve V6-8658 black USA
Washington Grover,Jr. Live At The Bijou 1977 Kudu KX-3637 USA 2 LP g.c. e/ex/vg 1
Washington Grover,Jr. Reed Seed 1978 Motown M7-910R1 USA vg+
Washington Grover,Jr. A Secret Place 1976 Kudu KU-32S1 USA 1
Washington Grover,Jr. Feels So Good 1975 Kudu KU-24S1 USA
Winding Kai Modern Country 1964 Verve V-8602 black USA (15)
Winding Kai More Jazz 1959 Palace PST 803 USA
Winding Kai Same 1963 Verve V-8556 black USA ex (25)
Witherspoon Jimmy A Blue Point Of View 1966 Verve V-5007 blue USA (20)
Waller FatsThe Complete F.WallerVol.I 1934-1935 1975 Bluebird USA 2 LP g.c.
Various ArtistsBossa Jazz 1974 Verve 18015 Mexico vg/ex- ( Getz, Montgomery,Wanderley,Tjader)
Various Artists 1959 Monterey Jazz Festival 1970 Everest Archive Of Folk & Jazz FS-239 USA (Whtherspoon,Hawkins,Herman,Eldrige,Websterets.)
Various Artists Definitive Jazz Scene Vol.1 1964 Impulse A-100 mono USA 2 LP g.c. ( Duke Ellington&Coleman Hawkins, Count Basie, Ben Webster, Terry Gibbs, Shirley Scott, John Coltrane, Shelly Manne, McCoy Tyner,
Charles Mingus,Clark Terry )
Various Artists Definitive Jazz Scene Vol.2 1964 Impulse A-100 mono USA 2 LP g.c. ( Ray Charles, Shirley Scott, Lionel Hampton, Oliver Nelson, J.J. Johnson, John Coltrane, McCoy Tyner, Manny Albam, Manny Albam )
Various Artists Definitive Jazz Scene Vol.3 1964 Impulse A-100 mono USA 2 LP g.c.( John Coltrane, Chico Hamilton, Elvin Jones, Oliver Nelson, Shirley Scott, Archie Shepp, McCoy Tyner, Russian Jazz Quartet )
Various Artists The great Names In Modern Jazz 1965 Atlantic 412013 red plum France replace
http://www.cdandlp.com/en/various-artis ... 116517236/
VariousArtists – Blue Note Live At The Roxy 1976 Blue Note USA 2 LP g.c.
http://www.discogs.com/Various-Blue-Not ... se/1382907
Various Artists AcidJazz:Jazz 1991 Acid Jazz UK
H o l l a n d G r o u p s
Arkus 1914 1981 ArcusHol. vg+/ex
Alquin Best Kept Secret 1976 PolydorHol. g.c. vg+ 3
AlquinMountain Queen 1973 Polydorg.c. 3
Alquin Marks 1972 Polydor g.c.
AlquinNobody Can Wait Forever 1975 Polydorg.c.
AlquinCrash 1977Polydorg.c. 2 LP g.c.
Akkerman Jan Same 1977 Atlantic
Akkerman Jan &KazLuxTransparental 1980 AriolaHol.inner
Brainbox To You 1972 Imperial 2 LP g.c. vg+/vg 2
Brainbox Best Of… 1973 Imperial re.Hol.vg/vg- 1
Brainbox Same 1976 EMI-BovemaHol. ex 1
Brainbox Same 1976 BovemaNegramHol. ex
Brainbox Same 1971 Imperial orig. Hol.ex-/vg 1 press
Brainbox Same 1971 Imperial orig. Hol.ex-/vg 2 press 1
C.C.C.Inc. To Our Grandchildren 1971 Imperial Hol. insert vg+
C.C.C.Inc. To Our Grandchildren & Watching The Evening Sun 1975 EMI Hol. 2 LP g.c. vg+
Cuby+BlizzardsCuby’s Blues ( the best of Cuby ) 1969 Philips Hol. box 2 LP insert vg+ clean box double
Cuby+BlizzardsAfscheids Concert 1974 Philips Hol. mono insert vg+/vg 1
Cuby+Blizzards Live 1981 HepHol. 3
Cuby+Blizzards Live 1969 Philips PHS 600 307 USA
Cuby+Blizzards Kid Blue 1976 СNR Hol.inner vg/vg-
Carlsberg LIVE 1980 Dureco Benelux
Earth & Fire Song Of The Marching Children 1971 PolydorHol. g.c. ex/vg+ 1 press
Earth & Fire Song Of The Marching Children 1971 PolydorHol. g.c. 2 press 1
Earth &Fire The Story Of E.& F. 1969-76 Polydor vg+/ex
Earth &Fire To The World Of The Future 1975 PolydorHol. 1
Earth & FireGate To Infinity1977 PolydorHol. g.c. inner 1
Earth &FireReality Fills Fantasy1979 Vertigo Hol.inner
Earth & FireSuperstarshine Vol.2 ( comp.) 1972 PolydorHol. 1
Earth & FireIn A State Of Flux 1982 Vertigo Hol. inner
Earth & FireAndromeda Girl 1981 Vertigo Hol.inner 1
EkseptionTrinity 1973 Philips Hol. g.c. 1
EkseptionSame 1969Philips Hol3
EkseptionSame( compil) 1969Philips Hol ( from first two album ) 1
EkseptionPast And Present (compil.)1977 Fontana Germ.
Ekseption51972Philips Holg.c.
EkseptionSame 1969Philips Hol
EkseptionBeggar Julia's Time Trip 1970 Philips Holg.c.
Focus Moving Waves ( II + compilation) 1973 Imperial Hol. 2 LP g.c. vg+
Focus At The Rainboy (live.) 1973 Imperial Hol. g.c. ex/vg 2
Focus Hamburger Concert 1974 Atco yellow USA. nm/ex 1
Focus 3 1972 Sire USA 2 LP g.c. different cover
Focus 3 1972 Imperial Holl. 2 LP g.c.
Focus Mother Focus 1975 PolydorHol.
Focus Mother Focus 1975 Atco USA
Focus Con Proby 1977 EMI-Bovema Hol.
Focus Ship Of Memories 1976 EMI-BovemaHol.
Focus In And Out Of Focus (1970) 1973 Sire SAS 7404 USA . different cover
Focus In And Out Of Focus 1970 Imperial black Hol. 1
Focus In And Out Of Focus 1971 Imperial orange Hol. 1
Focus In And Out Of Focus 1971 Az France
Focus Hamburger Concert 1974PolydorHol.g.c.
Flavium NoKiddin’ 1979Polydor. Hol.
Flavium Closer To You 1983 Polydor. Hol.
Golden Earring Eight Miles High 1969 Polydor Medium Hol. vg clean 1
Golden Earring Eight Miles High 197? Polydor Medium Hol. vg+ clean
Golden Earring Seven Tears 1971 PolydorHol.g.c.book vg+/vg clean later reissue
Golden Earring Seven Tears 1971 PolydorHol.g.c.book origin issue vg+ 2
Golden Earring Same 1970 Polydor Medium Hol. g.c. vg+/ g clean 2
Golden Earring Miracle Mirror 1968 PolydorHoll.
Golden EarringMoontan 1973 PolydorHoll.g.c.inner
Golden EarringMoontan 1973 PolydorHoll.g.c.
Golden Earring To The Hilt 1976 PolydorHoll.g.c. inner1
Golden Earring To The Hilt 1976 MCA Canada insert
Golden EarringTo The Hilt 1976 MCA USA
Golden Earring Prisoner Of The Night 1980 PolydorHoll. inner
Golden Earring Cut 1982 21 records Hol. insert ex/vg 2
Golden Earring Best Of….1968-72 1972 Karussell gold Germ. ex/nm-
Golden Earring Together 1972 PolydorHol, g.c. .
Golden EarringSwith 1975 PolydorHol.insert 2
Golden Earring Switch 1975 Track USA inner insert 1
Golden Earring The Hole 1986 21 rec. Hol.unnerg.c. 2
Golden Earring N.E.W.S.1984 21 rec. Hol.unner 1
Golden Earring No Promises…No Debts 1979 PolydorHol. insert 1
Golden Earring Crab It A Second 1978 PolydorHol. 2
Golden Earring Live 1977 PolydorHol. 2 LP g.c.
Golden EarringGr.Hits 1968 Polydor Special 1236228 Hol. re
Golden EarringGr.Hits 1968 Polydor 1236228 Hol. later re.
Golden Earring Contraband 1976 PolydorHol.insert 1
Golden Earring Winter Harvest 1967 PolydorHol later reissue
Herman Brood & His Wild Romance( ex- Q 65, ex-Cuby& Blizzards) Shpritsz 1978 AriolaHoll. insert
Kaz LuxLuxary 1979 CNR Hol.inner 1
KazLux Distance 1978 Asylum Hol. insert
Kayak Starlight Dancer 1977 Vertigo Hol. vg+ 2
Kayak Starlight Dancer 1977 Janus USA inner differ.cover vg+/ex 2
Kayak Periscope Life 1980 Vertigo Germ. insert ex
Kayak Periscope Life 1980 Vertigo Hol.
Kayak Phantom Of The Night 1979 JanusUSA insert vg+ differ.cover 2
Kayak Phantom Of The Night 1979 Vertigo Hol. 1
Kayak Royal Bed Bouncer 1975 Janus USAg.c.
Kayak Royal Bed Bouncer 1975 EMI Hol.g.c.
Kayak See SeeThe Sun 1973 EMI-BovemaHol.Insert 1
Kayak Eyewitness 1981 Vertigo Hol. inner
Maywood Same 1980 CBS Hol. 2
Maywood Colour My Rainbow 1982 EMIHol.inner 1
Maywood Different Worlds 1981 EMI Holl.inner
Mai Tai 1 Touch 2 Much 1986 Injection Holl.
Partner On Second Thoughts 1979 Philips Holl.insert 1
Partner A Man – Size Job Requires A Man – Size Meal1979 Philips Holl.insert
Partner The Sky Is The Limit 1980 Philips Holl.insert
Pussycat First Of All 1976 EMI – BovemaHol
Pussycat Wet Day In September 1978 EMI Sweden
Pussycat Wet Day In September 1978 EMI Holl.
Pussycat Blue Light 1981 EMI Hol. inner
Pussycat Souvenirs 1977EMI – BovemaHolg.c.
Shocking Blue At Home 1969 Pink Elephant Hol. 888 001 g.c. vg+
Shocking Blue At Home 1969 Pink Elephant D 108/7 Hol. vg+ different tracklist (songs Venus & Mighty Joe) & single cover
Shocking BlueSame ( American version At Home ) 1970 Colossus CS 1000 different cover &trackliststill sealed
Shocking Blue Same ( comp.) 197? CNR Hol.ex 1
Shocking Blue Inkpot 1972 Pink Elephant Hol. ex/vg+ 1
Shocking BlueGr.Hits 1973 CNR Hol. vg+ 2
Shocking BlueGr.Hits 1973 CFE Spain
Shocking Blue Sensational 1969 Discofon Hol.vg+ clean 2
Shocking Blue Same (comp.) 1971 Pink Elephant Hol. vg+ 1
Shocking Blue Attila 1972 Az France vg+
Shocking Blue Scorpio’s Dance 1970 Pink Elephant PE 877002 Holl. g.c.
Sweet D’Buster Same 1976 Ariola-Bubble Hol. vg+/ex
Sweet D’Buster Shot Into The Blue 1979 AriolaHol. inner vg+
Sweet D’Buster Friction 1978 AriolaHol. inner (bad) ex/vg+ clean 1
Sandy Coast Same 1971 PolydorHol.g.c. vg- 2
Sandy Coast Terreno 1981 ANR rec.Hol. inner 1
Sandy Coast Stone Wall 1973 PolydorHol.
Sandy Coast Superstarshine Vol.12 ( comp.) 1972 PolydorHol.
Sandy Coast Golden Greats Of…. 1979 BovemaNegramHol.
Spin Same 1976 AriolaHol. inner vg+/vg clean
SupersisterPudding And Gisteren 1972 PolydorHoll. origin cover
SupersisterPudding And Gisteren 1972 PolydorHoll. inner re.
SupersisterIskander 1973 PolydorHoll. g.c. insert
Sweet Smoke Just A Poke 1970EMI ColumbiaHol.
Solution Best Of… 1983 CBS Hol.
TransisterZigZag 1979 AriolaHol. inner nm/vg clean 1
Teach In Same 1979 CNR Hol. 2
Teach InSee The Sun 1977 NegramHol. 2
Teach In Roll Along 1974 CNR Hol. 3
Teach In Festival 1975 CNR Holl. 1
Teach In Festival 1975 CNR Holl. different cover
Teach In Get On Board 1975 CNR Holl.
Tee-Set Tee-Set Forever 1969 TSR Holl.
Tee-Set Ma Belle Amie1970 Colossus USA g.c.
Various Artists Top Of The Pops 1970 PolydorHol.
( Golden Earring, Earth & Fire, Shoes, Airport, Machine, Amsterdam, Casey…).
Various Artists Dutch Pop Giants 1970 Philips Hol.
(Ekseption, Cuby+Blizzards, Motions, Oskar Benton Blues Band, Rob Hoeke& B Group, De Bintangs ). 1
B e a t l e s
White Album 1968 Apple SWBO-101 subsidiary #cover A2350889 USA 2LPg.c. vg+
White Album 1968 Apple SWBO-101 mfd.by Apple USA 2LP g.c. vg+
White Album 1968 Apple 5C 192-04174 Holland 2LP g.c. top open
White Album 1968 Apple 5C 192-04174 Holland 2LP g.c. all inserts
White Album 1968 Apple 1C 192-04174 Germ. 2LP g.c. only cover
White Album 1987 Apple PCS 7067 re.DMM UK 2 LP g.c. bar code m/nm all inserts
White Album 1968 Apple 3C 162-04173-4 Italy 2 lpg.c.
White Album 1968 ApplePCS 7067 UK all inserts # 0120976 top open g.c. ex
https://www.discogs.com/The-Beatles-The ... se/7949991
Let It Be 1970 Apple AR 34001 USA g.c.vg+ 2
Let It Be 1970 Apple 1A 06204433 Hol. reissue 1976
Let It Be 1970 Apple 5A 06204433 Hol. reissue 1976
Let It Be1970 Apple 1A 06204433 EEC reissue 1986
Let It Be 1970 Apple PCS 7096 UK
Let It Be…naked 2003 Apple 0724359543802 EEC g.c. book + single nm
At The Hollywood Bowl 1977 Capitol SMAS -11638 USA origin g.c. ex/vg+
Magical Mystery Tour 1971 Apple SMAL 2835 side1 mfd.by apple USA g.c book ex/vg+
Magical Mystery Tour 1967 Capitol SMAL 2835 USAg.c w/o book
Revolver 1976 Capitol SW 2576 purple USA vg+/vg
Revolver 1988Parlophone PCS 7009 UK re. two EMI box bar code m/nm
Revolver 1978Parlophone 1A 064-04097Hol.
Rubber Soul 1965 Parlophone PMC 1267 black yellow mono UK vg+
Rubber Soul 1965ParlophonePMC 1267 UK
https://www.discogs.com/Beatles-Rubber- ... se/4787653
Hey Jude 1970 Apple cover SW 385 vinyl SO 385 Beatles Again side2 mfd.by apple USA ex
With The Beatles 1963 Parlophone PCS 3045 ( 1A 06204181 ) EEC reissue 1986
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 Сapitol SMAS 2653 black rainbow subsidiaryUSAg.c. insert vg/vg-
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1976 Сapitol vinyl - SMAS 2653 orange / cover - SMAL 2653 USA g.c. insert ex
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1976 Сapitol SMAS 2653 orange USAg.c. vg+
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1987 Parlophone PCS 7027 UK re. two EMI box bar code g.c. insert vg
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 СapitolMAS 2653 black rainbow USAg.c. inner insert vg/vg-
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 Сapitol SMAS 2653 black rainbow USAg.c. inner insert ex
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 Parlophone PCS 7027Hol. g.c.
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1986 Parlophone1C 06204177 EEC insert g.c.
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1986 Parlophone5C 06204177Hol. insertg.c.
Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 198? Parlophone PCS 7027 UKg.c.all inserts
https://www.discogs.com/The-Beatles-Sgt ... ase/499497
Beatles’65 1964 Capitol T 2228 black rainbow USA vg+/vg 2 ex
Beatles’65 1964 Capitol T 2228 black rainbow USA diff. label text
Beatles for Sale197?Parlophone1A 062 04200 Hol. g.c.
Beatles for Sale 1964 Parlophone PCS 3062 France g.c.
Abbey Road 1969 Apple 5C 06204243 Holland w/o her majesty vg+/vg-
Abbey Road 1969 Apple SO 383 side2 mfd.by apple her majesty USA vg+
Abbey Road 1969 Apple SO 383 side2 captollogo her majesty USA vg+/vg
Abbey Road 1969 Odeon J 062-04243 Spain
Abbey Road 1995 Apple – CapitolC1 0777 7 46446 1 7 USA limited edition
1962-1966 1973 Capitol SKBO 3403 red lable Canada 2 LP g.c. inserts vg+/vg
1962-1966 1973 Apple Hol. 5c184 0530708 2 LP g.c.
1967-1970 1978 Apple 1C 184 05310 Germ. 2 LP g.c.
Yellow Submarine 1969 Apple SW 153 side2captol logo USA ex
Beatles Greatest 1967 Odeon OMHS 3001 Holland ex/vg+ 1 press 1
Beatles Greatest 1967 Odeon OMHS 3001 Holland ex/vg+ re.
Second Album 1964 Apple T 2080 all right USA vg+
Help! 1981 Parlophone PCS 3071 UK re. two EMI box bar code m/nm
Help!1981 Parlophone1C 06204257 Hol.
Help!1981 Parlophone PCS 3071 Hol.
Help!1965Odeon blue 1c 062-04257n only record + cover UK PMC 1255
Love Song 1977Capital SKBL 11711 USA 2 LP g.c. inners book
Love Song 1977 Parlophone 5c 152-06560/61 Holland 2 LP g.c. ex/ex/vg+
Love Song 1977 Parlophone 1c 152-06560/61 Holland 2 LP g.c. 1
Meet The Beatles 1964 Capitol T 2047 USA second press vg+/vg 1
Meet The Beatles 1964 Capitol ST 2047 black rainbow USA ex-
Please Please Me 1986 Parlophone1C 06204219 EEC
A Hard Day’s Night 1964 UA UAL 3366 ( I cry instead) USA nm/vg+ 1
A Hard Day’s Night 1964 UA UAS 6366 USA
A Hard Day’s Night 1964Parlophone PMC 1230 black yellow mono UK2
The Historic Fist Live Recordings 1980 Pickwick PTP-2098 USA 2 LP g.c. ex/vg+/ex
The Beatles Feat.Tony Sheridan 1976 (1962) Contour CN 2007 UK ex
The Beatles LIVE At The Star –Club In Hamburg1982 SAAR Italy HIS 10982 2 LP g.c.
20 Grootste Hits 1982 Parlophone EEC inner
A Collection Of Beatles Oldies … 1966 Parlophone red !!!!!!!!! PCS 7016 Hol.rare
A Collection Of Beatles Oldies …(1966) 1982Odeon Hol. 1A 038-1575451
Rock’n’Roll Music 1976 Parlophone 5c 178-06137/8 Holland 2 LP g.c.
D e m o J a z z
Alex Band Zderzenie Mysli 1979 Tonpress SX-T 2 vg/vg+ cl.
Asocjacja Hagaw Please 1986 Muza SX 2223 vg+
-----//--- & Andrzej Rosiewicz 1971 Muza SXL 0699 g.c. vg/ex
Akumula-Tores Extra Ball 1983 Pronit PSJ-127 vg/nm
Bednarek–Zgrai Walking Colour 1981 Pronit PSJ-96 vg/ex cl.
Dudek Irek #1 1985 Polton LPP-022 vg+
Sztywny Pal Azji Europa I Azja 1988 Wifon LP 131 ex/vg+
Komeda Krzysztof Same 1 1976 Poljazz Z-SXL 0558 re. ex
-------------//-------------------2 --------//---------------- 0559 re. ex/m
-------------//-------------------3 ---------//--------------- 0560 re. ex/m
Kurylewicz Andrzej Muzyka Kameralna II 1989 Poljazz PSJ 255
Kisielewski & Tomaszewski Play Favourite Melodies 1967 Pronit SXL 0464 vg+
Marek & Vacek Live 1980 Wifon LP 021 ex 1 vg/ex 3 ex/m
--------//----------- Spectrum 1976 Angelo Germ. g.c. vg/ex
-----//-----Utwory Romantyczne 1981 Veriton SXV-835 vg+/ex
-----//------ Concert Hits 1973 Horzu SHZE 374 Germ. ex+
-----//-------- Again Pronit PLP 0019 vg+/nm 1
Makowicz Adam Winter Flowers 1978 Supraphon 1151987 ex clean
Not Much Noise Same 1978 Poljazz ZSX-0691 vg/ex (8) $
Namyslowski Zbigniew Follow Your Kite 1980 Muza SX 2303 vg/ex (10) 1 nm
-----------//----------------- Same 1978 Muza SX 1493 yellow vg/ex 1vg+/nm black 1vg+ red 1vg+/ex yel
Namyslowski Zbigniew Kwartet & Debora Brown Double Trouble! 1989 Poljazz PSJ 253 vg+ (20) 1 nm
Novi Singers Five,Four,Three 1974 Muza SX 1120 red vg/vg+
-------//------- Torpedo 1970 Muza SXL 0657 red ex- cl.
---//---- & Aleksander Mazur Quartet 1975 Muza SX 1297 red vg 1 vg+/ex
----//----- Pay Tribute 1986 Muza SX 2306 ex 1 nm
----//---- Sing Chopin 1971 Muza SXL 0755 red ex/nm 1
Sadowski Krzysztof Swing Party 1979 Muza SX 1796 yellow re. -/ex 1 ex 1 nm
String Connection Same (live) 1984 Polton LPP-008 nm/m
------//--------------- New Romantic Expectation 1983 Pronit PSJ 126 vg+/ex cl. 1
Sojka Stanislaw Same 1987 Muza SX 2560 ex/m
Scieranski Krzystof Bass Line 1983 Pronit PSJ-119 vg/ex cl.
Szczurek Witold Basspace 1984 Pronit PSJ-130 re. vg/ex cl.
1 nm
Sami Swoi Ach! Jak Przyjemnie 1976 Muza SX 1353 blue vg+/ex 1 ex/nm
-------//------ Same 1979 Poljazz Z-SX0704 red nm/m
Stanko Tomasz Same 1982 Pronit PSJ-112 vg+/nm
Wegehaupt Zbigniew Sake 1984 PSJ-129 nm 35zl
Wroblewski Jan Skleroptak 1976 Pronit Z-SX-680 re. vg+/ex
-------//------ New Presentation 1983 Poljazz PSJ-128 vg/vg+ 1 vg/nm
-------//------- Sprzedawcy Glonow 1974 Muza red SX 1141 vg+ clean
Various Artists Chalturnik 1977 Muza red SX 1406 vg/vg-
( Wroblewski,Szukalski,Muniak,Rodowicz).
-------//--------- Grand Standard Opchestra 1982 Poljazz PSJ-98 (Wroblewski,Szukalski,Muniak,Karolak,Stanko)vg+/ex1 vg+/nm
-----//-----Jazz Jamboree 69 1969 Muza blue XL 0563 mono ex
----//--------------//----------- 72 1973 Muza red SXL 0929 vg/vg+ 1 vg/ex clean 1ex
-----//------- ------//----------- 76 vol.2 1977 Muza red SX 1455 ex clean 1 nm
-------//----------- 75 vol.1 1975 Muza red SX 1339 vg+ clean 2
---------//------ 76 vol.1 1977 Muza red SX 1454 vg/ex 1 ex/nm
--------//------------77 vol.2 1978 Muza red SX 1551 vg/ex
------------//---------78 1978 Muza red SX 1611 vg+ 2 nm
---------//----------- 75 vol.2 1975 Muza red SX 1340 vg+/nm-
Polish Jazz vol.1 1964 Muza blue XL 0236 mono vg+
-------//----------- 4 1965 --------//-------- 0258 ---//-----vg+/ex 1
-------//----------- 7 1966 --------//-------- 0309 ---//---- vg+ clean
simple cover russian version
-------//----------- 29 1972 Muza red SXL 0841 vg+ 2 clean
--//--30 1972 Muza blue SXL 0842 vg/vg+ clean problem place
-----//------ 33 1973 ----//------ 0952 vg+/ex
------//---- 37 1974---//-- SX 1033 vg+/ex clean 1
-----//---------------//--------- red -------------//--------------
------//----- 38 1974 ----//----- SXL 1070 vg+/nm clean
------//----- 40 1974----//-- blue SXL 1139 vg/vg+
------//------ 41 1974 Muza red SX 1182 nm
------//------ 49 1977 -----//------------ 1418 ex/vg-
------//----- 51 1977 ---//--- red SXL 1479 ex/nm
------//----- 54 1978 Muza white SX 1616 vg+/ex 1 nm
------//----- 56 1978 ------//-- red SX 1695 vg+ 1 nm
-----//------ 57 1978 ---//------------ 1771 ex/nm
-----//----- 59 1979 Muza white SX 1795 nm/ex insert
-----//------ 60 1979 ---//---- black SX 1831 vg/nm 1
------//------ 61 1981 Muza red SX 1941 nm/ex
-----//------ 65 1986 Muza SX 2365 -/nm simple cover 1
-----//------- 66 1986 -------//----- 2402 nm/ex clean
-----//----- 67 1987 Muza SX 2403 ex/nm
-----//--- 69 1987 --//-- 2405 -/ex simple cover clean 1cov.nm
----//---- 72 1987 --//--- 2525 nm
Manfred Schoof Orchestrer Same 1984 Amiga blue 856060 nm
Pascal Von Wroblewski Swinging Pool 1986 Amiga blue 856215 vg+ clean
Hannes Zerbe-Blech Band Same 1984 Amiga blue 856043 vg/ex
Various Artists Internationales Dixieland Festival – Dresden’801980 Amiga red 855777 nm/ex clean ( Eld Meadow Ramblers – DDR,Stokstad/Jansen Traditional Band – Norvege, Bob Wallis And His Storyville Jazzman
– UK,Blue Note Seven – Austria,Novi Traditional – CSSR,Fessor’s Big City Band – Danmark,Jazz Makers Berlin – DDR,Harlem Sound – Swiss,Harlem Blues And Jazz Band – USA) 1 vg/ex
----//------ Internationales Dixieland Festival Dresden83/84
1984 Amiga blue 856068 nm- (Plattners Jazz Corporation- Austria, Traditional Jazz Band Resita – Romania, Traditional D’Woschbratt Band – Swiss,Harbour Jazz Band – Holland, Six Sound – W.Germany,Budapester Ragtime Band – Hungary,Bourbon Jazz Band – DDR,Gold Washboard – Poland,Allotria Jazz Band – W.Germany,Kid’s New Orleans Band – Danmark).
---//---Traditional Jazz Studio Nr.1 1966 Amiga mono 2 colour 850031 vg-/vg+ clean (Jazz-Optimisten-Berlin,New Orleans Stompers,Jazz-Band Halle ets.)
-----//------Dixie Party 1979 Amiga red 855650 nm/vg+ clean
(Jazz-Collegium Berlin,Tower-Jazz-Band,Papa Binnes Jazz Band)
Various Artists Jazzbuhne Berlin’83 1984 Amiga blue 856035 nm (Yosuke Yamashita Quartet,John Surman/Karin Krog,Trio Bruninghaus-Stockhousen-Studer,Hannibal Marvin Peterson Quartet,Han Benninck/Conrad Bauer,Wolfgang Fiedler Sextet).
H u n g a r y
Binder Quintet ( featuring John Tcnicai) Same 1983 Krem SLPX 17759 vg+
Gonda Janos Solo Piano 1980 Pepita SLPX 17597 ex/nm
Molnar Dixieland Band Same 1978 Pepita SLPX 17520 nm/ex clean
Lakatos Tony And His Friend Same 1983 Krem SLPX 17817 ex 1 ex/nm
Szabados Trio Adyton 1983 Krem SLPX 17724 nm/ex-
Various Artists Modern Jazz VII.Anthology 68 1969 Qualiton LPX 17392 triple fold cover ex-
B u l g a r I a
Lubomir Denev Jazz Trio And Petko Tomanov Same 1979
Balkanton white BTA 10449 vg+
White,Green, And Reds Same 1979 Balkanton red BTA 10359 ex/vg+ 1 m/ex
Y u g o s l a v I a
Markovic – Gut Sextet Same 1980 RTB 2120429 vg+ clean
C z e с h o s l o v a k I a
Binge Ronald & His Orchestra Summer Rain 1973 Supraphon 11131385 vg+/g
Classic Jazz Collegium Ellingtonia 1983 Supraphon 11153110 ex clean
Deczi Laco & Dvorak Zdenek Duo 1982 -----//-----3114 ex
Dasek Rudolf Dialogues 1979 --------//-----2533 nm/vg+ 1 nm
------//----Jazz On Six Strings 1971 ----//---- 0843 vg+/ex/g 1nm
Dezo Ursiny-Ivan Strpka Na Ceste Domov 1987 Opus 91131870 vg+/nm
David Michal Nenapovidej 1982 Supraphon 11133346 nm/vg+
Gustav Brom Orchestra Maynard & Gustav 1970 ---//---0716
vg+ clean
-----//-- & Sonia Salvis Send For Me 1971 ----//-----1130990 ex
George & Beatovens Kolotoc Svet 1970 Panton 11 0203 ex/g
Hubse Vaclav Orchestr Jaro Prislo K Nam 1977 ---//---1132249 ex/nm clean
Hala Karel Toci Se Svet 1978 ------//-------1909 ex/nm
Havlik Ferdinand Swing Band Same 1982 ------//-------3130 ex/vg+
Juri Stiven & Co.Jazz System Five Hits In A Row 1974 ---//--
1151229 ex
Juri Stiven & Dasek Rudolf Tandem 1976 ---//-----1799 nm-
Kroky Frantiska Janecka To Se Oslavi 1985 ---//---11133869
Karel Krautgartner Orchestra Same 1965 ---//---SUA 15659 mono g.c. vg- russian version clean
Karel Vlach Orchestra Sentimental Jorney 1974 Supraphon 1131587 nm
Lipa Peter Moanin 1983 Opus 91151461 vg+ clean
Mahagon Same 1978 Supraphon 1152145 vg+ clean
Malaska Jiri Romanticky Klavir 1974 Panton 110423 g.c. ex/vg+
Nicholas Albert & Traditional Jazz Studio Albert’s Blues 1974 Supraphon 1151420 ex 1 1 nm
Offerman Gustav A Jeho Solisti Same 1978 Opus 91130677 vg- clean
Offerman Gustav Sunny Day 1974 -----//-------0354 vg+/ex
Olmerova Eva Jazz Feeling 1969 Supraphon SUA ST 55976 ex clean
------//---- & Traditional Jazz Studio Same 1973 --//-- 1151419 ex/nm
Orchestru Studio Brno Navstevni Den 1981 ---//---11132794 ex/vg+
Plavci Otvirame Plovarnu 1980 Panton 81130177 ex
---//--- Same 1973 Panton 110386 insert ex/ex- clean
Prague Dixiland Band Same 1965 Supraphon SUA 15649 mono insert vg+ clean ?
Prague Big Band (Milan Svoboda) Reminisences 1980 --//----
1115 2605 nm/vg clean 1 m/vg+ 1 ex/vg+
Polish-Czech Big Band & Milan Svoboda Interjazz 5 1985
Supraphon 11153969 nm/ex 2 m/nm
Slovacek Felix & Ladislav Staidl Orchestr Melodie Z Ceskych Filmu 1975 Supraphon 11131716 vg+
--------//--------- IV 1978 Supraphon 11132246 vg/ex- 1 nm/ex
Traditional Jazz Studio Same 1967 ---//----SUA ST 55830 vg+ russian version clean
--------//----------- & Jony Scott Bumerang 1978 ---//---11152417 nm/ex-
-------//--------- Joe “ King” Oliver 1970 ---//----1150794 silver –blue vg+
----//----Ozveny A Vyznani/Echoes And Confessions 1987 ---//-----11154247 nm
Velebny Karel & SHQ Parnas 1981 ---//---------- 2878 ex- 1 nm 1 ex
(S+H)Q + Friends Same 1965 -----//----- SUA 15721 g.c. vg+ russian version clean
Zahradnik Vaclav East All Stars Band Interjazz 1971 ----//----1150999 ex/vg+ clean 1 nm
-----//------- & Prague Television Orchestra East West Connection 1987 Panton 810779-1 ex clean
Various Artists Bratislava Jazz Days’85 1986 Opus 91151810-11 2 LP g.c. vg/vg- clean
----//----- Jazz In Csechoslovakia (7th Of Best Czechoslovak Groups) 1966 Supraphon SUA 15724 g.c. vg-/vg+ clean 1 ex
-----//------ Ragtime 1977 ----//----1115 1965 ex 1
Hilario Duran & Instrumental Orquesta Egrem Habana 9 P.M. 1979 Areito orange LD 3820 ex-
Grupo De Experimentacion Sonora Icaic Granma 1974 Areito orange LD 3450 vg+ clean
Jorge Reyes Pocito 11 1983 Areiti light blue LD 4086 ex/ex-
Joe Cuba Sextette The Exciting Musidisc 196? CV 991 France nm-
Irakere Tierra En Trance 1985 Areiti light blue LD 4224 vg+
--------------------//---------------------------- yellow-----//---- vg+ problem plase 5 min
-----//-----Same 1982 Areito dark blue LD 4018 vg+ clean 1 ex
-----//---- volumen1 Seleccion De Exitos 1973-78 1980 Areito dark blue LD 4003 vg+ clean
Dizzy Gillespie Y Gonzalo Rubalcaba En Vivo 1985 Areito pink LD 4272 ex-/nm
-----//------------ And Arturo Sandoval In Helsinki To A Finland Station 1983 Pablo 2310-889 vg+ clean 1
Orquesta Aragon Bailables De Cuba 1969 Areito very dark blue LDA 3372 vg+ clean
Noneto Cubano De Jazz Jazz Cuba 1964 Areite 2 clour LPA 1011 vg+ clean
Sandoval Arturo Same 1983 Areito pink LD 4082 vg+ clean
------------------//--------------------------- dark blue ---//--- vg+/ex
---------//------------Y Su Grupo Same 1980 Areito orange LD 3998 ex- clean
--------//------------ Songs From Europe 1985 Sound SPH 8807 ex+ clean 1
R o m a n I a
Trio De Jazz (Guido Manusardi) Same 1966 Electrecord EDE 0476 mono vg/ex 1